You can use any snus in your lower-lip if you like. It can create more juice, however, which can bother some people.
Wish I'd found this forum BEFORE I ordered!
Hey guys, I'm about 45 minutes into my first snus, so thought I'd stop in and let you all know how it's going.
I got a little impatient waiting for Northerner and placed an order with as well. That arrived really quickly, so now I'm hanging out with a pris of general los in. I thought it would be a fitting first since it sounds like it's the most popular one out there. So far I really like it !
You guys were 100% right in saying it's nothing like dip cause it's not. Aside from the obvious taste and texture differences, I think the buzz is really different as well. With skoal, the nicotine would hit me like a bus-- snus feels like a much slower, gentler high that comes on gradually. In fact the first ten minutes or so had me worried nothing was going to happen at all. Well, it's happening now and was worth the wait. I'm also surprised how well the pris keeps its form in my upper lip with time. I haven't had any trouble with it melting or shifting like I feared. The taste sort of reminds me of how a citronella candle smells and has a pleasant saltiness. All in all, very nice.
I have a lot more snuses to try, but I think General los was a great place to start... I'm really enjoying it. Thanks again for all the tips and advice here guys, it helped me a ton.
Thank you for checking back in and sharing Blue Slate!!
You are discovering the most magical part of snus, the highly efficient and gentle way nicotine is absorbed by the body. If you look through the Science on Swedish Math's site, you will find the graphs that show the rate of nicotine absorption, and more important, the rate it leaves the body as well. Snus is so consistent, it eliminated all the highs and lows for me. I love it for that.
Having said that, occasionally I DO want a stronger hit of nicotine, and I have turned to snuff to feed that desire when i want it.