Switching from Skoal Pouches to Snus...a few questions

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  • asip112
    New Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 2

    Switching from Skoal Pouches to Snus...a few questions

    Hi all, I just joined the forums after reading about snus and the advantages over traditional dip.

    I started dipping about 3 weeks ago. I use Skoal Mint or Wintergreen pouches pretty much exclusively.

    Now I just ordered a few tins of General Wintergreen and was wondering what the nicotine difference is between that and Skoal.

    The General has 8mg per pouch but I am having trouble figuring out the nicotine content in the Skoal pouches. I normally use 2 (but occasionally 3) pouches of Skoal at one time. Will one pouch of general be enough for me?

  • mjfst
    • Apr 2008
    • 15

    Does this help? The bandits are on here but not pouches.



    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      Methinks that snus has a touch more nicotine per gram.


      • moneymanmike
        • Jul 2008
        • 133

        Originally posted by mjfst
        Does this help? The bandits are on here but not pouches.

        Looks like 2 bandits = 1 snus pouch as far as nic goes.


        • asip112
          New Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 2

          Actually it seems like all of those (except the last one) have the same or more! I was under the impression it was much much less.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            I assume Skoal Bandits are 1 gram per pouch? If that's the case, then General Wintergreen and Skoal Bandits have about the same level of nicotine. If you want a really strong nicotine punch, try some of the strong snus brands.


            • deebocools
              • Nov 2008
              • 661

              this might be a good time for someone who knows this stuff cold to step up:

              how do they measure the nicotine in snus? is it dry weight, free nicotine, what?

              as for your question about skoal- I was a dipper before snusing, using pouches at work, and my completely unscientific evaluation is that to get the exact same feeling as a skoal pouch(which is large), you need 10mg+ snus.

              The common 8mg doseage is like having a small lip of skoal, to me. it kills the craving and that's it. 10 mg or more gives me that "buzz" that pouches or a big pinch would.


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                also, a distinction needs to be made about pouches.

                bandits are tiny pouches, almost a joke really, comparable to a mini portion...skoal "pouches" are much larger, they appear
                (and feel) to me to be more than a gram, but I've thrown out my tins so I can't check.

