Strongly flavoured brands, in desperate need! Help!

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  • Paul Jolley

    Strongly flavoured brands, in desperate need! Help!

    Hi guys,

    I know this will come across as somewhat neanderthalic, but I am not too keen on the natural taste of the tobaccos in snus. The only kinda flavoured one I got is Jakobsson's Ice Fruit, but the minty flavour there is a bit weak. Is there a brand which specializes in pungent 'covering-up' flavours, or just separate snuses? I want the tobacco flavour to be masked. I ordered the swedish match regular portion tasting kit, and disliked them all. Sorry. I smoked menthols when I smoked, I did not the taste of cigarette tobacco either. My nasal snuff is all medicated in taste too.

    Sorry to be difficult ops:
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Do you like licorice??

    My favorite flavored snus is LD black. STRONG licorice taste, no real tobacco taste.


    • Paul Jolley

      Yeah, I love liquorice. Could give that a go, thanks. Any strongly minty/fruity ones you'd recommend?


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        Catch White Eucalyptus Portion
        Catch White Licorice Portion
        Göteborgs Rapé White Portion
        M by Mocca Anis
        Röda Lacket White Portion
        General Wintergreen (only from


        • KarlvB
          • Feb 2008
          • 681

          Originally posted by Paul Jolley
          Yeah, I love liquorice. Could give that a go, thanks.
          Try Gotlandssnus Anis (Grey) in portion or lös. One of my top five.


          • Shownarou
            • Jan 2009
            • 124

            As time goes, and you snus more, you'll be able to taste the flavors much more strongly. My personal favorite right now is cranberry Skruf or "Skruf tranbär" I started with the Jakobssons Ice Fruit, now it's almost too strong for me.. and I've got a roll of it in the freezer.. :P


            • Ainkor
              • Sep 2008
              • 1144

              Göteborgs Rapé #2 is my current staple snus.

              It has the unique flavor of Göteborgs Rapé, but added in lingonberry flavoring. What I like the most about this brand is the slow start. After about 10 minutes the flavor just pops out of nowhere and is damn good. (To me :P)

              Skruf Tranbar (Cranberry) is pretty good, but a little bitter

              Offroad Cranberry is pretty decent, if a bit sweet

              Gotlundsnus Green is berry flavored also, not much in the way of tobacco. I beleive it is elderberries. I get a strong apple like notes from it with a strangely interesting bitter aftertaste after about 40 minutes

              Catch licorice is well, licorice :P


              • KarlvB
                • Feb 2008
                • 681

                Originally posted by Ainkor
                Göteborgs Rapé #2 is my current staple snus.

                It has the unique flavor of Göteborgs Rapé, but added in lingonberry flavoring. What I like the most about this brand is the slow start. After about 10 minutes the flavor just pops out of nowhere and is damn good. (To me :P)

                Skruf Tranbar (Cranberry) is pretty good, but a little bitter

                Offroad Cranberry is pretty decent, if a bit sweet

                Gotlundsnus Green is berry flavored also, not much in the way of tobacco. I beleive it is elderberries. I get a strong apple like notes from it with a strangely interesting bitter aftertaste after about 40 minutes

                Catch licorice is well, licorice :P
                I'd second those recommendations - except for the Offroad and Catch.

                Skruf Tranbar / Gotlands Green and the GR#2 are all great flavoured snus, although I find the GR # 2 a bit too sweet.


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  I can't fault Elixyr Pepparmint which is the most "knock your socks off" mintiness I've ever experienced from a snus. It has to be the strongest flavour I've ever had from a snus - so much so that I can't tell the difference between it and it's tobacco free version - Energy Snus.

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • Paul Jolley

                    Offroad not a good one?

                    Just wondering, not many of you have championed offroad, is it not very flavoursome?


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Offroad still has a little bit of tobacco flavor.

                      I second LD Black for someone, who doesn't want tobacco-flavor at all. It really tastes like licorice-candies, no salt, no soda, no tobacco noticeable.

                      I also started with flavored snus, but more and more discovered my love for the taste of pure tobacco, which is my favorite vegetable anyway.



                      • Svarthvitt
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 97

                        I think Göteborgs Rapè is the most flavoured snus I've tried.
                        It tastes kinda flowerish, I dislike it very much really. Tastes way too syntethic :?
                        But a lot of people like it too, so I'd give it a try.


                        • Svarthvitt
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 97

                          Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                          so much so that I can't tell the difference between it and it's tobacco free version - Energy Snus.
                          Is'nt there tobacco in the Elixyr Porwe Energy stuff? :?


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Of course there is. I had no idea why he said what he did, but I just ignored it. Elyxr Energy is a strong snus.

                            Edit. OK, going to Northerner, there ARE two nicotine/tobacco free energy snuses. But they are not Elyxr as far as I can tell. never heard of them before.

                            A whole bunch of nicotine free snuses I never heard of before in fact.



                            • Svarthvitt
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 97

                              In fact, I think that Energy portion without tobacco is manufactured by Elixyr, it has the exact same tin and look of the logo. It just hasn't got the Elixyr brand on it.
                              Haven't noticed much of those nicotine-free snuses anyway. :P
                              Pretty cool look of many of the tins though. ^^
                              EDIT: They have the same manufactorer as Elixyr, Rebel Tobacco AB.


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