Brand new to the world of snus...

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  • joshua
    • Dec 2008
    • 214

    Brand new to the world of snus...

    Howdy! I found out about snus from the forums over at Something Awful and decided to give it a try, and immediately went to northerner and ordered a roll of lucky strike white portion (I loved Lucky Strike Lights and smoke the unfilters on occasion so I figured that'd be a good start) as well as ordering a free can of General White Portions from getsnus.

    My can of General should arrive tomorrow and my roll of Lucky Strike should arrive on Thursday or Friday...

    But while finding this forum and reading everything I could I decided to also order a roll of Roda Lacket los.

    I used to dip occasionally (loose) and loved it immensely, but never did it regularly due to girls telling me it was disgusting, so it was purely a night out with the friends by the fire/afternoon fishing thing.

    I can't wait for my snus to arrive!

    Anyways, What are the ABSOLUTEL MUSTS I have to try? I know I'll have to order more in 2-4 weeks, so I want to get a list ready!

  • Andy1992
    • Oct 2008
    • 76

    Re: Brand new to the world of snus...

    Originally posted by joshua
    Howdy! I found out about snus from the forums over at Something Awful and decided to give it a try, and immediately went to northerner and ordered a roll of lucky strike white portion (I loved Lucky Strike Lights and smoke the unfilters on occasion so I figured that'd be a good start) as well as ordering a free can of General White Portions from getsnus.

    My can of General should arrive tomorrow and my roll of Lucky Strike should arrive on Thursday or Friday...

    But while finding this forum and reading everything I could I decided to also order a roll of Roda Lacket los.

    I used to dip occasionally (loose) and loved it immensely, but never did it regularly due to girls telling me it was disgusting, so it was purely a night out with the friends by the fire/afternoon fishing thing.

    I can't wait for my snus to arrive!

    Anyways, What are the ABSOLUTEL MUSTS I have to try? I know I'll have to order more in 2-4 weeks, so I want to get a list ready!

    You must try Ettan!
    Its the best snus ever imo!


    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090

      You need to order a variety. Don't order a whole roll until you know what your taste will be. You might find you like something new, and then you are stuck with a whole roll of something you don't like. Also being new to snus something you like at the beginning might taste awfull a month from now and vice versa.

      It seems most people who like the Lucky Strike snus also like the Pall Mall snus.


      • snusbear1
        • Oct 2008
        • 48

        Skruf Stark has become my everyday "go-to" snus. Whether portion or loose, it's pretty hard to beat. Great taste, and the loose version (I find) makes a very nice prilla. And yes, Ettan should be in your rotation - it's a basic snus (just the tobacco taste), but that's helps you to understand and appreciate what constitutes the foundation upon which all these other various subtly flavored snuses are based on.

        And . . . Lucky Strike is a VERY fine snus. When I first started transitioning to snus, the great (toasted!) taste of Lucky Strike was one of the main factors that helped me stick with snus as a means of getting off of cigarettes (which I've yet to give up entirely!).

        Also, welcome to the forum! This is one damn fine bunch of folks.


        • Andy1992
          • Oct 2008
          • 76

          New snus

          First time i started snus, i ordered a roll General portion home, i still have 2 rolls of it ;D after i did that i started to order 10 diffrents brands home, and then i tried lös again, and it was about 3mounth ago, and now i'm totally crazy hooked on lös i love i love i love it so freaky much!


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Ettan Los is a must try, however, the Ettan portions SUCK!!!!

            A portion you must try is also General Onyx, Claq Qui, and Pall Mall.

            Welcome and enjoy!!!


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              If you try the Lucky Strike snus and love it, try Pall Mall (available in regular or white portion). The snus is made by the same company who produces Lucky Strike, and it's supposed to taste even better.


              • Tony
                • Jan 2008
                • 61

                Re: Brand new to the world of snus...

                Originally posted by joshua
                But while finding this forum and reading everything I could I decided to also order a roll of Roda Lacket los.
                Joshua, pretty ballsy move. Snus is completely different from dip. First, where most dippers have/use one brand (Cope snuff for me), snuser enjoy several brands. The textures are much finer and moister than dip. And different kinds within a brand have some similarities. I would recommend trying a variety before ordering rolls. If the RL doesn't work out visit the snus exchange on this site.

                If you like licorice/anis (based on the RL buy): Gotlands Gray, LD Black (portion only)

                If you dipped tobacco flavored dip (like cope): Ettan, Grov, Skruf Stark

                Be open to trying several brands, know that peoples tastes/preferences bounce around, and take a look at the favorites and top 5 posts.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  My must try list: (portions unless specified)
                  General Loose
                  Etan Loose
                  Jakobsson's Original
                  Pall Mall
                  Gustavas Gul Loose
                  Claq Qui (strong)
                  General Extra Sterk (even stronger)
                  Nick and Johnny (strong)
                  Mocca + (sneaky little portions with extra nicotine)
                  M by Mocca


                  • joshua
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 214

                    Alright. I made my order for a roll of Roda Lacket, but didn't pay for it or get it shipped.
                    So I changed it to:

                    4 General Mini Portions (for work)
                    1 Nick & Johnny West
                    2 General Onyx
                    2 Roda Lacket los
                    2 General Ekstra Sterk

                    Does that sound a bit more well rounded?
                    I got the Ekstra Sterk in case I needed a bit more nicotine when I'm really wanting to smoke, as I'm switching to snus in hoping to end a 10 year smoking habit.


                    • Grim
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 850

                      I would say thats pretty good for an order.

                      I understand why you chose the minis ( for work ) but man those things are like a tease for me. They are good but make you want more.

                      I like all of those you have order, never tried Ekstra Sterk ( too much Nic for me ) but the others are keepers for sure.

                      I would say you still must try Ettan Los for enjoyment at home or anywhere where Los Snus can be used comfortably.


                      • jamesstew
                        • May 2008
                        • 1440

                        Me has to agree with Grim, that's going to be a big transition going from those strong varieties to the minis. Methinks you may want to look at Mocca + sometime. They are little tiny things but much more nicotine than regular minis.


                        • Asquar
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 256

                          Originally posted by jamesstew
                          Methinks you may want to look at Mocca + sometime. They are little tiny things but much more nicotine than regular minis.
                          I 2nd this suggestion. This has become my go-to mini for occasions when discretion takes center stage. And not only are they stronger than most other minis, but they're tasty as well.


                          • joshua
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 214

                            Ok. After much reading, studying and analyzing, I finally narrowed it down...

                            2 Roda Lacket White Portion
                            2 Roda Lacket loose
                            1 Nick & Johnny
                            1 Nick & Johnny West
                            2 General Onyx
                            1 General White Portion

                            This time I didn't make an order and wait. This is going to be shipped. I think I'm off to a good start. And with everything I've ordered all together I should be good for two months or so.
                            I'm trying to stick to what they have at getsnus exclusively, but if I like what I have here, I might start mixing it up and maybe order some skruf and such from buysnus as well as trying to get my hands on some more obscure snus.

                            I CAN'T WAIT!

                            My next order is definitely going to have some Ettan. Loose and Portion.


                            • sentry103
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 271

                              that looks like a fantastic order joshua. my advise would be to try as many as you possibly can. your order looks REALLY good though. I'd throw in some grov black on your next order. It's unique.


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