3 days in to this magical journey

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  • Maximus
    • Jan 2009
    • 222

    3 days in to this magical journey

    Well, I am 3 days in now and must first apologize about my initial assessment of General Wintergreen. After avoiding it for 2 days while trying the other snus I decided to go back and try it again and :shock: just as I am finding with the others my palate is constantly adjusting and now the General Wintergreen actually tastes decent.

    As I'm sure many of you seasoned snuser's already know, I am finding that the more I go on this flavor journey the more and more I am enjoying it. I am constantly amazed at the new flavors I am finding with in pouches I have tried previously. I am actually planning my day now with 5 different cans for work and thinking about what I might enjoy with say my coffee, or before lunch or after lunch etc.

    I am 3 days smoke free now and absolutely grateful that I found these forums and took the plunge. I am actually turning a few peoples minds around as well, including my wife (who is stealing my snus ) who quit smoking years ago and has bugged me to stop. Hell, when I first told her I was considering snus, she said "You do and that's it!" and now she is asking me which one to try next.

    I can't wait to place my next order which will have some of the more standard snus and maybe, just maybe may include a can or two of loose. My mouth has just been watering too much from some of the reviews of the loose.
  • Tristik
    • Jan 2009
    • 654

    I heard people say that about snus, but you don't really get it until you've used it for a little while. The whole taste thing. At first, the salt is somewhat overpowering, but the longer you use it, the more the subtle flavors you couldn't catch before start coming out.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      LOL Maximus, that whole shifting taste thing, you better get used to it.

      It just seems to be the nature of snus. And it will always be no matter how long you use. Snus tastes just seem to shift all over the place for many, many folks. You will get used to snus that you have loved for months, suddenly you won't like it. Snus you may have thought was horrible, suddenly, it's not so bad.

      So one of the best lessons that you already seem to be learning is be willing to go back and try things you might not have liked at first. Another lesson I had to learn is never to overuse a snus. One of the things that has stabilized my tastes, at least a bit, is I have about 10 different snus I like a lot, so I am always changing up between them. And I will even let a favorite go fallow for a month or two before I come back to it.

      Anyways, I am so glad you are enjoying it. You have an unforgettable journey ahead of you. Enjoy it!!!


      • jnkyo07
        • Jan 2009
        • 48


        dude, i love that your wife said "you do it that's it" and then she likes it too...that's great! and it's awesome you're getting more people into it. maybe eventually swedish snus will just take over the whole tobacco industry!


        • hellokitty
          New Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 6

          Re: 3 days in to this magical journey

          Maximus said "...I am finding that the more I go on this flavor journey the more and more I am enjoying it."

          Hey, I've got a magical, flavor journey for ya...why don't you take your wife out for dinner now and again at The Olive Garden? And here's another magical journey...how 'bout you start taking the trash out on Friday morning so it doesn't keep building up. You still have to pay, ya know, even if you don't actually put any trashy out. :wink:


          • sychodelix
            • Dec 2008
            • 280


            Nice kitty. Good kitty. Keep the claws in.


            • Maximus
              • Jan 2009
              • 222

              Hey, I've got a magical, flavor journey for ya...why don't you take your wife out for dinner now and again at The Olive Garden? And here's another magical journey...how 'bout you start taking the trash out on Friday morning so it doesn't keep building up. You still have to pay, ya know, even if you don't actually put any trashy out.
              This coming from the same women that said "you do it and that's it" and now is saying "which one of the phantom loose should I try?"

              I'll take you out to Olive Garden so long as I can have desert at my favorite pie place. 8)


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                Originally posted by Maximus
                so long as I can have desert at my favorite pie place. 8)
                mmmm pie


                • Starcadia
                  • May 2008
                  • 646

                  Originally posted by Maximus
                  Hey, I've got a magical, flavor journey for ya...why don't you take your wife out for dinner now and again at The Olive Garden? And here's another magical journey...how 'bout you start taking the trash out on Friday morning so it doesn't keep building up. You still have to pay, ya know, even if you don't actually put any trashy out.
                  I'll take you out to Olive Garden so long as I can have desert at my favorite pie place. 8)
                  Hey, are you two speaking in secret couples' code to describe other stuff?


                  • Maximus
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 222

                    ops: Noooo....well maybe....sorta :roll: don't tell anyone, it's an old peoples secret so we don't creep out our teenagers :wink:


                    • hellokitty
                      New Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 6

                      Originally posted by Maximus
                      This coming from the same women that said "you do it and that's it" and now is saying "which one of the phantom loose should I try?"
                      Oh, that's still it but I'm taking your SNUS when I go!!!! :lol:


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