Wish I'd found this forum BEFORE I ordered!

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  • Blue Slate
    New Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 6

    Wish I'd found this forum BEFORE I ordered!

    Hey everyone-- new to the forum and snusing here. I've learned a ton from what I've already read here, so thanks!

    Little about me... I'm 27 and a very light user of dip, probably like a can of Skoal every three weeks or something like. Usually it dries out and goes bad before I finish it. But what can I say, I like to relax with a buzz in front of the TV every now and then.

    Anyhow, thought I'd give snus a go since it sounds a lot less harmful and I get the added benefit of actually knowing what ingredients go into it. Placed a small order with northerner.com for the following...

    General Portion
    Skruf Stark Loose
    Offroad American Wintergreen, Long Cut

    To be honest, I had no idea what the hell I was looking for when I placed that order. Just kinda took a stab based on the store descriptions. Kind of excited to try the General and Skruf, but regretting the Offroad since it sounds like most of you aren't too fond of if. It just sounded the most like the Wintergreen Skoal I'm used to, so I guess that's what drew me to it. If I could do it over, I'd probably have chosen something else. Anyhow, when they arrive I'll let you know what I think. I can already say I like the price. Even with shipping from Sweden it's cheaper than Skoal which goes for almost $7 a can here in MN.

    Anyhow, felt compelled to make a a post to say hello.
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    The OR Wintergreen LC is nice when you feel like a nice wad in your lower lip without having to spit.

    It has a nice mint to it, but it will not have that eye-popping burn that you get from a lip of skoal.

    Welcome to Snuson!


    • clitten
      • Jan 2009
      • 33

      Welcome Blue Slate! It's nice to see another new snuser from MN. Hopefully we multiply in numbers so that we have enough buying power to warrant the expansion of the Swedish snus product to our local tobacconists.


      • burningcow422
        • Nov 2008
        • 183

        That's actually close to my first order (skruf and offroad lc wintergreen were in mine). The offroad lc wintergreen smells a lot like wintergreen dip but the taste is very subtle and very bland at first. But you get used to it and it's nice to be able to pack a lip like dip with it. My roomate and I love it. There's a definite transition though.

        All in all you chose well. Takes some time to find what snus fits you best.

        Welcome to the forum!


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Welcome to the forum Blue Slate.

          The beautiful thing about snus, you will have plenty more orders ahead nof you. You have a world of snus to discover, I promise you this though, I doubt you will be disappointed. you may even find you like the Offroad too.

          Make sure you try portions too, even if you assume you will use mostly los. You may find them convenient sometimes.


          • holnrew
            • Jul 2008
            • 613

            I love the long cut wintergreen, but I have to spit or I get hiccups.

            Nice order.


            • Ainkor
              • Sep 2008
              • 1144

              Originally posted by sagedil
              you may even find you like the Offroad too.

              That comment saddens me. Are you turning into some kind of Xobeloot pinko communist sympathizer?

              Offroad? Gah!

              Just kidding sage :P

              And welcome to the forums Blue Slate! I moved out of paradise (MN) about two and a half years ago.... I miss it and my wife and kids do too.



              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                That order doesn't look bad at all for a shot in the dark. OR Wintergreen is probably a good start for you, but like the others have said, it will not have the same burn as dip. Also, keep in mind that Offroad's varieties take a little getting used to anyway (taste), so don't write it off too quickly if you don't like it at first.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  General Portion and Skruf Stark Los are great! I have never tried any Offroad snus so I can't speak for myself. However, at least you purchased two cans of excellent snus. Even if you don't like the Offroad, it was only a waste of two dollars.


                  • MN_Snuser
                    • May 2008
                    • 354

                    Welcome aboard Blue Slate. I am a Minnesotan aswell.


                    • Blue Slate
                      New Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 6

                      Thanks for all the welcomes guys. Good to hear there are a number of fellow minnesotans out there. Shouldn't surprise me though, since Minnesota is probably the most Swedish place there is outside scandinavia.

                      Just tossed my last half can of skoal in the trash. It'll be a few more days before my snus arrives, but I want to do my best not to compare the two, so I'm trying to be as far removed from the dip as possible when I try it.

                      Should make the nicotine buzz that much sweeter too.

                      I'll be back when it arrives to let you know what I think in the off-chance any of you care to hear the opinions of a first time snus user.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        We LOVE hearing the experiences of first time snus users. We were all new one time, and it's fun to be reminded of what that was like.

                        So please DO share!! :lol:


                        • jackolantern
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 198

                          Welcome to the forums!

                          If all you got was one can of each, don't fret at all. You ordered what most people consider 2 cans of great snus. The last one if more of a personal opinion. Some like it, some don't. Just don't open it expecting it to be even remotely like the American wintergreen. Just go into it expecting it to be its own thing, and you may like it.

                          I really wish I had read these forums before placing my first order. I spent about $60, and about a third of the cans were things that I would have not ordered if I had known better (like the Offroad Coffee-Vanilla..ewww). Then another third were things that I can finish but will never order again (like Gotland Green). The last third are some tastes I liked and would like to keep exploring.


                          • Tristik
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 654

                            If the OR Wintergreen portions taste even REMOTELY like the loose, I think you will like it. I use Grizzly Wintergreen once in a while (it's cheaper, heh) and the OR wintergreen tastes almost exactly like it. Grizzly ain't too different from the Skoal. I've tried both.


                            • Huskysibe
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 98

                              Can you use the OR Wintergreen LC in the lower lip like american dip? I was just wondering.

