What's the differences between general onyx, sterk, extra sterk, etc? I'm just about finishing up my second order and would like to know... I want to get the order in before they finish the buy 5 get one free can of onyx offer from northerner.
General snus differences
Onyx is a premium tobacco white portio in a nice soft black bag. Sterk is a white portion that tastes vaguely like General portion. Both are sterk portions, 11 mg I believe. Extra Sterk is a 15mg portion that tastes like regular general, maybe a bit more pepper flavor.
I like Extra, Sterk and Onyx in that order. YMMV. Since I'm a bit different, I would suggest the Onyx first and the extra if you want a lot of nicotine.
Onyx is a black portion that is highly flavored and has a very rich citrus taste.
Sterk is a white portion that is similar to General, but not as much flavor.
Ekstra Sterk is an original extra strong portion that tastes like a mix between General and Nick & Johnny. It has a lot of tobacco flavor with some of the underlying flavor of General original.
Nicotine content per pouch is:
Onyx, 11mg
Sterk, 11mg
Ekstra Sterk, 15mg (comes in a slightly larger pouch)
PennySD, the differences are subtle <maybe not the Oynx>, but distinct enough I am sure I could distinguish them in a blind taste test.
I love Onyx, have never been a huge General fan, like the Sterk much but the flavor is a tad week, and find the extra sterk too strong for my tastes. Best suggestion is try them all. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The taste is indeed very similar and they're indeed all worth a try. Unless you are already a General fan, I'd say just try the extra sterk. It tastes not much different from the other varieties but really gives a heavy nicotine-kick, that even long-time-snusers will notice ... which is a plus at least in my book.