Your tastes will definitely change as you get more used to it. I have been snussing for a few weeks now, and mine have already changed a lot. General is my "Desert Island" snus that I could use exclusively, but at first it tasted like salty Instant Nestea mix. I also hated Retro when I first tried it, but now I like it quite a bit. I liked the Gotesburg Rape No.2 a lot when I first tried it, but have grown to hate it. I found that for me, the General-esque "tobacco and citrus" kinds are my favorite and can't handle much of the flavored stuff.
Also, it does not seem that you have any "straight tobacco" type snus in your Swedish snus order. Check out Even if you don't make an order, you can check their flavor descriptions which seem to be fairly accurate. Perhaps try getting a straight tobacco flavor snus. The only straight tobacco kind I have tried is Retro, which is good but takes some time to get used to the harshness that you taste when first trying it.
Also, it does not seem that you have any "straight tobacco" type snus in your Swedish snus order. Check out Even if you don't make an order, you can check their flavor descriptions which seem to be fairly accurate. Perhaps try getting a straight tobacco flavor snus. The only straight tobacco kind I have tried is Retro, which is good but takes some time to get used to the harshness that you taste when first trying it.