New Snus'er Question

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  • cpnhagen23
    New Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 8

    New Snus'er Question

    I just jumped on board the snus train a week or so ago when I stumbled across some Triumph Original at a gas station. I really liked it so I ordered some "real" snus from Sweden (I know triumph is "real" too, but I wanted to be a traditional snus'er). So far I have tried General Silver White Portion and Groteborgs Rape White Portion. I was taken back by the stark difference in flavor between The Triumph and the other two. What gives? I've been a dipper all my life. I really like the Triumph has a more tobacco flavor to it, and a little sweet but good sweet. I don't even know how to describe the General and Rape flavor, it didn't taste much like tobacco though...and salty maybe?? Dont laugh, and maybe I was just paranoid, but I think it even upset my stomach a little too.

    Do most dip users prefer the Triumph to the other stuff? I'm worried I'll get hooked on the Triumph and it will dissapear...I've only seen it at one gas station here in Atlanta so far. Should I just suck it up and force myself to develop a taste for the other stuff? Well, I got about $20 of it in the fridge, so I guess I will!

    I've got a can of General Silver White Portion, Groteborgs Rape WP, G Rape WP No. 2., Knox, Skruf Cranberry and General Sterk. So far I've only opened the 2 I mentioned. I have them in the fridge. Will the other go bad sooner if I open them? Or will the fridge keep them?

    Any insight would be appreciated...trying to become a knowledgeable Snus'er.

    And the Triumph is only $1.59 a can (for now)!!!
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    First cpnhagen23, welcome to the forum, and welcome to the world of snus. I am glad you found Swedish snus quickly.

    The salt.

    You will get used to it. Takes the body a bit of time to get aclimated but within a month, you won't really taste it any more.

    Swedish snus is NEVER as sweet as either the American branded ones or American dip. Most, maybe not all, but definitely most people soon come to prefer the much more muted flavors of the Swedish version. But at first, it can be a bit of a shock.

    I have never been a fan of General Silver, and the Rape is an unusably, distinctive taste. Folks will either like or not,

    I suggest you open the Knox. it really is about as close to straight forward traditional unflavored Swedish snus out of the batch you have. Keep trying it even if at first, you aren't sure if you like it. My bet is that you will soon come to really like it, it is one of my favorites.

    But if you end up keep using Triumph, that's cool too. The only "right"
    snus is the snus you like.

    But give Swedish time to grow on you.

    And welcome again!!

    Oh, almost forgot, the fridge will keep them fine. Right now, as you are experimenting, feel free to open whatever you want.


    • Starcadia
      • May 2008
      • 646

      You should probably try the General Sterk if you want more of a tobacco taste from what you have.


      • Ainkor
        • Sep 2008
        • 1144

        Re: New Snus'er Question

        Originally posted by cpnhagen23
        Do most dip users prefer the Triumph to the other stuff? I'm worried I'll get hooked on the Triumph and it will dissapear...I've only seen it at one gas station here in Atlanta so far. Should I just suck it up and force myself to develop a taste for the other stuff? Well, I got about $20 of it in the fridge, so I guess I will!
        I live in Western NC and I drive to Georgia to get Triumph every once in a while. I dig Triumph original but I prefer the mint as a "desert" snus.

        I find that there are many kinds that I like, it just takes time. I was shocked at how salty they were at first also, but it grows on ya.

        As far as Triumph being available, I am wondering if it will be a long term product also. It's a close enough to snus that if I couldn't import any I would be just fine.

        I suggest ordering a sampler pack and trying out a mix of flavors.

        Snus is quite different than dip, mainly the lack of sweetness. You will also find that after a while, the subtle flavors do start to come out. My favorite is Gotenborgs Rape #2 personally with Catch Licorice coming in a close second.

        Try some, think of it as an experiment and enjoy. Welcome to the wonderful world of snus!



        • Tristik
          • Jan 2009
          • 654

          There's also a difference you might not know about if you are new to this stuff. It's the health difference, if that's one reason you are switching. In Sweden, this stuff is regulated by their version of the Food and Drug Administration. They have to disclose all of the ingrediants they use for the snus, and how it is being made. For American made snus, they can do whatever they hell they want, pretty much, and not tell you about any of it.

          I've dipped a bit, on and off. Usually Grizzly Wintergreen. I'll tell ya, I've been snusing for a week and the salty-ness definitely grows on you. I actually find myself looking forward to it now.


          • cpnhagen23
            New Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 8

            Thanks guys. The health aspect was definitely a large part of it. I know its still not good for you, but it sounds like its a helluva lot better than American tobacco products. I'm a realist...right now abstinence just isn't going to happen, so I might as well take the least dangerous route...and I love the discreteness...dipping and smoking has become very taboo these days. Now I can enjoy a fine tobacco product without anybody knowing.

            This may be a fundamental debate in the Snus world, but what's the deal with freezing it? I've read where some people say it makes the quality poorer. At $1.59 a tin, I'm tempted to stock up on the Triumph while its on sale, but not if its going to taste like ass when it comes out of the freezer in a couple months.

            Unfortunately, I didn't order any loose snus with my first order, but I can't wait to get some. Should I order an icetool too? or is hand-baking not that hard to master?

            Does this stuff spoil or does it just go dry? Does it matter how long its been opened as long as it is before the "Best if used by" date (which I think I noticed seems to be in a different date format DD/MM/YYYY)? Keep in the fridge if possible?

            Thanks...sorry for all the questions, but I'm a newbie.


            • sychodelix
              • Dec 2008
              • 280

              I've seen snus last even past the exp date as long as you keep it in the freezer. As far as I've seen, there is no quality reduction with freezing. It has more of a danger of drying out in the fridge, so I wouldn't put one in there until you are ready to use it.

              As for forming los pris, I'd get a prismaster first, to see if you like los alright. It only costs around $2 and if you like it, you can decide if you want to try an icetool later. A $40+ tool isn't cheap, so make sure you really want one first. As long as I've been snusing, I still haven't invested in one, and actually (once I got good at it) decided that I prefer handbaking.


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                Don't worry about the ingredients of Triumph. It is made in Sweden by Swedish Match.
                I liked Triumph at first, now I can't stand it. I prefer the real salty snus. The goteborgs snus are not the best for a beginner. They are pretty subtle and take some experience to appreciate fully. The Knox is a good intro to snus. Also you might like some of the Offroad flavors.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  I'd suggest giving Ettan and Lucky Strike a go if you want something a little more pure tobacco tasting. Knox and General both are flavored with bergamot, think earl grey tea, and Rape is flavored with juniper.


                  • Erik327
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 64

                    I'm with jamesstew on this one..... i've been a devout user of Ettan White and Lucky White portions for quite a while. They're solid, enjoyable offerings. But snus preferences are like assholes, everyone's got one, and you need to find yours. Try a mixed box from, and that'll give you a chance to try a good selection of what's available.

                    Originally posted by jamesstew
                    I'd suggest giving Ettan and Lucky Strike a go if you want something a little more pure tobacco tasting. Knox and General both are flavored with bergamot, think earl grey tea, and Rape is flavored with juniper.


                    • cpnhagen23
                      New Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 8

                      Originally posted by sychodelix
                      I've seen snus last even past the exp date as long as you keep it in the freezer. As far as I've seen, there is no quality reduction with freezing. It has more of a danger of drying out in the fridge, so I wouldn't put one in there until you are ready to use it.
                      Woah, Im confused...if I freeze it, it should be good for long after the expiration date, right? And I thought the fridge was the place to keep it fresh if you're going to use it before the exp. date?? Or is that just for after you open it? Sorry for all the questions...I like to be well informed when I get into something.

                      Thanks for the recommendations...I've got a nice little list now to start far I like the Knox better than the Groteborgs and General (only 3 I've tried/opened, threw the other 3 cans in the freezer since I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to get to them).


                      • justintempler
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 3090

                        Some of us have more snus than we can ever use before the expiration date and with so many choices we never really know what we will end up using. For us keeping it in the freezer is just easier.

                        If you KNOW you are going to use it before the expiration date the refrigerator will be just fine.


                        • Starcadia
                          • May 2008
                          • 646

                          Or if you know you're going to use it within the next month or so, use the fridge. The freezer essentially delays the expiration date, which makes usage time frames fuzzy. It's complicated, and takes a bit of practice to know how to keep your snus.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            cpnhagen23< I can make it really simple.

                            if it has never been opened, it lives in the freezer. Essentially for the reasons other have stated, it stops any degradation, I have had snus in my freezer 6 months past expiration and it's fine.

                            Once it's open, it goes in the fridge which slows down, but doesn't eliminate, degradation. I have found 6 month old snus buried in the back of the fridge. It is still OK, if a little dry.

                            Then on a personal note, I have stopped putting snus I am going all the way through back in the fridge. I just leave it out for the 2 -3 days i will take to go through it.


                            • toekuttr
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 197

                              Hey cpnhagen23, welcome to the wonderful world of snus. Question for you, what brand of dip were you using. This might seem like a dumb question considering your username, but you indicate snus seemed salty in comparison and not nearly sweet enough. Copenhagen, at least the regular, is quite salty too and hardly sweet. Maybe it's one of the newer Cope's I haven't tried?


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