the "buzz"

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    the "buzz"

    We hear alot about how quick nicotine tolerance builds, and that a user needs more and more of it to get the same feeling. but is that indefinite?

    right now I use american smokeless, and although I've had to increase portions to feel that "buzz", I can still get it. does tolerance really build forever?

    I speculate that it tops out at some point- what's it like for snus? you long term users still speak of being able to feel something(beyond baseline addiction quelling) with stronger snuses, and I hope that that is the case because for me, a nicotine buzz after coffee is better than feeling buzzed on alcohol.
  • bmwgsa
    • Jul 2008
    • 248

    I've been using snus for just over 3 months and the buzz has lessened quite a bit for me.

    I know that I'm getting my dose of vitamin "N" - but the buzz is a lot less.

    I personally don't care if I get buzzed or not, so long as snus keeps me off cig's - it's all good.


    • Andy1992
      • Oct 2008
      • 76


      i only get a buzz when i pop my first Portion snus in the morning:-)

      i use normal portion snus, and when im at party or getting drunk i use 2 x normal portion snus. i can fell i need a stronger. but won't go higher becouse don't wanna get more adicted.


      • RobsanX
        • Aug 2008
        • 2030

        I usually get the hiccups before I feel any buzz... If anything, a nicotine buzz for me is a feeling of deep relaxation...


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          I sometimes get a slight buzz in the morning because 90% of nicotine in the bloodstream is passed through urine after 8 hours (about how long I sleep per night). The "buzz" is from your body not being adjusted to nicotine like it was throughout the day.


          • Slydel
            • Mar 2008
            • 421

            I suppose the buzz becomes different when you use it too much. I have the best and worst situation. I can not have any tobacco when I am at work. It is forbidden. So, when I get out of work I get a nice buzz with two portions. I have to make up for lost time, no? On the weekends I do not get this enjoyment. I suppose there is a limit on how much nic the body can process and you could go over that limit to get the buzz. But how much would one need? Would you look like a chipmunk? I wish I could liken it to alcohol, but alcohol is metabolized much faster, so anyone can get drunk every night can't they.......? So after writing too much, I think that there is a limit and that you would not get a buzz if you become too accustomed to it, just a big headache. By the way, a good snus buzz with alcohol is the best because the nicotine compliments the alcohol buzz. They are synergistic.


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              Originally posted by Slydel
              I can not have any tobacco when I am at work. It is forbidden.

              :shock: :!: :idea: :roll: :cry:


              How can they tell?

              Can't you use portions?



              • burningcow422
                • Nov 2008
                • 183

                I've barely buzzed off of snus so far but I've cut down my nicotine intake. In the mornings I do though.

                Just use 2-3 portions a day throughout and you'll feel them all. Just don't do it constantly and your tolerence will be low enough so you can feel it.


                • holnrew
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 613

                  I don't seem to get it in the morning, I can't even be sure I get a buzz every day, but when I do it seems to hit me at random times.


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Re: the "buzz"

                    Originally posted by deebocools
                    does tolerance really build forever?
                    No, simply because at some point you're going to poison yourself. Yes in the sense that you indeed need to up the dose constantly to get a buzz.

                    Fortunately (from my experience) you don't need to up the dose to get the typical relaxing nicotine-feeling or to be free of cravings.

                    But the buzz, yeah, it's gone sooner or later. My last heavy nicotine-kick now is about one year ago. I'm not really searching for it and will not scale up my snus-consumption.



                    • deebocools
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 661

                      the buzz is where it's at for me... if this snus doesn't do the trick I'll have to start shooting nic up, or doing enemas or something.

                      part of my increased nicotine intake is due to quitting alcohol, so maybe I'm more of an "abuser" than a user... either way, It's safer to load up my gums with snus than drink like a fish


                      • Pus
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 61

                        Re: buzz

                        Originally posted by Andy1992
                        i only get a buzz when i pop my first Portion snus in the morning:-)
                        This actually happened to me another morning the other day. God how delightful it was, it had been a while since the last time. It was really something, I'd kill for another one.


                        • Slydel
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 421

                          Originally posted by bakerbarber
                          Originally posted by Slydel
                          I can not have any tobacco when I am at work. It is forbidden.

                          :shock: :!: :idea: :roll: :cry:


                          How can they tell?

                          Can't you use portions?

                          I work in a facility that is tobacco free because they make baby food among other things that they do not want contamination. We used to be able to "chew" at the break table but too many people thought it was disgusting and had a hissy fit about it. If you want some nicotine you have to either get in your car and go for a drive or walk across the street to have a smoke. Walking across the street when it is below freezing is crazy! The fact that all of the breaks are short and we wear captive clothing that we have to change out of change back into means a very short break. I would rather have a buzz when I get out of work than deal with this shit.

