Nick and Johnny

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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Nick and Johnny

    Just trying out my new tin of Nick and Johnny (lös) and it's quite nice. Strong kick and a smooth flavour - pure tobacco with almost a very, very light hint of something caramel, but not nearly enough to make it sweet. Like a vague and distant memory of Probe, but very subtle. The overall taste is much like skruf stark, and I think this feels like Swedish Match's answer to them, finally following Skruf and Gustavus (Strongcut) into the strong snus market. Definitely recommended if curiosity hasn't already made you order a tin. 8)
  • mwood72

    Re: Nick and Johnny

    Originally posted by Zero
    Just trying out my new tin of Nick and Johnny (lös) and it's quite nice. Strong kick and a smooth flavour - pure tobacco with almost a very, very light hint of something caramel, but not nearly enough to make it sweet. Like a vague and distant memory of Probe, but very subtle. The overall taste is much like skruf stark, and I think this feels like Swedish Match's answer to them, finally following Skruf and Gustavus (Strongcut) into the strong snus market. Definitely recommended if curiosity hasn't already made you order a tin. 8)
    Thanks for your review Zero. I was curious about this new Snus when I got a mailshot from BuySnus with it being a new Swedish Match brand (I always seem to go back to the Swedish Match brands, especially General) I've never tried Skruf Stark. The strongest I ever tried was General Onyx which I thought was quite nice but maybe a little too pricey so I went back to General Original. How does the kick compare to General Original?


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      It's strong! Like Skruf Stark or Strongcut - if you're used to general you'd certainly notice it packing a bigger punch.


      • gopherbob
        • Jan 2007
        • 125

        Since you all are talking about stronger nicotine snus... whats the cheapest and strongest snus available? I ask because I'm used to the kick copenhagen gives and while I've completly switched over to snus I would like something that gets closer in power.


        • Dave***t
          • Aug 2006
          • 104

          It appears this new Nick & Johnny (is it just me or does that sound faintly gay?) is a little stronger than others, but of the strongest brands - Skruf Stark, Strongcut and N&J - the latter two are slightly cheaper.


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            I dunno, to me Nick and Johnny sounds less gay and more like a badass 70's cop Starsky and Hutch or something.


            • Craig de Tering
              • Nov 2006
              • 525

              No, Nicholas and John sounds cool. Nick 'n Johnny....dunno
              Then again Johnny Walker...


              • Zero
                • May 2006
                • 1522

                yeah, i guess you have to say it with an american DA, cop-tv-show accent for it to sound cool :lol:


                • gopherbob
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 125

                  sounds like a couple of lonely cowboys to me.


                  • Subtilo
                    • Dec 2006
                    • 524

                    My first thought was - how strange it must sound - the musician Nick Cave and the fact that he's a huge fan of Johnny Cash. But I'm sure that the guys in marketing was thinking about something else ...

                    (Cave & Cash would by the way be a much cooler name and even more 70's-cop-duo-flick-like.)

                    Anyway, gotta try them out. Think I'll have to go to Malmö soon



                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Just noticed that the portion version is labelled :

                      Nick (and Johnny)

                      and has a sketch of, presumably, Nick on the tin while the lös version is labelled :

                      (Nick and) Johnny

                      and has a sketch of, presumably, Johnny on the tin.

            's not like they live in the same tin or anything :lol:

                      The portions are also nice, btw. A nice change for Skruf Stark fans 8)


                      • gopherbob
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 125

                        Nice detective work... I think I will have to try it now.


                        • Craig de Tering
                          • Nov 2006
                          • 525

                          Maybe I'm off but it truly seems this snus is targeted directly towards Norway (and Denmark in the lös' case?) as it says "sterk" on the side instead of "stärk" (which I presume is the swedish equivalent word if I'm not mistaken.

                          Also "sterk" is and means the same in dutch.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Must just be a foreign-labelled tin because my tins of Nick and Johnny say "Stark"


                            • Craig de Tering
                              • Nov 2006
                              • 525

                              So OK, yours says something else than

                              ...*that* "sterk", that correct? (honest question)


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