Sleeping with a portion in

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    Nothing beats one under each eyelid right berore bed, Talk about visuals!!



    • bearcat87
      • Nov 2008
      • 400

      Originally posted by bakerbarber
      Nothing beats one under each eyelid right berore bed, Talk about visuals!!

      Haha talk about a head rush.

      I don't know how you guys go to sleep with a snus in. I would fixate on it too much and not sleep. But I don't sleep well in the first place. Especially not on my cheap college bed.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        All I got to say is it takes a long time to rinse that mixture of morning breath and spent snus flavor out your grill in the morning. Especially if you experience migration during sleep. Real disconcerting feeling half asleep trying to get water in your mouth without gagging,


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440

          I can attest to the vivid dreams, I've fallen asleep a few times with a Claq Qui portion in. The weird thing is that I'll wake up for a moment and then go back to the exact same part of the dream I left.


          • Shrewd
            • Feb 2008
            • 118

            I can take a nap with snus in, although I don't like it much. I snore like crazy (I'm probably going to be getting a CPAP machine in my life) so I've always had a problem with snus juice on my pillows since my mouth is open. I've gone to bed a couple times with snus in, but I quickly realize it and go dispose of it. The only real reason I don't do it is that I don't generally do the laundry and my wife (non-snuser) might not take to kindly to a brown pillow :shock: .


            • sean90
              New Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 11

              i like the sound of the vivid dreams so maybe i should try harder to fall a sleep with a portion in!


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                I'm sure no one really cares buy I fell asleep with a fresh picked portion in the other night and experienced no vivid dreams, only a very dry mouth and throat which woke me up early. kind of a waste of a portion.

                The next night I had vivid dreams without one, but I think that's just a coincedence.


                • yigs
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 81

                  okay so i wasnt crazy, leaving snus in at night does cause crazy realistic dreams.
                  Im lovin the dreams, its pretty awesome, its like being awake but sleeping! man the uses of snus......endless


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    I tried this again with a catchdry eucalyptus mini- so I wouldn't wake up with tobacco mouth

                    I slept for about 4 hours and the dreams were nothing special- though I did remember them. Then I dreamt that I woke up, was annoyed by the feeling of the pouch and had an incredibly dry mouth, and removed it.

                    2 hours later, I actually woke up, was amazed to find out that removing the pouch was a dream, and actually had an incredibly dry mouth and removed it!

                    That was a dirty mind trick. I must've thought to much about the experiment before going to sleep.


                    • yigs
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 81

                      last night i had a N&J in while falling asleep, removed it right before i fell asleep and had a realistic dream...something about a pool...also i think the stronger the nic rush the more youll feel the effect, be warned tho it might be harder to fall asleep with a high nic rush (heart beats faster, breath harder...). maybe try a large portion? btw i always have bottles of water near my bed, its a rule for me.

