As i said before i would be getting a snus fridge, and I did.
I bought my new snus fridge from Walmart (no comments lol) for 66.54 US Dollars, the Haier Nucool 1.7cu Ft
My first one was smashed so i took it back and they gave me a new one (btw i kept an extra shelf :roll: ). I plugged it in and hear the small fans spinning (sounds just like a computer) I am a bit ocd so i stuck the thing in my closet cant sleep with any noise, speaking of which im almost ready to smash my clock...that freaking ticking noise ahhh. But let me assure you it is quiet. Although ill prob goto the local computer shop and buy two 10 dollar fans that are suuuuper quiet lol but thats me.
Anyhoo about 12 hours later all the drinks and snus in my fridge are cold (no thermometer available), cold to the point where you take it out and condensation forms on the bottle. The snus fridge uses two Peltier or thermoelectric coolers, to cool the fridge, no compressors. This fridge is a newer version of other thermoelectric fridges that only "cool" this one is not called a cooler but a refrigerator.
If you have 70 dollars laying around and want a fridge that works next to your bed i definitely suggest getting one of these.
I have posted some pictures for you guys
Heres a picture of the front with printer paper for size reference:

By yigs, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 at 2008-12-19
Here is one of the inside: Notice the fridge is a FULL cube

By yigs, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 at 2008-12-19
And finally a up close picture:

By yigs, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 at 2008-12-19
If you guys have any questions id love to answer them,
I bought my new snus fridge from Walmart (no comments lol) for 66.54 US Dollars, the Haier Nucool 1.7cu Ft
My first one was smashed so i took it back and they gave me a new one (btw i kept an extra shelf :roll: ). I plugged it in and hear the small fans spinning (sounds just like a computer) I am a bit ocd so i stuck the thing in my closet cant sleep with any noise, speaking of which im almost ready to smash my clock...that freaking ticking noise ahhh. But let me assure you it is quiet. Although ill prob goto the local computer shop and buy two 10 dollar fans that are suuuuper quiet lol but thats me.
Anyhoo about 12 hours later all the drinks and snus in my fridge are cold (no thermometer available), cold to the point where you take it out and condensation forms on the bottle. The snus fridge uses two Peltier or thermoelectric coolers, to cool the fridge, no compressors. This fridge is a newer version of other thermoelectric fridges that only "cool" this one is not called a cooler but a refrigerator.
If you have 70 dollars laying around and want a fridge that works next to your bed i definitely suggest getting one of these.
I have posted some pictures for you guys
Heres a picture of the front with printer paper for size reference:

By yigs, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 at 2008-12-19
Here is one of the inside: Notice the fridge is a FULL cube

By yigs, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 at 2008-12-19
And finally a up close picture:

By yigs, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 at 2008-12-19
If you guys have any questions id love to answer them,