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  • paulwall9
    • Nov 2008
    • 743


    I just wanted to make a post to see how manypeople have actually ordered snus and it never came and how you dealt with it. Its the holiday season and my order from northern is takingforever so long that its makin me nervous.
  • bmwgsa
    • Jul 2008
    • 248

    An order can be anywhere from 4 days to a few weeks
    It just depends on how fast the package get's through customs

    If it's been a while, contact Northerner and see what they can do. Them and buysnus are both a good bunch.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      Notherner has always arrived 4-5 days after shipping. Buysnus once took 4 weeks,but mostly 7-10 days, getsnus has consistently been 3-4 days. I received an order from northener this week in 5 days , ordered on Thurs. night, it got here Wed.


      • Zero
        • May 2006
        • 1522

        I've never had a whole shipment go missing. Rarely an odd missed can here and there - both from Northerner and BuySnus - but always corrected and then some.


        • gentlemanly
          Banned Users
          • Mar 2008
          • 247

          My order just arrived 15 days after shipping, and it was missing 2 cans from an 11 can order. Never had one go completely missing, though I was starting to wonder about this one.


          • paulwall9
            • Nov 2008
            • 743

            Yeah i know i could just email them back but #1 im not really a complainer but am very serious about my money considering the usa economy crisis right now and themoney i use on my snus orders is my alotted tobacco money for the month.

            #2 On my first order with BuySnus.com I was missing my can of general extra sterk and My bank account got charges 3 international transaction fees because they Took the specified money out of my account, and then on the monday before veterans day gave me a refund andthentook the money out again on tuesday SO I GOT CHARGED FOR EACH OF THESE TRANSACTIONS. when i emailed them to let them know said we checkedanditsfunnyyou got those fees because we only did one transaction so in a non chalant way they just told me F U theres nothing we can do and gaveme there payment services # which i could never reach. TOO TOP ALL THIS THEY MADE NO MENTION TO MY CAN OF GENERAL EXTRA SNUS THAT WAS MISSING. SO I JUST GAVE UP. I still use buysnus.com because they have fastshipping and do repply to emails just not always how i want them 2.

            So in the end i was out of like 5 bucks for international fees and 3.80 for a can of general extra sterk i never recieved. But I dont blame buysnus i just blame ALL THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE FALSE COMPLAINTS SO MUCH THAT BUYSNUS DOES NOT WANT TO HELP THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY HAD PROBLEMS. And thats why i dont want to complain because if my snus order is lost and they dont help me ill be out of snus out of tobacco budget for the month and really pissed.



            • paulwall9
              • Nov 2008
              • 743

              sry about thelong reply


              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                Bleed it out.

                Talk to them, email, state the problem.

                Even if the resolution is not to your liking you'll be better to have at least pointed it out than to have done nothing.

                I wait two weeks before contacting about a missing order. There is a lot of bureaucracy between Sweden and your mailbox. Your package may have been picked out for a customs inspection. Don't worry they tape it up nice when they're done.


                • paulwall9
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 743

                  Good advice baker i know i need too. I just try to do like my anger mangement and boxin coach says and not get angry negative thoughts equal bad reflexs.


                  • RobsanX
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2030

                    There recently was one time that people here who ordered snus on the same day had their order take about 3 weeks. Some orders were from Northerner and some from Buysnus.

                    My opinion on the ordeal was that sometimes entire shipments of mail get delayed in either Customs or the Post office either for a random search or they get tipped off about something illegal coming in. It's not the fault of the snus supplier.


                    • gentlemanly
                      Banned Users
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 247

                      When my order hit around 2 weeks, I e-mailed them, just asking weather they had had of any delays or problems getting things here in the states, and they wrote me back the same day saying that the shipping times were approx. and not to worry, it should be here in a few days, and that they haven't had any signifigant problems getting things into the states.

                      It seems hit or miss, some always have great service, some have to pull teeth to get responses...I have always had great service with them, until this time with the missing cans of snus. But hopefully they will make it right by me and not let me down.


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        Originally posted by paulwall9
                        #2 On my first order with BuySnus.com I was missing my can of general extra sterk and My bank account got charges 3 international transaction fees because they Took the specified money out of my account, and then on the monday before veterans day gave me a refund andthentook the money out again on tuesday SO I GOT CHARGED FOR EACH OF THESE TRANSACTIONS. when i emailed them to let them know said we checkedanditsfunnyyou got those fees because we only did one transaction so in a non chalant way they just told me F U theres nothing we can do and gaveme there payment services # which i could never reach. TOO TOP ALL THIS THEY MADE NO MENTION TO MY CAN OF GENERAL EXTRA SNUS THAT WAS MISSING. SO I JUST GAVE UP. I still use buysnus.com because they have fastshipping and do repply to emails just not always how i want them 2.
                        They may well be telling the truth about the bank transfers. It sounds like an error on the part of the bank or the billing company - I would take the statement to your bank, or whomever administers the means by which you paid, and take the issue up with them. If BuySnus is telling the truth when they say they only charged you once, which I would tend to think they would be, then there really is nothing they can do about it. It's the responsibility of the financial institution which processed the payment.


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Originally posted by RobsanX
                          My opinion on the ordeal was that sometimes entire shipments of mail get delayed in either Customs or the Post office either for a random search or they get tipped off about something illegal coming in. It's not the fault of the snus supplier.
                          This is where most shipping delays happen. I've never had a problem in the UK from either BuySnus or Northerner, but only because there are no customs checks between Sweden and the UK. In the US you are completely at the mercy of the postal customs people. People just seem to associate the error with whichever company they placed the order with rather than the phenomenon which gives rise to it. This leads to almost superstitious faith in one supplier over another depending on which shipments randomly get accosted by the border agents. It also explains why US snus buyers seem to really enjoy Getsnus as that element of randomness is taken out of the equation.

                          Curiously, it's not that the people at GetSnus are likely to be better businessmen or that they care more about their customers, but simply by virtue of their geographical location are subject to fewer governmental interventions between the distributor and customer - these get shifted between producer and distributor so the customer simply doesn't have to see them. Interesting how our choice of supplier, although we would never think it to be, is direcly related to the degree of interference in the transaction.


                          • deebocools
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 661

                            seems the best system is to have large quantities of 1-3 "standby" brands, and then use them in between curiosity orders. make sure to order ahead if you can afford it, don't wait till you only have 2-3 cans left, because you could use that in one week or less.

                            I don't have alot of money to buy huge quantities, but I'm starting a "5 can rule"; to order when I'm down to 5 cans. that way even If the order takes 3 weeks I'll be set.

                            I'm sure the online suppliers get plenty of angry withdrawal calls; "I know it's not your fault, but I have no snus! Don't you get it? I will snap"


                            • sentry103
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 271

                              Originally posted by paulwall9
                              Yeah i know i could just email them back but #1 im not really a complainer but am very serious about my money considering the usa economy crisis right now and themoney i use on my snus orders is my alotted tobacco money for the month.

                              #2 On my first order with BuySnus.com I was missing my can of general extra sterk and My bank account got charges 3 international transaction fees because they Took the specified money out of my account, and then on the monday before veterans day gave me a refund andthentook the money out again on tuesday SO I GOT CHARGED FOR EACH OF THESE TRANSACTIONS. when i emailed them to let them know said we checkedanditsfunnyyou got those fees because we only did one transaction so in a non chalant way they just told me F U theres nothing we can do and gaveme there payment services # which i could never reach. TOO TOP ALL THIS THEY MADE NO MENTION TO MY CAN OF GENERAL EXTRA SNUS THAT WAS MISSING. SO I JUST GAVE UP. I still use buysnus.com because they have fastshipping and do repply to emails just not always how i want them 2.

                              So in the end i was out of like 5 bucks for international fees and 3.80 for a can of general extra sterk i never recieved. But I dont blame buysnus i just blame ALL THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE FALSE COMPLAINTS SO MUCH THAT BUYSNUS DOES NOT WANT TO HELP THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY HAD PROBLEMS. And thats why i dont want to complain because if my snus order is lost and they dont help me ill be out of snus out of tobacco budget for the month and really pissed.




                              lol you musta been in a hurry with this post.


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