Taboka talk and reviews

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  • gopherbob
    • Jan 2007
    • 125

    Taboka talk and reviews

    Well thanks to forum member nicotinedream I recieved some Taboka. So this is for questions and or comments and or personal experiences with Taboka.

    I'm not sure on the price per can of this stuff as it was a gift but there are 12 approx mini size snus portions. I would guess about .5 gram each. The bag material was much stiffer than swedish portion bags. The biggest thing I noticed was 0 tobacco flavor with the Taboka Green flavor. Thats right 0. For US snussers the best description of flavor would be those Olive Garden mints they give you at the end of your meal... you know the chocolate mints. Not really a chocolate flavor but the mint to me is identical. Very sweet snus almost like candy. It bothers me a little that this taste so much like candy. I would image a kid sneaking some of this from his parents room and instead of coughing with cigarettes or feeling dizzy and sick with dip, would feel like they are eating candy with a kick.

    I think Ol' Saint Nicotinedream sent me a taboka original so when my green flavor is finished I'll pop that open and give it a mini review. I hoping original will have some tobacco taste? He also sent a Skoal Dry so I will make a thread dedicated to Skoal Dry for future easy of search for new users looking for particular info on each companies product.

    Nictotinedream, how would you describe this to users interested?
  • gopherbob
    • Jan 2007
    • 125

    Oh yea, this is a Phillip Morris product. Forgot to mention that above.


    • gopherbob
      • Jan 2007
      • 125

      I was curious about the taboka original so I popped open the can. Smell like delicious coffee. Awesome flavor, but again I couldn't taste any tobacco. I think I like this flavor better than the green. I wonder if this tastes like the catch dry coffee... or maybe they modeled the taboka flavor after the catch dry coffee?


      • mikemck
        New Member
        • Feb 2007
        • 13

        These new smokeless products would seem to be aimed at smokers, and I'm thinking the lack of tobacco taste is what the makers think will be more successful...could be wrong of course.
        I don't think there are going to be too many smokeless users switching to these new "snus type" products.

        Camel Snus is sold here in Austin, but I have not tried any. Same with Skoal Dry.

        I do have some Taboka on the way as well, again from Nicotine Dream, and will add my opinions on the product once it lands.


        • gopherbob
          • Jan 2007
          • 125

          I would really like to hear what original skoal dry tastes like. This 'original' taboka tasting like tasty coffee makes me curious. Maybe if these new smokeless products become more popular swedish match will import more. I'd like to be able to fill my car with gas and pick up a can of General.


          • nzkiwi
            • Jan 2007
            • 141

            Tastes like coffee ha? Sounds o.k. I think i would prefer snus over taboka/skoal dry. Now that i use large potions, taboka and skoal dry probably wouldn't cut it. I'll give taboka/skoal dry a shot if they sell it nationally here in the U.S.


            • nicotinedream
              • Oct 2006
              • 66

              Originally posted by nzkiwi
              Tastes like coffee ha? Sounds o.k. I think i would prefer snus over taboka/skoal dry. Now that i use large potions, taboka and skoal dry probably wouldn't cut it. I'll give taboka/skoal dry a shot if they sell it nationally here in the U.S.
              I think that you're right nzkiwi= If you have been using Swedish snus large portions, you will NOT be satisfied with the two products mentioned.
              Camel Snus would be your closest product to satisfying, however, they are very small portions. I do feel that will change as the product developes here in USA. Camel will need to offer both sizes as the Euro's do.


              • gopherbob
                • Jan 2007
                • 125

                From what I've heard from nicotinedream about takoka's not so great sales and from a U.S. Smokless tobacco interview discussing Revel and Snus Dry it sounds like introducing a new product with an unfamiliar name wont cut it. At least until the product becomes more familiar.

                But hopefully skoal dry becomes more successful and release 1) larger pouches and 2) release a loose general or skruf flavored variety.

                One thing I see happening is paying the skoal price for a can of 20 pouches like they do with their dip products.

                Which in central florida is $4 plus tax on average (I've heard its about $5 dollars in Texas). Much more expensive than ordering the real stuff from sweden. So basically unless they had a loose variety I wouldn't pay $4 for a can of it unless I was completed out of my swedish snus.

                The best thing that can happen is snus becomes popular and Swedish Match markets their brands over here more. They do sell Red Man and Timberwolf here so selling their wonderful brands of snus would be a smart decision on their part.


                • nzkiwi
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 141

                  I think camel snus, taboka and skoal dry are aimed at the cig smoking population. With the bans on smoking indoors, these companies think they might have an alternative for smokers. If these products catch on, perhaps they will offer larger sizes for the smokeless consumer.

                  I'm assuming camel snus is the size of a lucky strike mini. B.A.T is currently manufacturing camel snus for reynolds.


                  • mikemck
                    New Member
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 13

                    I recieved packs of Taboka today, sent from NicotineDream.

                    I am trying out the plain/original first, and I have to say, it's not bad at all.
                    It's pretty sweet, like most loose leaf chewing tobacco, and is a nice change of pace. I like a good chew of loose leaf every once in awhile, mainly for the sweetness, but can't use it very often because it causes me problems.
                    The Taboka might be a very nice alternative.

                    One pouch has lasted me about an 1.5 hour, which is not bad at all. It still has flavor after 1.5 hour, but it's slightly changed now. Maybe a bit more bitter, but still not bad to me.
                    As far as Nicotine goes, it's pretty satisfying. I'm not craving a pinch of Snus so far either.

                    I really think Taboka could be a great seller to smokers who are trying to quit, and an alternative that tastes good and is very discreet.

                    With only 12 pouches per pack, they could slim down the case a quite a bit, making the whole shebang very discreet indeed.

                    If I have no digestion problems with Taboka, I'll probably drop loose leaf chew altogether and just use a pouch of Taboka when I want some sweetness for a change of pace.


                    • Craig de Tering
                      • Nov 2006
                      • 525

                      Souns good! I'm intrigued. Still waiting for the pack from Speeeeeed City


                      • nicotinedream
                        • Oct 2006
                        • 66

                        Originally posted by Craig de Tering
                        Souns good! I'm intrigued. Still waiting for the pack from Speeeeeed City
                        Craig< It will be worth the wait. Promise!


                        • nicotinedream
                          • Oct 2006
                          • 66

                          Wanted everyone to know that Phillip Morris sent out inviatations today for a TaBoka TasteFest. It is being held at a Ruth Chris Steak House, here in Indy. RSVP, of course, but they had about 6 days and different times to attend. I will post how the evening and event is handled. The invitation was top notch in presentation. No coupons included, however.


                          • nicotinedream
                            • Oct 2006
                            • 66

                            Free Coupon

                            Received a coup for a FREE TaBoka today in the mail. It also contained a booklet that told you ALL of the places that you can TUCK a TaBoka. On a plane, NO lighters, at a concert with the cops right beside you. IN your car and the car and your clothes don't smell, so they're trying for the smoker not snuser, or are they? We're the high fruit for them, I guess, unless they come out with a reak snus product.


                            • Craig de Tering
                              • Nov 2006
                              • 525

                              Well I woke up to take a whizz and couldn't resist my curiosity about the Taboka so I popped in a regular-taste one.

                              Comapred to portion snus it's noticeably smaller and totally dry and very sweet tasting. I almost forget it's tobacco as it tastes more like candy. Very Mocca tasting! I don't really feel a huge decrease in nicotine craving but it's there alright. I guess it would've been better if the pouches were bigger.
                              O yeah, the pouch material seems to stick to your mouth if you don't move it while you have it in.


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