the weird taste... the tingly little burn... the incomparable buzz... its all good
omg i'm lovin this
ThereĀ“s nothing better than snus!(there is, but lets say there isn't)
Imagine this scenario:
You wake up in the morning, you realise that you dont have to go to work/school so you can just stay in your comfortable bed for a while.
You suddenly see a round container, reaching for it and you notice its snus.
Open the container and feel the smell of fresh snus.
After that you carefully choose wich snus to take, and then just place it under your lip.
Lay in your bed for another 10-15 minutes and just feel the warmth of snus.
If my english wasnt so crappy, maybe i should become a salesman for snus? :P
just got them this morning - 1st tried northerner energy snus - for the caffeine - liked the taste but not enough nic for me -- next tried skruf original portion - totally awesome -- now working on claq qui - not sure i like the taste but the buzz is ever so lovely
i have a few more to try - next i'll go for the onyx
haven't had a cigarette in at least 4 hrs and feeling very fine - that's a real milestone for me lol
Originally posted by mistyhaven't had a cigarette in at least 4 hrs and feeling very fine - that's a real milestone for me lol
I am still awaiting my claq qui to arrive. Grov Black is very nice.
Congratulations! It really is pretty amazing. I find that I don't want to smoke... ever. I know that if I did: 1. It would taste like stale cardboard, 2. My lungs would feel heavy, and (most importantly) 3. It would mess up my taste buds so I couldn't taste the subtleties of snus. Oh yeah, and 4. Smokes last 5 mins, while a snus lasts up to forty minutes or more.
I love snus.
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