Are the flavors in snus (bergamot, juniper, anise, etc.) real/essential extracts or are they synthesized?
Origins of Flavor
In all of the swedish match, and skruf/knox, the flavors taste genuinely authentic. Honestly, most of the others I've tried do too. Elixyr and Offroad don't taste authentic at all. I'm not sure about Phantom, but it might be real. It's just the right mix of flavors to taste really bad to me.
I have found in some cases that I like artificial flavors more, at least with a direct comparison. For example, "vanillin"(artificial vanilla) tastes better in ice cream to me than the real stuff.
I'm sure it's not the case with all artificial flavors, but what I mean to say is that "natural" doesn't neccesarily mean "better".
I don't think that any of the flavors, used in snus, are natural (in the meaning of being real (plant) extracts), because this certainly would shorten the shelf-life.
But that's just my personal opinion. I still have to try a flavored snus that gives me the feeling that only natural ingredients (besides the tobacco) are used.
I searched the internet and found no article discussing the nature of the flavors. The closest text to any detail was described by GothiaTek which really doesn't help much but saying it is the same as what they add to the food:
"Swedish snus is regulated as a food product in Sweden. Production and additive standards are the same as those for food products."
danish oral tobacco produckts are regulatet ass food also and the national danish rules is infackt stritker than the swedish, as an ex here its not even legal to put extra vitamins in food large debat in denmark about that just now
just to be sure last summer i wrote an email to V2 tobacco asking if the aromas in eg offroad licorice was naturraly or naturalidetical (syntetek but simular)
and got the ansawar that they are NATURAL
also i belive thats why i cant buy oliwertwist wintergreen/blackcurant in denmark but iam not sure
V2 tobacco (offroad)
orlik tobacco
thats the only once
orlik is the old one and small on the snus manly pipe tobacco
sory for the long link but the snus is only on the dk page
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