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  • sychodelix
    • Dec 2008
    • 280


    I'm sitting here hoping that my order my northerner (1 roll of Granit white portions) gets here in tomorrow's mail. I also ordered a can of Goteburgs Rape Los from buysnus, but it won't be here until around Tuesday or so. Right now I'm using a portion of Elixir Peppermint and wishing I had some decent snus. It's very similar to having a used Earl Grey teabag in my mouth, with some peppermint flavor.

    I can't stand Elixir, Phantom, Offroad, etc, because they all taste so...artificial. I just finished up my last can of General Sterk yesterday and being stuck with this junk is driving me nuts!
  • joshua
    • Dec 2008
    • 214

    I'm also hoping my roll of Lucky Strike from northerner gets here tomorrow...I ordered it last Saturday, and from what I've read there's a chance it could show up!
    Let's just hope when I see it in the mailbox I don't get overexcited, hulk out and rip the whole thing from the ground and carry it inside instead of calmly taking it out of the box. My neighbors already think I'm insane as it is.


    • sychodelix
      • Dec 2008
      • 280

      I hear you, man. I made the mistake of opening up an elixir portion to try to Los it, but...ugh.

      The stuff looks like brown, stemmy dirt and mud. And sure enough, when you decide to put a drop or two of water in it to try and soften it up a touch..that's pretty much what it turns into. Pure friggin mud and slime.

      I swear, I will never use any snus that does not also come in Los and not JUST portions. It's a sure sign that theres something VERY wrong.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by sychodelix
        I swear, I will never use any snus that does not also come in Los and not JUST portions. It's a sure sign that theres something VERY wrong.
        Then you'll be missing out brother... There isn't much of a market for lös snus apparently, so there's damned few new versions coming out. All the companies are concentrating on portions. I find that regrettable, as my favorite style is lös. Anyway, you can't judge a snus by the style, or sometimes even the price. Each one has to be taken on it's own merits, until you get an idea of the manufacturer's style. Incidentally, I believe Elyxir's made by V2...


        • sychodelix
          • Dec 2008
          • 280

          Yeah, it is true that some of the newer ones don't have loose. I suppose just avoiding V2 (all brands under it) and anything with tons of anise or black licorice will have to be a rule for now.

          And I do agree that price doesn't always matter, because Knox and Granit are pretty darned cheap, and they're not bad at all.


          • sychodelix
            • Dec 2008
            • 280

            Okay. My order did not come today. I was figuring it would, but I guess with the holidays and all, it's taking a bit longer. I hope it shows up monday because I'm so stressed with the lack of decent snus that I had to resort to smoking a cigarette to get a decent nicotine buzz, and after you've quit them, they taste HORRIBLE.

            I hate American smokeless tobacco, but I may have to resort to picking up a can of Grizzly.


            • joshua
              • Dec 2008
              • 214

              My order from Northerner came in! A roll of Lucky Strike White Portions! Also...got my free can of General Portions from getsnus also! It's an awesome Saturday! First time I've tried snus and I'm LOVING it.


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                lucky strike white portions was my first snus and it was like something from heaven...

                Thought it's good not to mess around with garbage snus, It's a bit saddening that if you have the best first you know that's as good as it gets.

                But then you learn tricks I suppose.


                • joshua
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 214

                  So far I can only tell subtle differences between the General White and the Lucky Strike White, but that's a given seeing how such a newb I am. The General seems a bit more robust, I guess you could say. More of a burn. They're both really good though.


                  • sentry103
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 271

                    Don't sweat it sychodelix, mine came in one or two days later than usual. Northerner shipped it within 24 hours. It's a slowdown due to the holidays most likely. You'll get it soon.


                    • sychodelix
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 280

                      I'm figuring you're right. I've always ordered from Buysnus.com and I've had it take anywhere from 4-6 days, and with it being the holidays and all, I'll probably get Monday or so.

                      I added a little water to my Elixir and it's "mostly" decent now. I realized that it's about a month and a half past exp date and that's probably why it was so dry. It's been in the freezer though, so it's still fresh, just was a little dry.


                      • sychodelix
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 280

                        Finally, I got my roll of Granit White Portions! It's slightly drier than General but it tastes almost identical and much cheaper. I should be getting a can of Goteborgs Rape Los tomorrow or the next day from Buysnus.

                        Mmmm...it's so good to finally have decent snus again. The reason I ran out so fast is because my wife loves the peppery portions like general, N&J and granit, etc. Luckily, she'll stay away from the Los, so I'll just have to get more of it next time :lol:


                        • lappakinderi
                          New Member
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 9

                          Personally, I wouldn't hope that a roll of GRANIT would arrive

                          (Don't like granit)


                          • sychodelix
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 280

                            If you don't like Granit, then you probably don't like General and such either. Ah well, different strokes for different folks.

