This might be one of the last tins left in the world. It sure is good, I wish it sold better :^/
My Last Tin of Diplomat Lös
Ahhhhh Diplomat might have been my favorite brand of all time :< Everything about it was perfect, from taste, to can, to style... it was the Knob Creek of the snus world.
Beats me why they discontinued it... bad move if you ask me, especially compared to their replacement, Retro... although not a bad taste, the can is wigidy whack.
This is my favorite snus.
From the texture to the lingering flavor, it's everything I wanted.
Several months ago, a friend here had many many tins and shipped them off for no cost beyond the shipping.
I have rationed them quite well and have 6 remaining, perfectly stored in the freezer.
This is the only tin I keep.
I would have liked to try Diplomat. Yet, I do not know what I am missing. I do like their replacement, Retro. I love the stuff, it is one of my top three. I am surprised more do not. How is the Retro different from the Diplomat? I hope they do not discontinue more snus. I have lost one of my favorites in the last year, LD Blue. How many more are on the way, maybe Retro?