New Snuser- couple questions

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  • burningcow422
    • Nov 2008
    • 183

    New Snuser- couple questions

    Hey all. Right now I'm 19 years old and a full time College student. Recent "ex-smoker" (on and off for a good 5 years now) and I used to go through about half a tin to a tin of Copenhagen/Skoal/Grizzly a day along with my smoking habit. FIrst post here btw.

    AAAAnnnyway, after some research and an oral cancer scare (which my lesions and sores turned out to be from my retainer thank goodness) I discovered snus. Ordered some Knox loose, skruf loose, etten portions, lucky strike portions, few others. Really enjoying the knox/skruf though I can't taste any difference and I really like the portions also. The etten portions are just delicious though.

    ALright I'll cut to the chase. I'm leaning towards going loose in my next order. Right now I'm using the palm method and it's working alright but I want to try out a prismaster. But I also discovered this icetool thing but the price really turned me away. Is the icetool really worth the 30+ US dollars versus the prismasters 2 dollars? I've read a lot about both but I'd like a few more opinions on the matter. Any cheaper places to pick up an icetool?

    Long post so just bear with me. Really liking the forum though. Oh, and snus. I still crave a cigarette here and there but I'll end up smoking one and I won't be able to finish it and I feel sorta sick afterwards.

    Thanks for reading.
  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Welcome to the forums.

    Sadly ive enver been able to find a cheap place to buy an icetool, although someone may be willinmg to sell you one on here.

    It does seem a pretty steep price and I believe its not really worth the 40 + bucks but it is very nice to have.

    I use more hand baking than i do with my icetool. Although an icetool pris is uncomparable and very comfortable.

    You could look on ebay and what not but a pris master will give you what you are looking for as far as functionality goes, and hand baking can pick up where the prismaster leaves off.


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      I was turned off by the icetool price too.

      I took a 3cc medical syringe and used a grinder to grind the end off. Voila an improvised 'icetool". I'm not impressed by the difference, I think I'd still rather hand bake. IMO save your $ unless you want a new toy.


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        If you like loose snus, purchase the Icetool. A Prismaster is fine if you're in trial or experimental mode, but it's made of cheap plastic and will not last. The Icetool is built like a tank and will last forever. Plus it makes a far more comfortable and flexibly customizable pris.

        I was initially put off by the price too, but the cost is really only a few days worth of smokes, or a roll of snus, and today I couldn't imagine not having one. I could be wrong, but I doubt that any serious snuser has ever regretted buying one...

        Just my 2... welcome to the forums.


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