I just jumped on board the snus train a week or so ago when I stumbled across some Triumph Original at a gas station. I really liked it so I ordered some "real" snus from Sweden (I know triumph is "real" too, but I wanted to be a traditional snus'er). So far I have tried General Silver White Portion and Groteborgs Rape White Portion. I was taken back by the stark difference in flavor between The Triumph and the other two. What gives? I've been a dipper all my life. I really like the Triumph better...it has a more tobacco flavor to it, and a little sweet but good sweet. I don't even know how to describe the General and Rape flavor, it didn't taste much like tobacco though...and salty maybe?? Dont laugh, and maybe I was just paranoid, but I think it even upset my stomach a little too.
Do most dip users prefer the Triumph to the other stuff? I'm worried I'll get hooked on the Triumph and it will dissapear...I've only seen it at one gas station here in Atlanta so far. Should I just suck it up and force myself to develop a taste for the other stuff? Well, I got about $20 of it in the fridge, so I guess I will!
I've got a can of General Silver White Portion, Groteborgs Rape WP, G Rape WP No. 2., Knox, Skruf Cranberry and General Sterk. So far I've only opened the 2 I mentioned. I have them in the fridge. Will the other go bad sooner if I open them? Or will the fridge keep them?
Any insight would be appreciated...trying to become a knowledgeable Snus'er.
And the Triumph is only $1.59 a can (for now)!!!
Do most dip users prefer the Triumph to the other stuff? I'm worried I'll get hooked on the Triumph and it will dissapear...I've only seen it at one gas station here in Atlanta so far. Should I just suck it up and force myself to develop a taste for the other stuff? Well, I got about $20 of it in the fridge, so I guess I will!
I've got a can of General Silver White Portion, Groteborgs Rape WP, G Rape WP No. 2., Knox, Skruf Cranberry and General Sterk. So far I've only opened the 2 I mentioned. I have them in the fridge. Will the other go bad sooner if I open them? Or will the fridge keep them?
Any insight would be appreciated...trying to become a knowledgeable Snus'er.
And the Triumph is only $1.59 a can (for now)!!!