Snus & smell

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  • ErikL
    New Member
    • May 2008
    • 3

    Snus & smell

    I bought some snus few weeks ago, and while I'm anosmiac (have no sense of smell) my gf says it has a terrible smell. Is there some way or some form of snus which doesn't smell so badly?
  • holnrew
    • Jul 2008
    • 613

    What sort do you have? Can you taste anything?

    Wise make a snus with no flavour or aroma.


    • Drunken Stumblebum
      New Member
      • Nov 2008
      • 9

      Göteborgs Rapé No2 comes to mind.


      • RobME
        • Jul 2008
        • 387

        I don't know how that condition affects your sense of taste, it must to some degree and certainly you've adjusted to it in your own way. That said; Usually the smell of the contents emanating from the 'tin', has little correlation to the taste you'd really get. My bottom line is don't sweat it, just enjoy it if you can. If you can't then don't bother with it. There's always another nicotine delivery method.

        To directly answer your question though, try the Wise products. Your gf will have no problems with them.


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          It may help to know that most girlfriends are going to hate the smell anyway, if not the general idea of the stuff. Right? Or am I generalizing? LOL


          • holnrew
            • Jul 2008
            • 613

            Originally posted by Starcadia
            It may help to know that most girlfriends are going to hate the smell anyway, if not the general idea of the stuff. Right? Or am I generalizing? LOL
            Generalising, yes... Far from the truth, unfortunately not.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              Vin and Kocksnus may be an option too.


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                I will admit, snus has a pretty damned distinct odor that turns most people off, including dippers and chewers. Thankfully, the taste is not similar to the odor. Why does snus smell so odd? I assume it's from the pasteurization of the tobacco?


                • sentry103
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 271

                  We just need a big announcement that says "NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO THE SMELL OF SNUS" although in my experience it always smells better the older it gets. Claq Qui has probably the nicest aroma IMO.


                  • Pus
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 61

                    I guess this comes with time, sure did for me.
                    Although I hate the smell of General, else than that I could live in a snusbox. 8)


                    • snusbear1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 48

                      Originally posted by snusjus
                      I will admit, snus has a pretty damned distinct odor that turns most people off, including dippers and chewers. Thankfully, the taste is not similar to the odor. Why does snus smell so odd? I assume it's from the pasteurization of the tobacco?
                      For most people, the main off-putting aspect of the aroma of snus is the alkaloid substance added to raise the pH of the tobacco so that the nicotine can be absorbed by the lining of your mouth. It has an ammonia-like (some might say "cat piss-like") quality that is very disconcerting to those unaccustomed to snus. But that aroma is really not detected when actually using snus. It's one of those things you get used to. Even to this day, after 30 years of smoking, I LOATHE the smell of a cigarette fresh out the pack; yet when I smoke the cigarette, that particular smell isn't there at all.

                      And, rather oddly, I find that the ammonia smell, as well as the saltiness, are not NEARLY as pronounced with loose snus as with portion. Why?-I don't know. Maybe not so much of these substances has to be added when the tobacco is directly against your lip/gum as when it has to mediated through a "teabag"? Of course, it could just be my subjective impression.


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