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  • paulwall9
    • Nov 2008
    • 743


    Okay so im tryin to quit smokin and just use the snus and i really need some tips on how to accomplish this task. I like the snus but keep smokin the cigs or hookahs by the end of the day. Id like suggestions and any tips include witch snus brands are best for this and etc. I have 2 packs of newports left and waqnt them to be my last. Also what snus would best replicate and substitue for a menthol cig.

    I appricate any tips, suggestion and/or comments you have to make and again im glad to be a part of this community which is the only one like this in english on the web. lol

    On i happier note I did find out that knoxx and grov snus taste or smell almost like cope and i really enjoyed them. More so the grov. I am looking forward to using the goteborgs rape which i keep seeing everyone rave so much about.

    Lastly ifanyone has an icetool they woulde like to sell or trade for pm me . I have a pris master but my prillas always fall apart way quikerthan hand baked when i use it. 8) [/b]
  • sentry103
    • Sep 2008
    • 271



    As for the quitting smoking, You might not be getting enough vitamin N. I find I have to use the sterk (strong) varieties to get enough nicotine to quell the cig cravings. As for the menthol try eucalyptus or mint. They both have menthol in them. If you use the portions of the minty / mentholy stuff you will probably have to double up on the portions.

    I smoked for about 17 years and around 11-15mg of nicotine is just about right to quell MOST cravings. Don't give up. Snus on!


    • Huskysibe
      • Dec 2007
      • 98

      Bah, dont quit the hookah! I smoke hookah daily and love it.


      • Snusophile
        • May 2008
        • 531

        I smoked menthols (KOOLS) almost exclusively for many years; however, when I started snusing, menthol flavor was really not that important. I guess if you want something tingly, you can try Catch White Eucalyptus, or something by Mocca.


        • justintempler
          • Nov 2008
          • 3090


          The General Wintergreen White Portion would be a good choice since you're are/where a menthol smoker.

          I smoked since I was 14, 52 now. I was up to 3 packs a day
          Smoke free for 2 days so far. Just have a variety of snus so you don't get bored with one, it'll make it easier.


          • paulwall9
            • Nov 2008
            • 743

            thanks guys these are all great answers and im glad to hear that other people are trying to quit to it makes it that much easier :lol:


            • airwoodstock
              Banned Users
              • Aug 2008
              • 340

              Welcome paulwall!!

              I'd definately add a few sterks like sentry suggested. I was a 2+ pack a day smoker for 28 years and have been off the smokes for 4 months thanks to snus.

              The kind to order, on the other hand, depends on a few things:

              1) How long have you been smoking and, how many.

              2) What type of smokes i.e.: Reg., Light, Ultra Light....etc.

              The length of time and type will define the nicotine level you're used to. For example, if you have been smoking for 10 years and, you've been smoking Ultra Lights, you would not want to start with General Ekstra Sterk! IMO, General original, Göteborg's Rapé, Röda Lacket and the "non sterks" would give you enough Vitamine N to forget about the smokes.

              On the other hand, if you're like me and smoked Marlboro Reds and unfiltered Pall Malls for 28 years, the above choices are not strong enough. I used Skruf Stark, General Onyx, General Sterk and Skruf Stark lös to kick the habit. Now that General Ekstra Sterk has hit the market, that would have done it by it's self!!! :shock:

              By my experience, after 2 months of using the Sterks, I was able to get away from using them exclusively and use the normal ones with no withdrawl issues. Actually, Ekstra Sterk and Claq Qui make my head spin! :shock: :lol:

              Sorry for the long post and, fyi, alot of us here are ex-smokers and used snus to quit so, welcome to the club Bud!! we're always here to help!!


              • captncaveman
                • Jul 2008
                • 924

                I am close to 2 months free from smoking. As stated you are not getting enough vitamin N. With the pris master make 2 or even three pris (i usually use 2 skruf stark when i'm jones'n. If you drink stay away form alcohol for awhile (it will pull you back in man). I snus and dip to keep me free from the cigs.


                • auggie
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 84

                  Like a couple have mentioned - a Sterk/strong portion is probably requisite.

                  Another thought is that... well... setting some kind of mandate or absolute requirement to stop smoking might work, but if you backslide and have a smoke, you'll feel completely let down, and think "bah, **** it" and just start smoking again.

                  My advice would be to have a general goal to "smoke less, snus more" for your nicotine.

                  I had huge success when I told myself "Alright, wake up, pop in a couple of sterk portions (for that huge jolt of nicotine!) and then get on with your day." Then, if at lunch, one of my friends had a smoke and I felt like it, I'd have one. If not, then awesome, just another snus portion. Same on the drive home, and in the evening with my roommate, who smokes.

                  As several of the forum members can attest, snussing is easy to fall into if you don't stress out about absolutely stopping smoking.

                  There is a huge attraction to the mere mechanism of smoking: taking a break, going downstairs outside my building, lighting up, chatting with friends, puffing away. In my experience, those habits are just as addicting as the nicotine itself, right? Going outside, or doing whatever it is you do when you usually smoke, but doing it with snus actually makes it easier to break the habit.

                  Also, bringing two tins of snus is sometimes a good idea, since a lot of people enjoy variety. You might find that you don't feel like Onyx, or Probe or whatever you brought that day, so you smoke instead - but if you have another kind of snus, sometimes that's enough to make snussing more satisfying than smoking.

                  Hell, just relax about it - try snussing for a week, see if you feel better, but most importantly, avoid the psychological pitfalls of setting specific and perfect goals for yourself.

                  You'll find that eventually the snus just wins out and you don't need to smoke.

                  Edit: Even if you smoke one or two less cigarettes a day, that's a net gain from a personal health standpoint. Even if the best you can do is to snus while you're at work, but at home the temptation is too much in the morning and night, well, you've just cut out a good portion of smoking that you'd usually have done.


                  • auggie
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 84

                    Ah, and if you can, don't feel bad about "double-bogey'ing" - pop two portions in if you're feeling a nicotine crave coming on. Some people say that that's not classy, but hey, screw them, sometimes you just NEED to double-bogey.


                    • mercvrivs
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 484

                      When I quit smoking, I smoked my last cigarette once I got my snus, popped a big pris of Skruf stark loose (with my prismaster - 2 bucks for a decent tool), and haven't smoked since. Once you get used to it, handbaking is easy and nice for customizing sizes and consistency. I think that if you persevere you'll do fine. Keep snusing and eventually you'll probably like it so much more than smoking that you'll give it up. If not, you're still helping yourself by smoking less.

                      Skruf stark loose and RL loose have high nicotine content. RL is also very easy to handbake.

                      You can also try hillbillying it to get a faster nic hit. Basically take a pinch from the can and stuff it in your upper lip without baking it. Then jam it up with your tongue and leave it there. It will not last as long and will turn to mush, but the nicotine hit is stronger and faster.

                      Good luck! Progress not perfection.


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        I smoked Winston Reds for several years (probably around the same nicotine levels as Newports) and I had to use strong snus to quit smoking. The regular portions were not suppressing my nicotine cravings. I would highly recommend General Ekstra Sterk, since the nicotine level is very high (15mg/portion) and the nicotine kicks in very rapidly (about 3-5 minutes after the portion is set in).


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