My job is in sales. Very seasonal sales. Winter is the worst time, so we tend to be prepared for a couple of months of no unnecessary spending. With my new snus habit I was a bit concerned about placing orders when we were broke. Luckily a few extra bucks showed up and we got all the bills caught up and had some $ to spare. I placed orders with two companies since one didn't carry all I wanted. One order arrived yesterday, one today and I just had to brag a bit. That's not showing the other 12 tins in the freezer and 6-8 open cans.
I think I can make it through til march with only little orders of the basics like General.

Hope this pic works. Now lets see ya'lls stashes.
I think I can make it through til march with only little orders of the basics like General.

Hope this pic works. Now lets see ya'lls stashes.