USB fridge + Snus containers

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  • dy2105
    • Aug 2008
    • 16

    USB fridge + Snus containers

    Would you guys be interested in containers which fit perfectly on the metal section of the USB fridges? Standard Snus containers are too wide to actually rest on the metal portion of the standard USB fridges. I believe if the metal containers themselves actually touch the metal part of the fridges then they will keep the Snus cooler.

    Not too sure of this but I believe that if you stack metal containers on top of each other (so that the bottom container rests perfectly on the metal portion of the fridge) then each container will remain cool enough to make usb fridges practical for holding large amounts of Snus.

    EDIT: This is probably easier than me having to deal with distribution.
    If you go on Ebay or other sites you are looking for:

    Neck 43mm, Height 3cm, Base 4.5cm, Length 4.5cm.

    How do these compare to the USB metal base?
    Well, the metal base is roughly 6.5 cm VS 4.5 cm on these cannisters. I.e. they fit perfectly on top of the metal base of the fridges.

    ...and the average Snus tin Height is 2cm VS 3cm on these canisters. So essentially you make up for some width with some extra height in terms of storage capacity.

    I am waiting to receive my own 4 cannisters which ran me roughly $5/cannister including shipping. Then I will be able to test how well the cannisters stay cool when stacked. I'll let you guys know more then.

    Hope this helps.

  • Matamou
    New Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 8

    I just bought a mini-fridge (not usb) for 3,5€ (yeah, really!! : ) ) from a launch of a tech-store 8) fits perfectly all my snus and, of course, the ultimate companion for snus, CocaCola Zero

    Heres a couple of pics:


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