Has anyone tried Klondike snus?

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  • steve155
    New Member
    • Oct 2007
    • 12

    Has anyone tried Klondike snus?

    Just saw and advertisement for Klondike snus in Playboy magazine this month (and yes I only read the articles) and was wondering if anybody has tried it yet. I went to the website advertised (discoversnus.com) and it didn't offer any way to locate retailers.
  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Re: Has anyone tried Klondike snus?

    Originally posted by steve155
    it didn't offer any way to locate retailers.
    I guess there aren't many at the moment. Their FAQ suggest that they prefer to have the product pulled into the market by consumers who ask for it at their local retailers instead of pushing it into selected stores themselves.


    The fastest way to get Klondike will be to ask your local tobacconist to order the product for you, I guess.

    BTW, the prices at the online store that they mention are really horrible and this product, made with
    the latest cutting-edge technology in the U.S.
    (invented in 1822, if I may add this) seems to be another trial to sell some cheaply produced pseudo-snus (no refrigeration needed :shock.



    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      Chainsnuser, from all indications it appears that Klondike is supposed to be and approximation of American dip, albeit made in the same way Swedish snus is. It comes in the form of dip and apparently is flavored similarly in order to appeal to that market. Who knows though, some people may try it and wonder what snus is all about and then arrive here where they can learn a little about the traditional varieties.


      • Grim
        • Jun 2008
        • 850

        I posted some time ago about this.

        You can buy it from the thompson cigar company either through their site or through their catalog.

        General opinion seems to be its American Dip pretending to be snus.

        I had some of the wintergreen and it was overly sweet like american dips tend to be,


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          I would never pay for Klondike, because it's supposed to be overly-sweet pseudo-snus, similarly to Camel and Marlboro snus.


          • perique
            • Sep 2007
            • 75

            Re: Has anyone tried Klondike snus?

            Originally posted by steve155
            Just saw and advertisement for Klondike snus in Playboy magazine this month (and yes I only read the articles) and was wondering if anybody has tried it yet. I went to the website advertised (discoversnus.com) and it didn't offer any way to locate retailers.

            Daves Tobacco, located in West Virginia carries Klondike Snus. It comes in rolls of 5 @ $9.99 per roll. Shipping is a bit steep. I haven't ordered yet but I most likely will. You'll find them listed under moist snuff.



            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              I actually found this stuff at the gas station right by my house. I haven't bought any simply because I have plenty of my favorites already. Apparently it is selling like crap. The display has had the price slashed several times. They are now selling it for $1 per can.

              Maybe I'll pop in today after work and nab a can just for review purposes.


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                "What would you do for a Klondike bar?".....

                Apparently a lot more than for a Klondike snus.


                • joe broker
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 54

                  I found it at a local shop. The regular smelled, tasted like American snuff (which I have never been a fan of) and I didn't like it. Same with wintergreen. I would say that it is indeed American dip masquerading as snus. It's cheap, though -- $1.79 a can.


                  • aj01
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 149


                    Having worked in the tobacco industry in Scandinavia, I can dispel a myth: Snus does not require refrigeration. Snus has an 8-week shelf-life out of a fridge, and a 12-week shelf life in the fridge.

                    When Swedish Match dumped product on the market prior to the excise change in 2007, they "increased" the shelf-life in the fridge to 16 weeks to limit returns according to retailers. Since they also distribute other companies' snus products, all had to follow suit.

                    In Scandinavia, there is limited space in the small tobacco shops for display. A branded fridge guarantees consumer attention and SM primacy in them. Same as a Pepsi cooler in a grocery store. Guaranteed space controlled by Pepsi.


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