I was wondering how long a can of snus lasts most users here. I got a shipment of about 14 different types of snus, and now after sampling them all I froze all but one. I've been on the same can for about two days now and probably have another good two days left. It seems like I've been snusing like crazy and am surprised it has lasted so long. I do tend to keep the same good size pris in for almost an hour and a half at a time. So if one can lasts me about an average of 4 days, and I pay an average with shipping of around 4 bucks per can, that's pretty cheap considering I smoked at least a pack a day and a pack of Marlboro's costs between 4-5 bucks. I'm using the loose stuff.
How long does a can last you?
I've been snusing way too much lately. Haven't worked or went to school for a month now, mostly playing poker all nights, so it's been one can per day and night. When I'm sitting here on my computer there's a General can always in front of me, maby I should take it to fridge so I'd have to get up to snus :lol: . Normally a loose can lasts approximately 3 days, but for the past month I've had a prilla under my lip almost 24/7 :E . Usually I take it off after 30-45 minutes.
Good question. I got to wondering about this when I read on some website something like "The average Swede consumes 3-4 cans a week". That seems ridiculous to me. I'm like you in my use of the loose variety: a can lasts me 4 days on the average, sometimes more or less, depending (principally on alcohol consumption, I snus more when I'm drinking, it seems). I keep in a pris for 1-1/2 hours, occasionally 2 if I forget.
Originally posted by marspatukkaI've been snusing way too much lately. Haven't worked or went to school for a month now, mostly playing poker all nights, so it's been one can per day and night. When I'm sitting here on my computer there's a General can always in front of me, maby I should take it to fridge so I'd have to get up to snus :lol: . Normally a loose can lasts approximately 3 days, but for the past month I've had a prilla under my lip almost 24/7 :E . Usually I take it off after 30-45 minutes.. Though my can lasts 2-3 days. I use it 30-120mins, depending on situation.
Well i can imagine swedes don't really care if a can is half full. They can just toss it or lose it and buy another fresh can within minutes.
I on the other hand scrape the bottom of each can and dump the dry crud in a new can.
But hey, scandinavians go ****ing bonkers over alcohol prices when they're over here too. A norwegian friend kept jumping from joy every time he'd wake up after a night's drinking to realize how little he spent on booze. Conversely he'd go ****ing nuts from disbelief at all the full or half-empty glasses of warm beer laying around the bar/pub in the late hours when people start ordering more than they can chug away. He should know as he was a bartender in Oppdal or Trondheim for a long time.
On average 0.3 liters of 5% beer costs €1.60~2.30 around here.
Same thing goes for foreign potheads. Folks here roll a fancy joint, puff some, leave half the thing in the ashtray and walk away or roll a new one. The canna-tourists are shocked and contemplate harvesting all the joint stubs.
I guess it's all a matter of supply and demand. :wink:
On topic though; since I snus both loose and portions, I guess two cans last me anywhere from 10 to 16 days.
A can lasts me 3-4 days. I use both, loose and portions. Usually, I keep a portion for about 2 hours and a pris for about 1 hour. In total, I use between 6 and 10 prises/pouches per day. It is very much cheaper, than my former smoking habit, which was 2 packs per day.
The "average swede", who uses 3-4 cans per week, seems to be wishful thinking of the snus producers. :lol:
Originally posted by moistyOriginally posted by Zero^ not really...lots of people use a tin a day :shock:
Personally I get through a can of general (loose) in 4 to 5 days
My snus-situation is horrible. Only one and a half cans in fridge, and I'm broke :? . It takes two weeks before I can order anything, so I must really change my using habits... My goal is set at 3 x 2ml/day, and still ratio isn't enough for cans to last 2 weeks. Should have thought this before so it would have been easier to start decreasing amounts :roll:
if i use loose, it will take me deppending on what im doing that day around 2 days if im using portion aswell (use portion at work) otherwise its a can a day, if im out hunting / fishing or just tumbling around in the forrest! maby im using a bit much at the moment, but i cut the smokes some weeks ago, because of training.
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