Nordstrommen Los Opinions

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  • Sal1000us
    • Jan 2009
    • 384

    Then it is not too bad and hopefully I'll manage. I am really excited about all the favors. I haven't drank wine in couple of months and might go buy couple of different red wines in anticipation of nordstromenn's arrival hoping there is match made in heaven between one of the flavors and one of the wines.


    • mercvrivs
      • Sep 2008
      • 484

      Dark Vanilla's pretty good. I recall that someone said that it reminded them of pipe tobacco. I had much the same impression. The aroma was very delicious, something that can't be said of snus in general. The flavor was mild, with dominant tobacco complemented by a smooth vanilla undertone. I'm looking forward to trying the Raspberry Chocolate later tonight.


      • Maximus
        • Jan 2009
        • 222

        I agree on the Dark Vanilla, it was very nice. Cream soda complimented it very well. I am having the Chocolate Raspberry right now and really like it as well. Again not overly sweet and more of an aroma and undertone that gives it a very smooth feel and flavor.


        • Sal1000us
          • Jan 2009
          • 384

          Now the wait is even harder and I really mean it. Has Nordstromenn been around for a while or is it fairly new? I heard the production will stop soon but not a definite date yet.


          • mercvrivs
            • Sep 2008
            • 484

            The Chocolate Raspberry made for a nice evening tonight. Its balance between tobacco and flavor reminds me of OR Cranberry, except with a different flavor. It bakes differently too; this one was actually the most crumbly out of all of them so far. I would definitely order this snus if it was produced regularly. It is a wonderful relaxing evening snus. Tomorrow I plan to try the Tobacco Top and maybe the Brandy Alexander the next day. So far I'm very much enjoying this limited edition (and the box is pretty cool too, although I would like to see a future one in lunchbox-style metal ). Thank you yet again for a wonderful snus V2.

            Edit: Nordstrommen hasn't been around that long, as far as I know. V2 started in 2006 I believe. It's one of their brand and seems to be their specialty brand, so to speak. As far as I know, Phantom is their traditional brand, Offroad their high flavor, and Thunder their extra strong.


            • deebocools
              • Nov 2008
              • 661

              I might get some of the dark vanilla... as vanilla skoal was great back in my dipping days, the flavor with tobacco is quite complex.

              I'd also like to comment that I'm usually annoyed by the "limited edition" game, it's a way to pump up sales when it comes out, and more than half the time They just decide to produce it year round later at the "request" of the users. I always suspect manipulation.


              • Shownarou
                • Jan 2009
                • 124

                Originally posted by deebocools
                I might get some of the dark vanilla... as vanilla skoal was great back in my dipping days, the flavor with tobacco is quite complex.

                I'd also like to comment that I'm usually annoyed by the "limited edition" game, it's a way to pump up sales when it comes out, and more than half the time They just decide to produce it year round later at the "request" of the users. I always suspect manipulation.
                It's worth buying it Limited Edition for the sweet box.


                • mercvrivs
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 484

                  The box is definitely a plus. I'm using it for odds and ends on my nightstand.

                  I am trying the Tobacco Top right now. It doesn't taste like Top rolling tobacco to me. It tastes like tobacco with a deep sweetness underneath. It actually reminds me a little bit of Backwoods cigars. Anybody else have thoughts on this one?


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    As most of you know, I'm not a big fan of V2s snus. I think all their portions are garbage, and I'm ambivalent about some of the lös.

                    Patrick was kind enough to send me a test batch of the Nordströmmen awhile ago(the threads around here somewhere). I'm quite impressed with the quality of the snus. The flavors aren't over done, and they're all pretty tasty. I didn't like the cherry(and it didn't make the cut), and the orange I didn't care for. The cherry was just plain bad. There was something wrong with the flavor, and it needed major tweaking imo. The orange would be great for someone who would like an orange snus. I'm not crazy about it, but orange isn't what I want in a snus. It's a quality flavor for those that do.

                    V2 did a great job with this snus, and I highly recommend people give it a try. All the flavors might not be for everybody, but it's a great dessert snus, and damned tasty every so often. The TOP is the only one I could use as an all day snus. The others are just a bit much for that(but a nice tasty diversion every few pris or so)


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      I really liked the TOP. I agree that it doesn't taste like the RYO tobacco. I thought it tasted like sweet pecans. Not overdone, just a mellow sweetness. Of all the flavors, it's the one I could use the most of throughout the day.


                      • mercvrivs
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 484

                        I agree, it's awesome. My favorite so far is definitely the Chocolate Raspberry, but for second it's tied between Tobacco Top and Dark Vanilla. I know one of them will triumph, it's just a matter of time.


                        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 2781

                          I'll have to try the top flavor again sometime. Maybe it will grow on me. I hope.


                          • mercvrivs
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 484

                            Dark Vanilla and Chocolate Raspberry are definitely my two favorites out of this edition, even though all of the flavors are good. I would order both of them if they were released as regular flavors. However, I think that Dark Vanilla is my overall favorite out of these because it is a more traditional flavor for tobacco, being reminiscent of many fine pipe tobaccos, and because it seems to lend itself more easily to being a snus that one could use anytime.

                            The Tobacco Top smells kind of like Skoal Berry Blend to me. Anybody else agree? It has a unique taste though, which still reminds me of certain types of cigars.

                            It's so much fun to try these different flavors. I think that I'll have to try mixing some tomorrow (creamsicle) .


                            • Maximus
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 222

                              I made a creamsicle for the Mrs. last night based on Xobe's suggestion (Dark Vanilla and Mandarine) and she loved it. I haven't tried mixing any yet as I had a partial root canal on Friday and all I can taste most of the weekend is this antiseptic taste from the the little swab thing that is under this temporary cap. Omg I want my regular taste buds back :cry:


                              • mercvrivs
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 484

                                Sorry to hear about your root canal man. I wish you swift recovery.


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