About to make my third order

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  • Hoovie
    • Nov 2008
    • 109

    About to make my third order

    Alright guys, I've been snusing (is that a word?) for a couple months now, haven't had a cigarette since late November. So far I've been taking the shotgun approach to trying new brands, buy about 12 cans of different brands in an effort to try everything, in the hopes of finding a favorite. Here's my third and hopefully final "shotgun" order:
    (All are portions)
    Got Green, Got Yellow, Elixyr Peppermint, Gustavus, Jak Icefruit, Knox, Lucky Strike, OR Icemint, Skruf Cranberry, Skurf Stark, Tre Ankare (white)

    Brands I've already tried, in no particular order:
    General White, General Wintergreen, Ettan Orig/White, Gote #1 #2, Probe, N&J, N&J East, OR Apple, Nord Julesnus, Phantom Blue, Kronan, Roda Lacket, Grov Black, Jak Icefruit, Jak Classic.

    So, the million dollar question... is there anything worth trying that I've missed?
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    nasal snuff
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Must get new Thunder. Must, I promise, the best snus I ever had.


      • ponysoprano
        • Jul 2008
        • 562

        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
        nasal snuff
        I second that. Can't go wrong with most flavors of Toque or Wilson's

        So, yeah your shotgun approach to trying snus is a good idea, but nasal snuff is a whole different plane of smokeless tobacco use, and it's generally thought to be even less harmful than using our friend Snus.



        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159

          ok now yall have got me intrigued about nasal snuff...hows the nic hit...any runny noses lol...whats a good choice for a first timer??


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            I have tried a few brands, see my ramblings here...


            But for beginners (ME), I have found the Toque to be the best. Some of the other stuff has been just too strong. I know I will work my way there, but my favorites, by a long shot, have been the Toque.

            Yes, my nose runs sometimes, have to sneeze occasionally, and use Ocean (generic) nasal stuff to clean my nose out about once a day. But it hasn't been a big issue, just do keep some Kleenex or a hankie around, you WILL use it!!

            The nic hit. This has been my greatest joy with incorporating the snuff in. I get a much stronger hit, but more importantly, I can finely control the level. I want more, i just keep doing snuff. The other night, I was chilling, laying on my bed watching some music videos and really going at it with the snuff, and I had the sweetest nicotine high I ever have had, Nothing making me feel uncomfortable, just felt REALLY good. Almost like a mild amphetamine kind of high. I laughed cause i never knew nicotine could be a recreational drug

            My first day or two, it did get my engine charged up a bit, starting hitting the snuff constantly. A good strong portion broke that cycle, and I really haven't felt it again. Maybe today is closest as I have been hitting the snuff hard the past two hours.

            All I can say is you are a fool not to at least try it for yourself. You don't like it, at least you know., but snuff is the cheapest type of tobacco. My first order cost me like $12. So you really don't have much to lose in trying it.


            • justintempler
              • Nov 2008
              • 3090

              Re: About to make my third order

              Originally posted by Hoovie

              So, the million dollar question... is there anything worth trying that I've missed?
              General Onyx .

              You got to try it.


              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                N&J west. Much better than east.

                Nasal snuff is a really good addition to snus. They seem to compliment each other. The snuff gives me the fast hit I miss with smokes, snus gives me a nice long term level. Like Sage said snuff is cheap. A 10 gram tin will last a long time, and with 4 or 5 or 12 flavors you're still under $20 most times and will have several weeks worth of snuff.


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  Alright Sagedil, I took your advice and placed a snuff order. Toque "Quit" (higher nicotine) and "Natural". My girlfriend is trying to quit smoking and does not like snus, so this might benefit her. I hope to enjoy it as well. I have only tried snuff once in Mongolia, some local stuff, and I suffered an uncomfortable increase in heart rate. However, who knows what the quality was like and I think I used it incorrectly -- I was definitely snorting more than sniffing. Anyway, I'll let you know how the Toque treats me


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674

                    The only nasal snuff I tried was Bruton Scotch Snuff, which is manufactured by U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Co. My first impression was "It burns!". My eyes were watering and I didn't even take a hard whiff. However, I'm sure the American nasal snuff is worse for you than European snuff. It seems that everything kind of American tobacco is far inferior to European tobacco.

                    My favorite snus right now is Lucky Strike Original. The flavor is perfect and the can is worthy of the price alone. I would recommend trying Pall Mall as well, even though I didn't enjoy it as much as Lucky Strike.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Very cool Roo, I don't think you will be disappointed.

                      Checkout Snuffhouse.org, THE snuff forum. A lot of us here are there as well. I have posted a few times, but most of my posts about snuff are here, since my snuff usage is tied so closely to my snus usage, I am more comfortable dealing with it here.

                      My best advice, learned from folks here and there, is start out with doses about pea sized. As you use more, that will probably increase. My first few attempts made my head suddenly feel like it was about to explode cause I was trying to use too much.

                      I really should just change my nym to Pied Piper. :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      • Tristik
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 654

                        Definitely need to try a can of the General Onyx. I'd also suggest a can of Catch Eucalyptus/Menthol. It's one of my personal favorites and a very popular snus.


                        • TBD
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 817

                          Avoid the dry toasts until you get some experience. The American scotchs are very fine and dry like the toasts, and much harder to use without getting eye-watering, sneezy, snorts. Toque is good and gentle, mostly. I use a lot of Toque Pomegranate, and Raspberry.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            I really liked the taste of the American Scotch I have, but could only use it for a bit before it just became too much. I suspect that i will settle on mostly Torque for a while


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