Strong portions

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  • holnrew
    • Jul 2008
    • 613

    Strong portions

    Are very strong! Much bigger nic kick than a cigarette that's for sure. I think I shall be spending my weekend mostly with a spinning head.
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    I've been through a lot of these new strong varieties and have yet to experience a head spinning effect. However I do get a little bit of a headache if I use them throughout the day.


    • bmwgsa
      • Jul 2008
      • 248

      Onyx, Sterk, Extra Sterk - none have spun me, but the Extra Sterk's peppery taste is kinda hard for me to take 1st thing in the morning....

      But the Extra Sterk is great for an afternoon Wake up.....


      • deebocools
        • Nov 2008
        • 661

        I used a Grov Black portion, not remembering that is was 12mg/portion, on a long car trip. I honestly felt so light headed that I briefly considered pulling over.

        I got used to it, but the next morning(it was my only snus then) it woke me up in a blink, then made me so dizzy I had to remove it.

        I'll stick with 8mg from now on, unless I need some major stress relief.


        • spirit72
          • Apr 2008
          • 1013

          Yeah, the Starks are something I stay away from most of the time and order very, very occasionally. I've tried Onyx and Skruf lös, and both were good. Skruf l÷s seems like barely a stark, but Onyx tends to give me the niccups unless I'm careful not to let it get going too quickly.

          I think I will try Grov black and N+J original on this order though.


          • holnrew
            • Jul 2008
            • 613

            I think it being my first snus of the day didn't help! I'm loving the Grov Svart. I'm gutted I didn't order any Claq Qui like I thought I had.


            • velinn
              • Jun 2008
              • 39

              Yeah, in my last order I got a Skuf Stark. I knew it was going to be strong, but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT strong. :shock:

              That said, I really love it. The first time I used it I definitely got a 'buzz' and sort of a pleasant dizzy feeling. I love how it just sort of 'melts' into you, rather than being the BOOM HEADSHOT that a cigarette is. But using two Skruf in a row just gives me a dull headache which isn't pleasant at all.

              The strongs are good for me though because they lower my overall snus consumption. I'm used to pretty much chain snussing the 8mg, not because I need to, but because I enjoy the flavors. You can't do that with strongs. I find I can go 3-4 hours before wanting another snus if I've had a strong. Probably better for my mouth to be using less.

              So I pop a strong usually in the morning before work, after work, and sometimes after dinner. With regular portions mixed in when I feel like having something tasty in my mouth. But the strongs are definitely the workhorse that keep the cravings at bay.


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                I love my Ekstra Sterk. When I smoked, it was only about cigarettes 10 per day, yet strong snus never seemed to bother me. When I quit smoking, I jumped right into the sterk league with Skruf Stark and N&J. I decided to start using General Ekstra Sterk for the great flavor and nicotine level. You will adjust to the nicotine levels of snus in a few days, whether it be regular or high strength.


                • holnrew
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 613

                  The Ekstra sterk is good stuff, useful when drinking. And I barely smoke now, I'm only doing it to finish the pack.


                  • ponysoprano
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 562

                    Originally posted by holnrew
                    The Ekstra sterk is good stuff, useful when drinking. And I barely smoke now, I'm only doing it to finish the pack.
                    Yeah, i thought I was a tuff-guy, with my General Onyx and N&J, but General Ekstra Sterk kicked my ass and called me Jenny! It's the first portion I've used that gave me the burn that harkened back to my first Swedish order. Claq Qui is pretty brutal too, my brave smoking friend Jon snatched a portion from me before I had a chance to warn him. After about 30 seconds he looked green and shouted "it buuurrrrnnnss! Gahhhhh!!! it burrnnnnnssss!" and spat it out.


                    • squeezyjohn
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2497

                      I have to say I'm afraid I'm really in the high nicotine league looking at all these posts :cry:

                      When I started using snus over roll-ups I was straight into the chain snusing league to fend off the cravings. Got in to Nick & Johnny originals (much prefer the taste to Skruf stark) and lös for a good while and started to chain that instead with some regular ones for taste variety.

                      But since these new starks have come out - I'm all over them like a nasty rash. Sure - Claq Qui and Ekstera Sterk gave me a bit of lip burn and head spin to start with but that has faded into normality now and the regular portions are struggling to get a look in.

                      I also find that contrary to what a lot of people here say - instead of toning down my snus intake through the evening - I seem to look for stronger and stronger snus towards the evening in the hope that I won't want one in the middle of the night (that's if I haven't popped a Wise after brushing my teeth for a night time snus - no stains on the pillow!)

                      Am I doomed?

                      Am I doomed?

                      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                      • bearcat87
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 400

                        Squeezy.... Moderation is key. I know how you feel. I try to only snus about every 2 to 3 hours. But I also sniff snuff right after I pop snus in. Nicotine is w/o doubt addictive!


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          Me also Squeezy, I'd always been a strong snus in the morning person. Now I use regular strength throughout the work day and start craving the new extras in the evening. I was never this way with Skruf stark but something about these new ones is very appealing.


                          • snusjus
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 2674

                            If you're concerned about nicotine intake, you can downsize on the levels. If you're using something with very high nicotine (ie: 15mg or 13mg), step down to snus in the 11mg to 10mg range. After seven days of using the weaker snus, start using 8mg (normal) portions. If you wish to cut down even more, try Wise Strong (6mg). Now, if you're extremely motivated, you could further taper down your nicotine intake with regular mini portions (4mg), but who would bother with that?

                            Gothiatek studies have concluded that snus users do not compensate their usage with lower nicotine snus (using more portions compared to their higher nicotine brand), yet the study only lasted one day. The most intense time period of nicotine withdrawal is within 72 hours, so it's likely a person will increase their intake of lower-level snus. From experience, I decrease my nicotine intake by switching to lower-nicotine snus every seven days. However, I enjoy General Ekstra Sterk and don't plan on downsizing any time soon!


                            • holnrew
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 613

                              It's odd, I find Skruf Stark and the OR Strong Cranberry to be as effective as Genereal Ekstra Sterk. My favourite so far is Grov Svart (yet to try Onyx, N&J and RL CQ), I'm going to make it my portion snus for when I'm at school and out and about to fend off the cigs and keep with the los for home use.


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