A Red Letter Evening

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  • frankiethefriend
    New Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 3

    A Red Letter Evening

    I started reading this forum to see if snus was something I'd want to try out, and I just created this account today.

    I've been using snus for about a month now, and I have to say, my life is better because of it. Maybe not better, but something! I've been using portions this whole time, but when I was putting together my last order, I thought it was about time to move up in the world. It's los time!

    I'm about to try out some Skruf stark and I'm really hoping it doesn't knock me out, being a person of my weight.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that this forum is an excellent source of individual reviews and a fun place to read and hang out at. It's really cool to see all the different tastes of people here--really informative!

    So, really, thank you all for introducing me to snus!
  • kendonagaskinny
    New Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 7

    I have to say i completely agree frankie, i haven't been using snus all that long myself (maybe 4 months now) and without being overly dramatic i really do feel its made a difference to my life too.

    I am glad i found this forum when i started out, i learned so much here! I used alot of my time at work reading up! although i got to admit i still find it a little daunting to post, as if anyone would value my opinion :lol:

    It's always nice to read how lovingly people refer to snus, and the passion that people put into their reviews.....just stop me if i'm going too far :wink:


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      No worrys guys. Post away. We're always interested in new perspectives. It's nice to relive being new to snus through others.This is one of the nicest boards I have ever been involved with.
      Just remember TRY EVERYTHING! Even stuff everybody seems to hate. I am one of the few Phantom fans. Heck we even have some Offroad junkies here. :shock:


      • snusbear1
        • Oct 2008
        • 48

        Re: A Red Letter Evening

        Originally posted by frankiethefriend
        . . . I just created this account today. . . . I've been using portions this whole time, but when I was putting together my last order, I thought it was about time to move up in the world. It's los time! . . . I'm about to try out some Skruf stark . . . .
        Welcome to the forum! I agree - it's a great source of information and conversation, from a community of really fine people.

        Congratulations on the decision to try to lössnus! It has many advantages:
        1) it's a better value for the money - you get about twice as much snus in a can of lös as you do in the same-sized can of portion, for the same price (no doubt due to the manufacturer not incurring all the extra costs involved in production of a can of portions).

        2) it feels (at least I find) more comfortable and natural in the mouth than portion; with lös, after a couple of minutes I can barely detect its presence, whereas with portion, I'm always acutely aware of having a teabag under my lip!

        3) the size of your pris of lössnus is completely customizable - if you want a small pris, use a little; if you want a large pris use a lot. With portionsnus, you're stuck with the size of the portion bag used for that particular brand and style.

        4) there is a kind of beautiful simplicity to it - none of this confounding array of options among "original portion/maxi portion/mini portion/white portion/mini white portion." Just choose your brand, how much of it you want, insert, and enjoy!

        5) for me, at least (and this is PURELY subjective, OK?), lös just seems somehow to be a more "authentic" way to enjoy snus. It's just you and the snus, without the experience being "mediated" through a tea bag.

        There are, of course, some disadvantages:
        1) it's not exactly discrete when inserting and discarding.

        2) it may be difficult to drink liquids or hold a conversation while "lössnusing" without experiencing the dreaded "mud mouth avalanche." Experience mitigates this problem.

        3) it requires more effort and practice (whether hand-baking or using a prismaster or icetool) in order to "get it right," compared to portions.

        Many people, such as myself, compromise by using lös at home, and portions when "out and about."

        Best of luck on your lössnus adventure!


        • itchystiches
          • Oct 2007
          • 194

          I think being from the UK you'll understand the analogy when I say loose is to roll-ups as portion is to cigarettes. For me, loose is indeed more satisfying. The whole process of baking etc. just heightens the anticipation. However, as with roll-ups, it's more messy to build a pril, and of course, more messy when you're actually enjoying (if you ever smoked roll-ups for a while you'll know what I mean, the ash seems to get everywhere).

          So, as much as I enjoyed roll-ups when I was a smoker, I always preferred cigarettes just for the ease-of-use, consistent flavor and the overall smoking experience. However, this may be down to mild OCD and general desire to have everything consistent and orderly :P

          Either way, along a similar line... although I do enjoy loose occasionally (and especially if I'm running low on funds ), I tend to find myself buying portions whenever possible.

          Hope you enjoy the loose, it's definitely something different to the portions, and in many ways, a lot more satisfying.


          PS: welcome to the board btw, as I've said before, it really is a great resource thanks to the great members


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I'd almost agree with that, save that I find prefab cigarettes to tase absolutely foul. Rollups, at least with nice, fresh, quality tobacco, have a nice smooth flavour and don't leave the same sort of wretched odour that prefabs do. Anyway, I agree with your general analogy, but I think portions next to loose are nicer than cigs next to rollups.... if that makes any sense :lol:


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              Welcome to the forums! Always great to have a new snuser on board!


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9758

                Howdy Hey......Welcome
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • itchystiches
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 194

                  I can see your point Zero, I would certainly agree most roll-ups taste a hell of a lot better than prefabs from the like of PM, L&M, L&B, B&H etc.

                  However, have you tried Natural American Spirit smokes? They sell them in Tesco in the UK (go for the blue pack - full flavor)... now I'd put these on a par with a good roll-up anyday. They burn very similar too, since their are no burn accelerators or anything like that in them. Check out their website too, www.nascigs.com I think... If you decide to try them, hope you enjoy mate, I really do enjoy one of these every now and again.


                  PS: Their RYO tobacco is pretty damn good also -- get that from Tesco too. Not as good as from a proper tobacconist I dare say, but so so so much better than GV, Drum etc.


                  • sentry103
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 271

                    Welcome to the forums!


                    • gentlemanly
                      Banned Users
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 247

                      Welcome guys,

                      The beauty of the forum is that if someone agrees or disagrees with your posts, they will let you know. Opinions are valued, respected, and responded to...usually. Its true that some are more vocal than others, but again, that's whats great about it, it gives us all a voice on common ground.

                      (I have now removed the boots I use for walking through the deep thoughts)

                      Happy snusing!


                      • snusfather
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 227

                        Welcome to the forum!

                        If I have my druthers, a hand baked pris of los is the only way to go.


                        • holnrew
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 613

                          Originally posted by itchystiches
                          I can see your point Zero, I would certainly agree most roll-ups taste a hell of a lot better than prefabs from the like of PM, L&M, L&B, B&H etc.

                          However, have you tried Natural American Spirit smokes? They sell them in Tesco in the UK (go for the blue pack - full flavor)... now I'd put these on a par with a good roll-up anyday. They burn very similar too, since their are no burn accelerators or anything like that in them. Check out their website too, www.nascigs.com I think... If you decide to try them, hope you enjoy mate, I really do enjoy one of these every now and again.


                          PS: Their RYO tobacco is pretty damn good also -- get that from Tesco too. Not as good as from a proper tobacconist I dare say, but so so so much better than GV, Drum etc.
                          Yes, with my last sojourn with smoking I enjoyed the American Spirit hand rolling tobacco, and the cigarettes. Can only find them in my local tobacconist though so it's kind of pointless when I can get some Auld Kendal Vanilla.

                          The rolling tobacco though is a little dry I find, it burns my lips from about halfway through smoking it, but there does seem to be a lot more in there than other 25g packs.

                          I'd echo the sentiments about loose snus, I just find it infinitely more satisfying and easier on the gums. Portions seem to be more salty.


                          • itchystiches
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 194

                            Auld Kendal is money. You tried the black cherry flavor?

                            I'd agree with you about the dryness... it's not ideal, I think there is some reason it's dryer, it says on the side of the pouch if my memory serves me correctly (which is highly questionable).

                            Which brings me to the point, you mean to tell me Cheltenham hasn't become a 'Tesco town' haha? I'm not sure whether I envy or pity you lol. My hometown of Stafford has practically been monopolized since the new store was build... and they sell every brand of tobacco imaginable ha. Well, all but Auld Kendal of course :P I can't see them branching out into selling tobacco out of candy jars, might not fit their corporate ideals :P



                            • itchystiches
                              • Oct 2007
                              • 194

                              PS: For our American brothers and sisters... Tesco is like a British equivalent of Target... except it leans more towards the grocery side of things and less towards everything else (perhaps sells everything else in the same way Target sells groceries).

                              Infact, I suspect their may be more linkages between the two corporations than I imply here, since Tesco also sells that Cherokee brand of clothing like Target does... maybe a coincidence but the logo is the same so I don't know. Wikipedia doesn't suggest anything mind, not that that's authoritative at all.

