All I'll say is we were very clear that the nicotine did NOT hit you in the face. Why some of us really like it. :wink:
Thunder Snus - Production Version
Originally posted by apocaliciousgot my thunder today! I absolutely love it! the nic is strong and the taste complex. im even getting hints of honey halls cough drops without menthol. Its a definitely great snus. better than any other v2 ive tried for sure!
MrAbstracto, I'm with you on the taste. All I get is the weird V2 chemicalness. V2 does it again. This snus is bunk in my very humble and relatively non-experienced opinion. I would caution anyone against ordering a roll, as I almost did based on the hype surrounding this product. Although, what do I know. I am in the vast minority on not liking this one it seems. Go for the roll. Snus on snusing on...
Originally posted by RooMrAbstracto, I'm with you on the taste. All I get is the weird V2 chemicalness. V2 does it again. This snus is bunk in my very humble and relatively non-experienced opinion. I would caution anyone against ordering a roll, as I almost did based on the hype surrounding this product. Although, what do I know. I am in the vast minority on not liking this one it seems. Go for the roll. Snus on snusing on...
On a sort of related note, I also got the Nordströmmen Limited Edition lös set and so far only the Tobacco Top has that strange taste (really thats ALL I can taste in it). The others in the set are just fantastic.
Got my los today.
Fantastic stuff! I wish that Roo and Abstracto could share the love that others have found in this stuff, but alas, it is snus afterall.
Like I've said in many other threads, if we all shared the exact same tastes, this would be a pretty boring market.
For myself, I will be using quite a bit of this stuff on an ongoing basis (both portion and los)
To me the portions taste similarly to N&J (a good thing). They are underfilled like Ettan portions (N&J being normal, Skruf Stark portions being overfilled). This is good for those who want their portion totally concealed, but bad for those who want to feel something in their lips. The smell to me is more like mashed tobacco than chemicals (and after a few big whiffs actually burns the nostrils a little). There's also a notable burn in the lip. I don't notice much nicotine difference between this and other strong portions.
All in all, I think this is a better snus than General Ekstra Sterk. I probably won't order the portions again (actually Buysnus mistakenly sent me portions instead of loose), but now I'm even more excited about the loose version.
I received two cans of Thunder loose and three cans of portions in the mail today (a couple are for my lady). I am trying the loose now and am only 12 minutes into it. I will not post my official reviews of these products until I've tried them a few times, but I'll post my thoughts on the loose so far:
I like all of V2's cans because black is my favorite color, and they all feature predominantly black backgrounds. It's decently solid and it works; enough said.
The aroma is faint, but balanced, with a predominant scent of deep and rich tobacco. It does not smell strongly in the way that Phantom and Offroad do.
The texture is more finely ground than many of of V2's offerings. When I baked my pris, it felt most akin to Offroad Original, with a bit of a spongy/squishy feel to it. I would almost describe it as a fluffiness or lower density than that found in other snuses such as Phantom, Grov, or Roda Lacket. However, it bakes very easily and is not messy.
The flavor is subtle, more subtle than most V2 offerings. Specifically, I'm talking about the balance between plain tobacco and other flavorings. In this snus, the tobacco flavor takes a front seat, with the other flavorings as undertones. I would say the same for OR Cranberry, although Thunder even more so. On the other hand, Phantom is more evenly balanced in my opinion, equally between tobacco and citrus, with hints of peppery undertones. This gives it a sweetness that Thunder does not have. However, so far I detect no bitterness in Thunder loose (this is very important to me). It's a pleasant dominant tobacco taste, and I'm picking up on just a hint of a very mild floral character (must be the bergamot). It is well-crafted and mildly flavored. I believe that this will replace Skruf stark as my morning stark loose snus.
20 minutes into it, I still feel the nicotine being delivered. This seems congruent with what others have said about the slow but steady delivery this snus offers. My head's not swimming even though I did an average pris size (1.5g I estimate). I definitely have a high nicotine tolerance, and I'm getting a mild nic buzz off this, which is rare for me.
Overall, I am impressed and pleased with Thunder loose snus -- and it's in my top 5.
Originally posted by v2I don’t know really what to say!
We are very happy that we have hit something really great – not that I was doubting about it :lol:
We appreciate the comments a lot.
Thanks for the support!
Originally posted by v2I don’t know really what to say!
We are very happy that we have hit something really great – not that I was doubting about it :lol:
We appreciate the comments a lot.
Thanks for the support!
My order of Thunder portions from never showed up.