Extra strong snus

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  • Slydel
    • Mar 2008
    • 421

    Extra strong snus

    Anyone know if the extra strong snus is due to the selection of higher nicotine containing tobacco plants/parts or is it from straight nicotine addition from a different source? My gut tells me that it would have to be the former, but I wonder at times how they get double the nicotine. I have read a little about the selection process that would improve the nicotine content, but doubling the nicotine amount seems a bit beyond the normal plant/part selection process. Anyone from the snus manufactures care to comment as well?
  • sentry103
    • Sep 2008
    • 271

    I can't be 100% sure but it would have to be synthesized nicotine. To keep a consistent product it would have to be dehydrated and rehydrated with a consistent water / salt / nicotine / flavoring content. Otherwise every lot would taste different and there could not good consistency within the product.


    • ---Nicotinic Acid---
      • Jul 2008
      • 134

      Most snus is composed largely of stem (this isn't so bad, as the stem has a unique/mellowing taste effect). The sterks are mostly leaf. I think Skruf is 100% whole leaf.

      Extracting nicotine (nicotine is nicorette gum is extracted from the stem) is rather expensive (and wasteful) - I doubt they add extra nicotine. Extracted stem- nicotine is pronated (non-freebased), so it wouldn't do much anyway. I could be wrong.


      • mwood72

        Yes, I tried translating the Skruf Stark ingredients and it comes out to something like "extra strong whole leaf tobacco" I wouldn't fancy my chances of going back to Nicorette 4mg gum if I couldn't get Snus anymore, guess I would start smoking again


        • Asquar
          • Mar 2008
          • 256

          Originally posted by mwood72
          I wouldn't fancy my chances of going back to Nicorette 4mg gum if I couldn't get Snus anymore, guess I would start smoking again
          Are the prices for that crap (Nicorette) as obscene in the UK as they are in the US?


          • KarlvB
            • Feb 2008
            • 681

            Originally posted by Asquar
            Are the prices for that crap (Nicorette) as obscene in the UK as they are in the US?
            Yep. Last time I tried to quit smoking with Nicorette it was priced at roughly the same level as cigarettes - $10 for a box of 30 vs. $8 for a pack of 20s


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              Originally posted by ---Nicotinic Acid---
              I think Skruf is 100% whole leaf.
              It sure is. I cut open a a portion of Skruf Stark and it looks worlds different than Skruf Stark Los. Actually, Skruf Stark portion tobacco doesn't even look like snus! I haven't tried cutting open a portion of General Ekstra Sterk yet... I just can't go through with wasting a portion!


              • RobsanX
                • Aug 2008
                • 2030

                Originally posted by snusjus
                Originally posted by ---Nicotinic Acid---
                I think Skruf is 100% whole leaf.
                It sure is. I cut open a a portion of Skruf Stark and it looks worlds different than Skruf Stark Los. Actually, Skruf Stark portion tobacco doesn't even look like snus! I haven't tried cutting open a portion of General Ekstra Sterk yet... I just can't go through with wasting a portion!
                A bit gross, but you could cut it when you're finished with it...


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