Nick and Johnny

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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    I think you're definitely right about the grit and sand in snus - there's bound to be some left in there. I mean, I can find grit and sand in half the vegetables at the grocers, I'm sure tobacco is no different.


    • SouthTexas
      • Jan 2007
      • 28

      Hi haven't been here in a while. I have had time to try several different types of snus now and my favorite is the Nick and Johnny loose. I will be ordering it almost exclusively now.

      I enjoyed the snus factory video. That was cool. I also enjoyed the American map. I'm stealing that image to post on another forum. I'm American but am so upset with our president, our government, and the religious fruitcakes that are in abundance here. I have secret fantasies of moving to Canada on a daily basis.



      • Subtilo
        • Dec 2006
        • 524

        Originally posted by SouthTexas
        ... I'm American but am so upset with our president, our government, and the religious fruitcakes that are in abundance here. I have secret fantasies of moving to Canada on a daily basis.
        I hear you. Most of Yurop are being taken over by the same kind of forpulede røvhuller these days. :roll:


        • standfast
          • Mar 2007
          • 39

          Originally posted by SouthTexas
          Hi haven't been here in a while. I have had time to try several different types of snus now and my favorite is the Nick and Johnny loose. I will be ordering it almost exclusively now.

          I enjoyed the snus factory video. That was cool. I also enjoyed the American map. I'm stealing that image to post on another forum. I'm American but am so upset with our president, our government, and the religious fruitcakes that are in abundance here. I have secret fantasies of moving to Canada on a daily basis.


          Yes,but remember the whole world seems to be in a mess,some more then others.

          In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.>Einstein


          • carotevi
            • Mar 2007
            • 64

            Originally posted by standfast
            Originally posted by SouthTexas
            Hi haven't been here in a while. I have had time to try several different types of snus now and my favorite is the Nick and Johnny loose. I will be ordering it almost exclusively now.

            I enjoyed the snus factory video. That was cool. I also enjoyed the American map. I'm stealing that image to post on another forum. I'm American but am so upset with our president, our government, and the religious fruitcakes that are in abundance here. I have secret fantasies of moving to Canada on a daily basis.


            Yes,but remember the whole world seems to be in a mess,some more then others.

            In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.>Einstein

            I agree with you standfast. I work and talk with people all over the world on a daily basis. One thing that I have learned is that everyone and every place has their/its problems. i have one employee that has moved three times to three different counties in the past three years by choice. right now she lives in Malta and likes it but even there she has some complaints. i have a biz partner in Canada and we compare notes every day. while Canada may be a fine country from what i have learned i would not want to live there.

            i love it here in the usa but better yet i love it here in the south usa and better than that i love it here in Alabama because it is home. in the south we have some of the best people you could ever meet.

            one thing i have noticed from others outside the usa is a lot of them say stuff like Americans don't keep up with what other countries do. i personally find that most of them don't really understand much about america unless they have been here. it has its good and its bad points and one of the good points are our people.

            one other thing is our government might suck but yours (almost all of them) does too. our slogan may be "we the people" but heck don't buy into that bs. how if you were personally judged by what moronic things your government does? i am all the time.

            as far as the Canada is better than the usa or the usa is better than Canada argument goes.... heck fire we ain't in high school any more playing football. that argument goes on over the internet all the time.

            i hate politics and had rather talk about the best snus but i had to throw my thoughts into this. sorry for taking up so much space and i did not mean to step on anyones toes if i did.

            One thing that I agree with is usa has the worst dip and swedland has the best snus ;-) man i wish america could win that award haha.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              It's true what you say about there being a lot of good-hearted americans. I just wish they would wake up about how evil their government is and do something about it. I think if 99% of americans actually were aware of what their government has been doing abroad for the past fifty years, they'd be hopping mad!


              • standfast
                • Mar 2007
                • 39

                Originally posted by Zero
                It's true what you say about there being a lot of good-hearted americans. I just wish they would wake up about how evil their government is and do something about it. I think if 99% of americans actually were aware of what their government has been doing abroad for the past fifty years, they'd be hopping mad!


                • Cap'n SnusBeard
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 59

                  I seem to be one of the only people in the world to think that the American government is awesome. It's pretty unapologetically pissing off everyone else on the planet to try and keep its advantage in the world, which is what any government should do, really. It's much more useful than trying to please everyone (yes, Mr. Blair, I'm looking at you), which never works - just look at how long it takes the EU to decide on anything, for an example, and then look at whether that which they've taken so long to decide upon is actually worth anything.

                  Mind you, I'm probably only saying all this because I'm a horrifically cynical misanthrope. :twisted:


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Except it's really just the powerful hegemony at the helm doing all the getting ahead for themselves - the american people are getting the shit end of the stick too, to be honest. Fair enough if you at least support them for what they're actually up to, though, and not what they're so profusely lying about. I can almost see where you're coming from as I'm also torn between liberal socialism and outright misanthropy, but nevertheless, I can't help but recoil just a little bit from the thought of such viciously detached, self-centered megalomaniacs running the entirety of civilisation down the toilet.

                    I mean... Niemöller said it best, he was an anti-semite until the nazis locked him up for eight years :

                    Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
                    habe ich geschwiegen;
                    ich war ja kein Kommunist.

                    Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
                    habe ich geschwiegen;
                    ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.

                    Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
                    habe ich nicht protestiert;
                    ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.

                    Als sie mich holten,
                    gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Hi Zero,

                      in Germany, we learn not to compare the Nazi-regime with anything else and that's the way to go IMHO, though I don't give too much on political correctness otherwise.

                      Martin Niemöller's poem (if you want to leave the Nazi-background aside) is about fighting a dictatorship, while it is still possible, not when it is established and there is no opposition left, that's strong enough to build a resistance. You absolutely cannot compare the current U.S. government with a rising dictatorship, that prosecutes oppositionals or tyrannizes the world.

                      They even do not behave hegemonic, only somewhat paranoid in regards of national security and other countries' oil, to be politically incorrect again.



                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        Well, perhaps that's how it's done in Germany, but I prefer to let history be a teacher and reminder of what not to do. I refuse to let Hitler have some sort of eviler-than-thou status, as though it's impossible for anyone before him or after him to ever be as nasty - that's just not the case and thinking that way, I think, is a bit of a dangerous mindset to put oneself in. It can certainly happen again and, to be fair, the US has been thumbing their nose at all of the UN law that was put in place after the fall of the Nazi regime to stop that sort of thing from ever happening again. Forget the Nazis, even - look at Mussolini's Italy or Stalin's USSR. Albeit in a very different manner, the US is showing all the danger signs of a rising fascist state. I think that should be at least a concern for the world when you look at where the US keeps military bases, which is basically everywhere.

                        consider the trademarks of fascism:

                        Powerful Nationalism
                        Disregard for Human Rights
                        Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
                        Supremacy of the Military
                        Controlled Mass Media
                        Obsession with National Security
                        Religion and Government become intermixed
                        Corporate Power Protected
                        Labor Power is Suppressed
                        Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts, free thinkers, etc
                        Obsession with Crime and Punishment
                        Rampant Corruption
                        Fraudulent Elections

                        Tell me all of those things haven't boomed in the US since the turn of the millenium. Even before then, over the past fifty years or so, the US has been directly involved in overthrowing democratically elected governments in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cyprus, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Syria, Uruguay, and a few others. They've also been directly involved in toppling governments in Afghanistan (in the 1980s), Angola, Cambodia, Cuba, East Timor, Egypt, Ethiopia, the Fiji Islands, Grenada, Haiti, Indonesia (under Sukarno), Jamaica, Lebanon, Libya, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Syria, South Yemen, Venezuela, Western Sahara, and now Iraq. That looks like a bit of hegemony to me. Just because it only gets 30 seconds on the news when it happens doesn't mean it's not going on. Maybe they're not tyrannising Europe, but the second and third worlds have been getting a severely rough play from the US, and none of it for the better of any of the people in those countries.

                        And if that's not enough - consider 9/11 and compare it to the Reichstag fire or the Gleiwitz incident...


                        • carotevi
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 64

                          snus forum? maybe this should be


                          • standfast
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 39

                            Thanks Carotevi it's nice when your hearing bad stuff to see a light shinning on the darkness


                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              Originally posted by carotevi
                              snus forum? maybe this should be
                              To be fair, the US is a great country with a load of great people - just like most places, really. She just has the misfortune of having a few dodgy bastards at the helm from time to time...

                              Right, well...back to N&J, then. I've put my tinfoil hat on - 'nuff said :lol:


                              • carotevi
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 64

                                Originally posted by Zero
                                Originally posted by carotevi
                                snus forum? maybe this should be
                                To be fair, the US is a great country with a load of great people - just like most places, really. She just has the misfortune of having a few dodgy bastards at the helm from time to time...

                                Right, well...back to N&J, then. I've put my tinfoil hat on - 'nuff said :lol:
                                Good going Zero... Just for the record, me and you might agree on more than you think. She's my country and I won't bad mouth her in a snus forum. I won't bad mouth anyones country here. In some politics forum? yea maybe haha.

                                Speaking of N&J..... I think that i am 100% hooked on it. I use it full time now but today I got out some of my old fav snus and used some. It just was not the same at all.

                                Oh yea, I know there are some out there who think using an icetool is sissy or something. But I just love mine. I think my wife thinks that I love it more than her. The other day she caught me holding it and looking at it up close. She made some smart remarks about it but I did not let it get to me haha. I admitted that I have thought about having it engraved with my name in case I lost it haha.

                                Anyone who uses N&J full time, how long does a can last you? One last me 2-3 days. I am surprised it last so long.


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