Ah, Skruf Stark Los is so good

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Ah, Skruf Stark Los is so good

    I just wanted to share my enthusiasm about getting a buysnus shipment at work today. Back in September, I gradually started smoking again (shame) and quit snus until a few weeks ago when I recommitted. I ordered nothing but strong portions twice in a row to make sure I wouldn't be too tempted by the godawful cigs. And then I realized, not only was I missing regular portions but also the Los! Reading about Los on here a week ago made me want some so bad, so I placed a premature order. Now I am home from work with a nice wad of Stark Los marinatin' in the upper, and it treats me so right.

    I've only tried a few los brands: Skruf, Grov, and General. I love not only the taste of Skruf but also how easy it is to bake. What other brands are as moist and dense as Skruf Stark? Sometimes I even roll it into a nice easy ball and place it way up there. Removal is super clean this way. Recommendations on straight tobacco flavor los with a Skruf consistency would be appreciated. Thanks
  • BrianC
    • Dec 2008
    • 463

    This thread just made me remember how much I loved the skruf cranberry which was one of my first snuses. I need to order some, and would also love to try the sterk.


    • Starcadia
      • May 2008
      • 646

      I'm a big fan too. It's the only loose I use, actually. It's in a league of its own, as far as I'm concerned, so I don't really have recommendations. V2 is coming out with some strong loose snus very soon (the Thunder line, which will have different flavors, apparently), and I very much look forward to trying it.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        I quite agree with this post. I'm afraid I haven't found any other los which bakes as cleanly as Skruf - the closest would have to be some of the V2 los I've tried recently - I haven't tried their mainstream brands los, but the limited edition Nordstrommen baked really cleanly in the same way that Skruf does and is way nicer than the V2 portions I've tried. I'm very hopeful that this Thunder los is going to be great!

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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