Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
Nordströmmen Christmas Snus
Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!hello you guy´s/girl´s we reely want you to test this jule snus and compare it to our GOTLANDSSNUS JULESNUS THE ORIGINAL since 2003.
As tradition it will be available from first of advent
early marry x-mas to you from Gotlandssnus
Imagine how boring the world would be if no one tried to create new products based off of a successful original.
I like V2 far more than Gotlands. Will I still buy some of the Gotlands when it comes out? Most definitely!
Which will I like more? Only one way to find out. (though I can probably already answer that question)
Very well possible.
Personally, I lean towards V2. I have yet to use a Gotlands product that I enjoy for more than a few hours before getting sick of it. Jacobssons classic was the only one where I finished more than one can in a fairly short time (about a month for three cans... that is fast for me to finish a gotlands product). I haven't ordered it since.
I will order a can of each of the gotlands version just to try the original, but knowing my personal tastes, I know that I will prefer the V2.
Anyways, as I said in response to Jimmy: I like the fact that there is an option. Some people will like one, others will like the other. Choice is never a bad thing when you are the consumer.
I agree. The V2/Gotlands split seems analogous to the Linux/Mac split - both are outside the megalith of the industry standard and both are different in very different ways. A rare breed of snusaissance man may enjoy them both, but I think for the rest of us it's a one-or-the-other sort of deal. :lol: