I'm a lot like you now. Snus has saved me so much money, cost has not been much of an issue this past year +. But when I first started, I was MUCH poorer, and it was a huge issue for me. So I know how both sides live. But I am grateful every day I am on a much sounder footing now, so get whatever snus I want. Always.
And just so you know, we aren't really that delicate here. :wink:
I think I honestly like most of the value brands more than the premium ones. It may just be that I acquired the tastes for them, I don't know. I would have no problem paying more for them if I had to, though...
The only low-priced brand I really use is Knox. I'm glad the price is as low as it is, but if it were more expensive I'd still buy it. I think the taste is wonderful.
I used Granit in the past, but I've lost my taste for the citrus flavor profile as of late. Still, when I liked it I liked it a lot. I especially liked the maxi portions and the loose.
I don't really know how I feel about Kronan. When I was first starting out, I liked their loose quite a bit, but I hated the portions. That was two years ago though and I really don't think I'd be too into it now that my allegiances lie with the less flavored brands.
I've never been much of a fan of Offroad or Phantom, but to each their own. They just aren't my thing. I found Offroad much too sweet for my palate. Phantom wasn't terrible, but it didn't grow on me.