Emerging from lurk mode

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  • NonEntity
    • Jan 2009
    • 138

    Emerging from lurk mode

    I suppose I should stick my head up and say hello and thank you. As a regular consumer of American style dip/moist snuff for the last twenty years I was searching for a way to quit or at least reduce my tobacco intake. My research revealed that my brand, Silver Creek, had the most carcinogens of any in at least one test and the same article mentioned the extremely low levels in something called snus. A little more research led me here and I have been lurking off and on for the past six weeks.

    Robert at GetSnus.com set me up with a ten can trial pack (customized, my choices) at a very fair price and I started working it in between dips. This past weekend I went all snus and when I tried a dip Monday afternoon it was so sickly sweet I spit it out in twenty minutes.

    The transition has not been too difficult as I work in a tobacco free office and I learned to swallow even with a freshly packed dip. Thus far I can give the thumbs up to General Extra Sterk, General Wintergreen, Claq Qui, and Nick and J West. Thumbs down to Ettan (it reminded me strongly of Copenhagen dip, which I could never stomach, but I gave it to a Cope user and he loved it), Probe Whisky, and Offroad Long Cut Wintergreen.

    I do have two questions if someone has a moment. I have seen several mentions of a law prohibiting mail order tobacco (in the USA). Has this passed? If not, does anyone know the number for the bill? Sounds like something to write my congress critters about.

    Secondly, White Portions vs Regular Portions - what is the real difference? I have gathered that white is supposed to last longer. I have not found this to be true but it does seem like they make my gums sore compared to the regular (or at least the Claq Qui did).

    Thank you again,
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    Welcome. Glad you found snus. 4081 is the bill. It passed the house easily and I believe the senate will take it up soon. I think I will stock up soon. Here's a good link on it:

    Whites are dry and regulars are moist. The regular portions kick in right away and the whites take a while to get going. They also taste different even the same brand.


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      Welcome aboard.

      As far as the portions go, white and regular.

      When they're made the "regular" portions get a bathe of "juice" to keep them moist. White portions don't get this step and are drier.

      White portions tend to keep better out of refrigeration. They also tend not to "run" as much, or as quickly.

      Unfortunately being the material is dry it is rougher on the gums. Try popping the portion on your tongue and roll it around a bit to get it wet before transferring it to your lip. That will help.

      "Regular" portions came out first, and my theory is they were aimed at loose snus users. White portions appealed to non-traditional snusers, smokers, or people who want the nicotine without as much juice.

      I find white portions to be saltier and longer lasting in the flavor department. As a trade off the nicotine takes longer to peak for me.

      I agree about the taste disparity between portion type in the same brand. Try the brands that come in black material. They're much softer.

      Good luck finding a flavor, there's many choices. I rotate between many brands and styles.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        NonEntity, welcome to the forum. ANd welcome to the wonderful world of snus.

        The mail ban has NOT passed, I'm not even sure it ever made it out of committee. Regardless, with the new Congress, it would have to start over. I haven't really given it much thought. Worst case scenario, it passes, my shipping costs go up a bit, but I am STILL saving like 50% of the money I used to spend on cigarettes. So just not stressing it.

        I think other folks covered the white vs regular. I have been using snus for close to 2 years now. After about a year, my tastes change dramatically, and many of my old favorites just started to seem too strong flavor wise. I then switched mostly to whites for their more muted flavor and am very happy with that choice. I make a point to wet them as soon as I put them in, and haven't really ever had any problems with them irritating my gums.


        • NonEntity
          • Jan 2009
          • 138

          Thank you all for the welcome. It looks like the only the thing that kept the mail order ban from passing was a failure of the Senate to schedule it, it passed the house overwhelmingly without debate. Hopefully it won't be back next year but I will bet there are strong lobbies in support.

          I got my second order today and I am trying a Julesnus. I did think of one more question. I have about eight open cans right now and I tend to take one or two to work. When I get back home I put them back in the refrigerator. I noted that both changes in temp and too warm a temp are bad for snus storage. Would I be better off to keep switching cans in and out of the fridge for the day or should I leave them at room temp once I take them to work? Or does it really matter all that much?

          It is interesting, I was going through about a full can of dip per day but only 8 to 10 portions of snus. That should help with justifying the economics of snus compared to my cheap $2/can dip.

          Thank you again,


          • Starcadia
            • May 2008
            • 646

            I go through snus fast enough that I don't refrigerate open cans. I usually have two or three portion cans open at a time, which get used over an average span of about two weeks. By the end of that time they've dried significantly, but not enough to make me refrigerate them. Plus, I'm lazy that way. It's really a personal preference.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              My first year, I always refrigerated open cans. Now, I just do that with ones I don't plan on finishing in 2 -3 days. Most people her DO refrigerate open cans.

              Your usage is typical for me, especially when i first started. some days I may do more, just depends on my mood I guess.

              Formerly a 2 pack a day smoker.

