Lucky Strike cigs have a great flavour, is it there in the snus? I'm guessing that it's not... but thought I'd ask anyway.
Do Lucky Strikes taste like Luckies?
While I have only had the cigs and not the snus, I really don't see how it could. Even if it was the same types of tobacco, since you are getting the flavor in totally different ways (one fresh, pasteurized and mixed with salt and the other combusted with paper in smoke) I don't think they could taste much the same. Kind of a drag though, since Luckies are some of the tastier cigs I ever had. They just were hell on my lungs though, so they were an occasional treat.
Methinks I will give them a try Mr. Dil. The biggest problem I had with the regular ones were that they were slippery and slimy and wouldn't stay put. Anyway I just ran out of Pall Mall's and grabbed a can of General to tide me over. I love the taste but they don't last a third as long as my beloved Pall Mall or Jakobsson's.