A few questions from a newbie

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  • jackolantern
    • Dec 2008
    • 198

    A few questions from a newbie

    I just placed an order for 12 different cans of portion snus today. I am just fed up with smoking cigarettes, with all the hacking stuff up, and standing around outside and evil looks you get from fellow citizens. I have a few questions/concerns, though:

    1. I am a bit concerned having paid attention to some of the nicotine contents in some of them. It seems 6-8mg/portion is about average. I know that cigs are about 1mg each in the States. However, I have been dipping Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches lately. I know those are higher nicotine that smokes, but I cannot get a good figure as to how much in in them. Does anyone know if the amount of nic in the Grizzly puches is in line with an average portion?

    2. Having been using American snuff, I would really prefer to not put the portions in my upper or even lower lip. I would like to put them back in my cheek like American snuff. Is there any reason to put it under your lip besides reduction in "juice"?

    3. I have heard people talk about spitting most of the juice out the first couple times you snus, and swallowing only some to get used to it. Kind of dove-tailing with question 2, if I was to put it in my cheek, and it produced lots of juice, would I be able to quickly work my way up to being able to swallow it all?

    Sorry for the questions, but I am in love with the idea of snus, and want to make it my sole source of nicotine (it's actually cheaper then buying smokes here in Houston with the taxes, even after freight). I just want to try to be prepared and knowledgeable so I don't get sick and turned off from it.
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    Hey newbie, welcome to the site.

    1. You don't absorb all the nicotine in a portion of snus, methinks it is around 30%. Also if you're trying to quit cigarettes you may need all the nicotine you can get.

    2. It will juice a lot if you put it in your cheek. I was hesitant about the lip thing myself but you adapt to it amazingly fast and after no time it will be noticeable to no one.

    3. Methinks people who initially spit probably have the portion too far back in their cheek. Try the lip thing, like I said you will adapt fast. Also, if you just can't get used to having the portion in your lip try a mini-portion or two.


    • Ainkor
      • Sep 2008
      • 1144

      Re: A few questions from a newbie

      Originally posted by jackolantern
      I just placed an order for 12 different cans of portion snus today. I am just fed up with smoking cigarettes, with all the hacking stuff up, and standing around outside and evil looks you get from fellow citizens. I have a few questions/concerns, though:

      1. I am a bit concerned having paid attention to some of the nicotine contents in some of them. It seems 6-8mg/portion is about average. I know that cigs are about 1mg each in the States. However, I have been dipping Grizzly Wintergreen Pouches lately. I know those are higher nicotine that smokes, but I cannot get a good figure as to how much in in them. Does anyone know if the amount of nic in the Grizzly puches is in line with an average portion?
      First off, congratulations on finding snus and welcome to the boards here. I was a 21 year smoker with most of that being a 2 pack a day kinda guy. Now, on to the questions!

      In regards to the vitamin N content of Snus versus cigarettes, my understanding is that you only absorb about 10% of the available nicotine content of oral tobacco. Some might be higher, some might be lower depending on usage (for example, if you use portions, you can wring that last little bit out by mushing it up in your mouth and replacing it for a bit.)

      I wouldn't be concerned about the nicotine difference though, your body will tell you if you have too little or too much. After a quick google search I think that most American dips have about the same nicotine as most snuses. Grizzly is thought to have a higher nicotine content that even Copenhagen though.

      Originally posted by jackolantern
      2. Having been using American snuff, I would really prefer to not put the portions in my upper or even lower lip. I would like to put them back in my cheek like American snuff. Is there any reason to put it under your lip besides reduction in "juice"?
      Well, I guess it's really a matter of preference. I like my snus in the upper lip because not only does it not get super juicy (that's not a bad thing though as I LOVE the flavor) it's more along the lines of the customary way of using it. In other nordic countries I have heard that they use it either in the lower lip or the cheek, it just depends on what works for you.

      There is this old man who works the graveyards here at our only 24 hour convienence store who only uses camel spice snus and he places it under his tongue. Hell, any place you put it with a mucus membrane will work. I don't recommend stuffing it up your bum though, that may not work in public but would probably work just fine.

      Originally posted by jackolantern
      3. I have heard people talk about spitting most of the juice out the first couple times you snus, and swallowing only some to get used to it. Kind of dove-tailing with question 2, if I was to put it in my cheek, and it produced lots of juice, would I be able to quickly work my way up to being able to swallow it all?
      Ahh, the old spit or swallow discussion. I had this with my wife a few nights ago (not about THAT you pervs!)

      She asked pretty much the same question. She has tried snus but she said she couldn't handle all that salty taste in her mouth all the time, then she smacked me as I was kind of daydreaming as she talked about that :P

      In all seriousness, Swedish snus is not fermented like American dips. It is pastuerized and it is not harsh on your tummy at all. In fact, I don't think I have ever spit out snus juice. Hell, you might be come to look forward to warm salty fluid gently swirling around in your mouth! (don't be a perv again, talking about snus juice!)

      As far as working your way up to being able to swallow the juices? Just try, you will see it's not bad at all.

      Originally posted by jackolantern
      Sorry for the questions, but I am in love with the idea of snus, and want to make it my sole source of nicotine (it's actually cheaper then buying smokes here in Houston with the taxes, even after freight). I just want to try to be prepared and knowledgeable so I don't get sick and turned off from it.
      Hey, no worries bud. Pretty much all of us are tried and true snus evangelists. We are glad to share anything we know or think at just about any time about the mighty snus! Welcome again!



      • jackolantern
        • Dec 2008
        • 198

        Wow, thanks for all the tips and info! It was definitely more than I was expecting. I am actually super excited, because I found out that out of the 13 places snus is sold locally in the super huge state of Texas, one is only 10 minutes from my house! I will still probably be ordering it, since Serious Cigars only has a couple different types, but I think I can try it today! See you all soon!


        • bewtros
          • Dec 2008
          • 19

          Originally posted by jackolantern
          Wow, thanks for all the tips and info! It was definitely more than I was expecting. I am actually super excited, because I found out that out of the 13 places snus is sold locally in the super huge state of Texas, one is only 10 minutes from my house! I will still probably be ordering it, since Serious Cigars only has a couple different types, but I think I can try it today! See you all soon!
          Be excited! Snusing rocks. Even better when you have a dealer closeby--just hope they refrigerate it properly. There's one cigar store here in Philly that has had the same stock for a long time...probably forgot what snus was until I asked for it.

          Anyway, my advice from a fellow noob is to take it slow, try various snuses, portions (white/standard), sizes (mini, regular), and put it in the upper lip. You can always move it around to get it started. Snus on!


          • jackolantern
            • Dec 2008
            • 198

            I went down to Serious Cigars in Houston, and they were keeping it in the fridge, luckily. I had called previously, and the person who answered the phone knew exactly what I was talking about (no "Umm, wait..whats it called again?"), so that makes me think they sell it pretty often.

            I have a snus in right now, and I am loving it. I am not feeling sick at all, and have swallowed about 80% of the juice formed. I put it under my lip, and am not having any problems at all.

            All they had was General Original Portion, but that is nice stuff. Not an over-powering taste, but what is there tastes kind of like Nestea Instant Sweet Tea with Lemon. I'm liking it a lot. Thanks all!

            Edit: Also, what exactly is "white portion"? The only answer I could get was from an FAQ saying the flavor lasts longer. Is that the only difference?


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              Well done on getting some locally - I wish we could do that here in the UK. Sounds to me like you're a natural! You'll get the bug and be ordering a range of Swedish flavours direct soon though - it's just too tempting!

              The white portions contain the same tobacco type as the originals usually with less moisture content, but the material that makes the pouch is different. This means they keep a white colour in the can whereas originals soak up the juice from the snus and look brown in the can. The lower moisture content and material account for the fact that whites keep longer. For flavour - the white ones take a bit longer to get the flavour going but they tend to last a bit longer too. The original ones also seem to give a nic hit a bit quicker than whites as the juices run straight away. Whites and originals can feel quite different in the mouth too, usually the originals are a bit softer - but it depends on brand very much.

              Good Luck

              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • jackolantern
                • Dec 2008
                • 198

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                Well done on getting some locally - I wish we could do that here in the UK. Sounds to me like you're a natural! You'll get the bug and be ordering a range of Swedish flavours direct soon though - it's just too tempting!
                Ohhh, I've already been bit by the bug! Before I ever even tried a snus, I had already bought 12 different cans online. Then I bought 2 more lol. After buying those, I found Serious Cigars and just could not curb my excitement, and had to try it immediately. To anyone here in Houston, I suggest running down FM 1960, grabbing a couple cans and then eating at Matsu Japanese Restaurant. Wonderful Japanese food, and it's complimented very well by popping a General Original Portion you grabbed at the cigar shop after eating.

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                The white portions contain the same tobacco type as the originals usually with less moisture content, but the material that makes the pouch is different. This means they keep a white colour in the can whereas originals soak up the juice from the snus and look brown in the can. The lower moisture content and material account for the fact that whites keep longer. For flavour - the white ones take a bit longer to get the flavour going but they tend to last a bit longer too. The original ones also seem to give a nic hit a bit quicker than whites as the juices run straight away. Whites and originals can feel quite different in the mouth too, usually the originals are a bit softer - but it depends on brand very much.

                Good Luck
                Thanks for the meaning! Ok, that makes much better sense now. I've got a couple white portions on order which should hopefully be getting here the beginning of next week. Thanks everyone!


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  Originally posted by jamesstew
                  Hey newbie, welcome to the site.

                  1. You don't absorb all the nicotine in a portion of snus, methinks it is around 30%. Also if you're trying to quit cigarettes you may need all the nicotine you can get.


                  Important research results on Swedish snus:

                  Less than half the amount of nicotine present in a pinch of snus is extracted during snus use.
                  Only 10-20 % of the nicotine present in a pinch of snus is absorbed via the mucous membrane and reaches the systemic circulation. This means that only 1-2 mg of nicotine is absorbed into the blood from a one gram pinch containing ca 10 mg of nicotine.
                  Nicotine is absorbed quite rapidly from Swedish snus.
                  Studies on Swedish snus users have shown that the plasma steady-state levels of nicotine and its main metabolite, cotinine, are similar in Swedish snus users and cigarette smokers.
                  Snus users and cigarette smokers, who have similar blood nicotine levels, have reported similar levels of subjective dependence on tobacco.
                  The total nicotine uptake (dose) measured as the excretion of nicotine and its metabolites per 24 hours is similar in habitual snus users and cigarette smokers, i.e. 25 mg.
                  In contrast to cigarette smokers, snus users do not compensate their nicotine uptake when switching to a low nicotine product. A decrease of the nicotine content of snus by 50 % results in a decrease of the nicotine uptake by about 50 %.
                  An experimental cross-over study of blood plasma levels obtained after controlled snus use of four different portion-packed snus products of various weight and format, different nicotine content and different pH values showed that the nicotine intake varies between 0.4 and 1.2 mg per pinch.
                  The daily nicotine uptake was ca 25 mg in this group of snus users, who consumed 16 one-gram pinches of portion-packed snus per day. The same level was found in a group of habitual cigarette smokers, who smoked 18 cigarettes per day (Andersson et al., 1997).


                  • deebocools
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 661

                    I've heard this fact about how snus users don't compensate for lower-nicotine snus, but for me I can say that's impressively not true.

                    The regular portion/nicotine(ettan for me) is excellent, and when I tried to go mini at half the nicotine, I was constantly sqeezing the pouch for a "hit" and just ended up double barreling it. This happened twice.

                    so far, 8mg+ relaxes me, anything less makes me feel really uncomfortable and just gets me reaching for the regular portion.


                    • sychodelix
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 280

                      Yeah, most people like me who used to smoke can't deal with mini portions. It's just not enough vitamin N.


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        I typically have a quite large lip full of loose snus (average pris is just shy of half a 5ml icetool load).

                        I can (and have) chain-smoked a full pack of cigarettes since switching to snus) and have still needed to take a pinch of snus to satisfy my nicotine needs after the fact.


                        • Talneharus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 49

                          Man is it nice to have an online community like this who help out the new guy.
                          And Boy am i glad i got Onyx then, i just joined too like a day ago or so and i just orderd my first can of snus and after searching and himming and hawing i got General Onyx. the site said it was a 24m of vitamin z which might be enough to curb the chain smoking...
                          Btw Congratz jacolantern on getting your hands on snus, i whish i could here in BFW(wyoming) but as always we are like a year behind on every thing except mondern technology so no local snus for me :cry:


                          • sychodelix
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 280

                            Actually, it's 24 portions/1 gram each. The nicotine level is 11mg, which is pretty reasonable since most portions are 8mg. General Extra Sterk goes up to 15mg, but that's a bit much for a first time snuser.


                            • Talneharus
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 49

                              ah ok thats good to know, the site must have been off, or i was just more tired than i thought


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