Gotland Julesnus

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  • Dave***t
    • Aug 2006
    • 104

    Gotland Julesnus

    Just checked the northerner site and seen there's a christmas snus available.

    Anyone tried it, or have any idea what flavours are used?
  • FatLip
    • Oct 2006
    • 31

    Out of stock!!!

    Ordered some last week along with Roda, Lucky Strike white portions and a Kardus to try (my first attempt at loosesnus). The JulSnus is out of stock and will ship later, so they say, so at least they will be getting some more (real soon, I hope).


    • TBonehawk

      I first read about Julesnus a couple of months ago on the Gotlandssnus website (, and couldn't wait to try it since I really enjoy Gotland Grey. I was afraid I'd have to pay the exorbitant shipping costs at to be able to try Julesnus because they were the only one carrying it, but since Northerner got it in, I placed an order. I ordered a can each of Julesnus loose, Roda Lacket, and Goteborg's Rape' - all loose. I'm excited to try out this flavored trio! Will post info/review on Julesnus when it arrives.



      • Dave***t
        • Aug 2006
        • 104

        Nice one I realised after I'd posted that I was down to my last can in the fridge, so I stuck a can of Julesnus on to my order today too. So it's just down to the annoying part now - waiting for the damn stuff to arrive!

        Let us know what you think...


        • FatLip
          • Oct 2006
          • 31

          Got my JuleSnus and just tried a portion. It has a 'mulled' flavour - juniper etc. hard to pin down actually, but a nice herb/flowery flavour that is mild and tasteful. Highly recommended for the festive season


          • mwood72

            Nice Snus! Feel it tastes the same as Fatlip thought. Very pleasant.


            • Dave***t
              • Aug 2006
              • 104

              Well, having ordered 10 days ago I've still not received my Julesnus, so Notherner won't be benefitting from my orders in future :evil:

              However I'm glad to hear it's good stuff, I just hope I get the chance to agree with you soon!


              • moisty
                • Jun 2006
                • 38

                I had a similar problem, ordered last friday, apparently all in stock so should have been sent out on monday, well they didn't bother til wednesday which is too late for post at christmas!

                Shame , they used to be so much better than this....


                • mwood72

                  The Xmas Snus delayed my last order from Northerner too. Had to have some UPSd from BuySnus as I ran out. That was impressive. They sent it on the Wednesday afternoon and I had my roll of General the following morning


                  • Dave***t
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 104

                    Well, I got my Julesnus in the end, on the 2nd of January. It's spent 2 weeks in the postal system and will have to go in the bin

                    Roll on next year so I can actually try the bloody stuff, haha!


                    • bilmaga
                      New Member
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 3

                      Originally posted by mwood72
                      The Xmas Snus delayed my last order from Northerner too.
                      When I order from northerner, if some of the order is not in stock, they ship what they do have. Thats wierd that they delay your whole order?


                      • mwood72

                        Originally posted by Dave***t
                        Well, I got my Julesnus in the end, on the 2nd of January. It's spent 2 weeks in the postal system and will have to go in the bin

                        Roll on next year so I can actually try the bloody stuff, haha!
                        That sucks....I know how hard it is to bin Snus that gets delayed in the post


                        • TBonehawk

                          Never posted my review of this snus. Hmmm. Well, first of all I really liked it. I had this sent to my folks' house over Xmas break along with tins of Roda and Rape' loose, going for a sort of spicy snoose sampler. I had my first pris of this on Xmas Day. It tasted of nutmeg, and perhaps some clove, and vague citrus notes. My first impression when I smelled it was of Egg Nog, but not in the creamy, eggy noggy, thick way. It wasn't as spongy as Gottland's Grey (an excellent anis-flavored snus, but not overbearing), which made it easier to compress into a pyramid. It went nicely with Glenlivet. The tin lasted me a while - I just finished it last week - so I would certainly not recommend it as a daily use snus. I mixed it in every now and again and it was a nice treat.



                          • Craig de Tering
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 525

                            Originally posted by TBonehawk
                            I had my first pris of this on Xmas Day. [......]
                            The tin lasted me a while - I just finished it last week -
                            You kept a can of lössnus open for one full month?? How did you prevent it from drying out? Did you repack it in a plastic bag and re-freeze it again and again?


                            • TBonehawk

                              To keep it fresh so long, I keep it in the refrigerator. I form my pris, and it goes back into the cold right away (unless I'm out, of course). At home in Iowa, I keep the tins I have in rotation on my windowsill between the outer window and the inner one (storm windows). It keeps them very cool and fresh and within reach right next to my desk! Sure, that's not so effective in the Summer, but in the Fall and Winter, when it's 0 to -20 Celsius outside, that windowsill is perfect.
                              I have had a few tins get dry toward the end - I put a few drops of water or Scotch in them and keep them in the cold. The whiskey gives a nice taste, but not too strong. Good as new - almost!
                              I hear Bourbon is nice as well, but any more, I don't spend time with my old friend Jim Beam as much as I used to.


                              p.s. My one roll mix loose pack from Buysnus:
                              3 Goteborg's Prima Fint
                              2 Roda Lacket
                              3 Gustavus Original (Blue)
                              1 Grov
                              1 LD Gold
                              (+ 1 Nick and Johnny loose)

                              * also ordered Roda Portion (heard it tastes a bit different from loose) and LD Black portion.

                              p.p.s. I can't complain. Not a bad haul since I've only tried Roda out of the bunch. I've got a lip of Gustavus in now and it's not bad. I ordered Monday afternoon and it apparently shipped the same day, which I found shocking given the time difference. It arrived this morning, Saturday, with the mail.


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