= fast shipping

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  • ShaulWolf
    • Jan 2009
    • 495 = fast shipping

    I just got my order in today, and it's only been 4 days! 0.o I suppose it makes sense since it shipped from PA to SC, but compared to the cigars I've gotten before which took a week that's pretty damned quick.

    I put in my order last Thursday afternoon, and I honestly wasn't expecting it to come in this quick at all. I checked my mail at 10am and I find a nice little note saying I have a package that's come in. Lo and behold, it's 4 tins of snus that I ordered. How 'bout that? If only they had Pall Mall or Lucky Strike for me to order to try out next... C'est la vie. For now I'll try out the Ettan, Grov, and General Wintergreen that I got in and write a short review on them when I have a solid view on them.
  • joe broker
    • Nov 2008
    • 54

    I've had nothing but good experiences with I live in Harrisburg, PA, and every order I'v placed has arrived the next business day. Check out my thread on General Wintergreen -- I just got a tin and the pouches are leaky; I'll be curious to see if you have this problem or if I just got a bad can.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      FWIW, I have gotten snus from buysnus in 4 days, almost all my orders come within 5 days.

      When Getsnus offers more than they currently do, perhaps I will make an order from them. Until they do, I don't see any reason.


      • Sal1000us
        • Jan 2009
        • 384

        Is getsnus an American company operating in the states?


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          They are.


          • Sal1000us
            • Jan 2009
            • 384

            For some silly reason, I was under assumption this wasn't possible, being foreign tobacco and all. I like the snus business, I think if I had more time and enough $$ to spare, I would consider opening a snus shop in the US.


            • Starcadia
              • May 2008
              • 646

              Originally posted by sagedil
              FWIW, I have gotten snus from buysnus in 4 days, almost all my orders come within 5 days.

              When Getsnus offers more than they currently do, perhaps I will make an order from them. Until they do, I don't see any reason.


              • ShaulWolf
                • Jan 2009
                • 495

                Can't argue their selection isn't as big as, but I did like that they had the General Wintergreen I wanted to try out and that I could get it as a freebie. Sadly they don't have Pall Mall or Lucky Strike to try out in my next order. Though if you mainly like General, Ettan, or Grov I don't think it's too bad a place if you just want a few tins and want it shipped quickly. I'll be taking sagedil's advice, though, and get the PM and LS in my next order next month. Meanwhile I'll enjoy the Ettan and Grov.


                • mercvrivs
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 484

                  There are certain snuses that I routinely order from Getsnus, because they are cheaper than anyone else and have always treated me very well.

                  Other snuses I order from Buysnus.

                  I like using two separate retailers.

                  Both have decent shipping times and excellent customer service.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    ShaulWolf, the issue with some of us old timers isn't whether Getsnus is a good place or not, I'm sure they are fine.

                    My issue is that Buysnus has NEVER caused me any problems. For two years, I have gotten my snus from Sweden with never a worry I am LOYAL to them because they have treated me, and every other person here, with great service.

                    Call me old fashioned, but when a company has consistently treated me well, why would I switch? To save a dime here or there? If prices were significantly cheaper, I might have to consider it. But consistency over two years of doing business with them has made me see NO reason to even consider changing.

                    If Getsnus had never started their forum, i would probably still be holding my tongue. But I am VERY angered by that decision, a complete and total lack of respect for what already is in my book. And the ironic thing is, without Snuson, they probably wouldn't have much of a business. So going forward, I will continue to be very aggressive in both promoting Buysnus, and sticking my tongue out at Getsnus at every opportunity.


                    • texasmade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4159

                      Originally posted by sagedil
                      I will continue to be very aggressive in both promoting Buysnus, and sticking my tongue out at Getsnus at every opportunity.
                      now thats a devoted customer


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by sagedil
                        ShaulWolf, the issue with some of us old timers isn't whether Getsnus is a good place or not, I'm sure they are fine.

                        My issue is that Buysnus has NEVER caused me any problems. For two years, I have gotten my snus from Sweden with never a worry I am LOYAL to them because they have treated me, and every other person here, with great service.

                        Call me old fashioned, but when a company has consistently treated me well, why would I switch? To save a dime here or there? If prices were significantly cheaper, I might have to consider it. But consistency over two years of doing business with them has made me see NO reason to even consider changing.
                        Well put sage. My thoughts exactly :^)


                        • ShaulWolf
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 495

                          Didn't know there was some politics involved here either. 0.o I just found a place that offered a flavor I was interested in as a freebie. Though I have found buysnus to a great place and don't see much reason to get snus from anywhere else unless there's a flavor I want to try that they don't offer. Care to PM me the backstory on what you were talking about? I'm interested in hearing about it.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            I don't have any particular problem with Getsnus. Buysnus has always treated me well, so I reward their good service with my loyalty. I'm like that with every place I spend my money. If I hit a winner on the first shot, I don't try anything new :^)


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9758

                              Its time for me to stock up on my favorites. So last night I priced $50 worth including shipping from Northerner, Buysnus, and Getsnus. Well I can get 20 tins from northerner for $58, 20 tins from Buysnus for $54 and 25 tins for my $50 from Getsnus. I think I'll be ordering from Getsnus this time. I was pretty faithfull to the other two outfits but, come on, its cheaper and I get 5 more tins. I might be dumb but I'm not an idiot..........well I don't think so.

                              Getsnus doesn't have the wide variety but they do have what I want.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.

