Another New Snus User

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  • joe broker
    • Nov 2008
    • 54

    Another New Snus User

    I too am new to snus, about 2 months. Started with Camel, now i can't stand it that I've had the real stuff. So far, I like Ettan, Grov, N&J, and I've come around to General. I can't stand the flavored ones except M by Mocca Anis, Roda Lacket, and Catch Licorice. I threw away Catch Eucalyptus, Jakobbsen Fruit Ice, and 1847 (yuck).

    Any reccomendations? I've just ordered Pall Mall, Lucky Strike, Grov Black, Granit Maxi. I tried General Onyxx, but I wonder if I got a bad can, because it was so damn salty. Thoughts?
  • airwoodstock
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2008
    • 340

    Welcome to the forum joe!!!

    General Onyx is typically salty. IMO, salt and citrus are the predominant flavors along with pepper. I'd give Göteborgs Rapé #2 if you're looking for fruity, sweet flavor. Skruf Tranbär is a Cranberry flavored portion snus.

    If you have been hanging around for awhile, you'll know that most of us recommend trying as many as you can and, find the ones you like. I've been using swedish snus for about 6 months and still enjoy ordering different ones!

    Just remember, everyone's tastes are different and, you may taste things that others don't. Just keep trying and have fun with it! We're a pretty frendly bunch here and, will always try to answer any questions!


    • bearcat87
      • Nov 2008
      • 400

      I find that offroad is not as salty but I don't think it is as strong as it should be. You likely will get used to the salt though.


      • Tony
        • Jan 2008
        • 61

        Re: Another New Snus User

        Originally posted by joe broker
        so damn salty.
        Snus is salty! Most people aren't used to having something salty in there upper lip for an extended period of time. I have been using snus for a year now and I typically don't notice the salt, but sometimes I do. It will go away and by then you will also know what you perceive as too salty.


        • snusbear1
          • Oct 2008
          • 48

          I'm assume you're using portions? I find that at least my subjective impression is that lössnus doesn't seem to have the same degree of saltiness and bitterness as portionsnus, but I could be wrong. I use portions only for convenience when I'm out and about; but when I'm at home, it's lössnus all the way! I was reluctant to try lös at first, but now I'm hooked!


          • joe broker
            • Nov 2008
            • 54

            General Onyxx

            I don't mind the salt of Snus, I like it -- I just found it to be overwhelming in the Onyxx. It could be that I was newer at the time, and wasn't ready for it. I loved the tin and the arrangement. I didn't like General Snus at first either, but now I do. Not sure I could handle los at my job, portion is much more subtle and convenient.


            • snusfather
              • Jun 2008
              • 227

              Originally posted by snusbear1
              I'm assume you're using portions? I find that at least my subjective impression is that lössnus doesn't seem to have the same degree of saltiness and bitterness as portionsnus, but I could be wrong. I use portions only for convenience when I'm out and about; but when I'm at home, it's lössnus all the way! I was reluctant to try lös at first, but now I'm hooked!


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Understand, your first month using real Swedish snus, the salt will be very noticeable, but over time, your body acclimates to it and your awareness of it will diminish dramatically. So go back to the Onyx in a month. I suspect you will love it then


                • TheJR
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 57

                  Welcome aboard! :wink:

                  General is gods gift to mankind... FYI.


                  • joe broker
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 54

                    Thanks for the feedback ... I am loving Goteborgs Rape 2 and Claq Qui.


                    • Tony
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 61

                      Re: Another New Snus User

                      Originally posted by joe broker
                      I can't stand the flavored ones except M by Mocca Anis, Roda Lacket, and Catch Licorice.
                      I can't believe I didn't notice this last time. If you like anis/licorice you have to try the following.

                      LD Black; probably the most comfortable portion bag around and it tastes like a very high quality piece of licorice. There is virtually no tobacco taste, this is a dessert snus for me, but must be tried.

                      Gotlands Gra (gray); a very high quality snus with a very herbal anis flavor. I wouldn't call this sweet, just a straight flavor of anis that doesn't hide the excellant tobacco flavor.


                      • spirit72
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 1013

                        Seems that you like the more 'straight' tobacco flavors, so you'll probably enjoy Lucky Strike. If you've ever smoked a pack of Luckies, expect the Lucky taste minus the coughing.

                        I haven't tried Grov Black yet, but from what I hear, if you like Grov you'll like Grov Black.

                        If you like the "General" flavor profile, you'll like Gotlandssnus Yellow even better. Same with Gotlandssnus Gray and Anise flavor. Really, in terms of consistently yummy quality, Gotlandssnus wins the prize with all 3 varieties, in my book. I'd love to see a more 'straight' variety from them--not an Ettan or Grov clone, necessarily, but something in that vein.


                        • mercvrivs
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 484

                          Good point. I find Gotland Gul to be too bitter, but I like the anise. I wish they would come out with a plain flavored tobacco.


                          • Grim
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 850

                            I find I enjoy Gotlands Gul especially more in autum.

                            I actually see the bitterness as the little bite from a very fine scotch or bourbon.

                            I think thats why I love Gotlands, that bitterness seems to give it a charcter and profile unlike any other snus.

                            Its my staple for Los Snus.

                            Seems too many companies try to be SM clones with some of their Los Products.

                            And loving los, even though i cant use it as much as i did before, I get irritated, like most on here, that our choices for Los snus are limited while the portion choices are through the roof.

                            But thats why I love my Gotlands, its a flavor profile that no other snus has and I love it.


                            • jamesstew
                              • May 2008
                              • 1440

                              Mmmm, love my Gul and my Jakobsson's


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