Riddle me this Batman

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  • captncaveman
    • Jul 2008
    • 924

    Riddle me this Batman

    I have been neglecting snus till my new arrivals come ( mostly all the new strong editions along with my good old favorites). I've been dipping and snuffing for the last couple of days. I was hurting for a pris so i baked a small prilla (skruf strong) and got a mean buzz. I have been dipping skoal straight and the nic content is 28.8 mg.

    Question is snus just more potent? or if the upper lip more superior in nicotine delivery?
  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Skoal has lower levels of nicotine than other brands (as compared to Copenhagen and Grizzly). Snus has very high levels of nicotine compared to other forms of smokeless tobacco. Actually, the lower lip is more efficient for consuming nicotine, since there is more mucus membrane to consume nicotine. If you really want a nicotine buzz, try the relatively new Grizzly Snuff (extremely fine graded tobacco, almost like snus). I heard Grizzly snuff will be made in pouches as well, which I will have to try.


    • captncaveman
      • Jul 2008
      • 924

      Well on the tins here in canada the nicotine levels are lower in Copenhagen compare to skoal. We can only purchase Skoal or Copenhagen here in canada. A person might be able to find a store that might still sell Rooster but soon even rooster will be out of canada. Grizzly has about the same level of nicotine than skoal its just hype that it has crazy amounts of nicotine. I dipped Grizzly in the States on vacation and seen no difference compared to most dips.


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