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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    cocsp2002, I read part of what you rwrote but couldn't finish. Next time, paragraphs please.

    But let me make one point because I think I am the only one who has a problem with Getsnus and it's forum. I don't expect or care if others agree with me, but I damn well WILL express my concerns. Getsnus has rules that prevent me from ever mentioning a competing website. So there is no way to suggest to someone on their forum that there are other snuses out there that they may like or tell them where they can find them. That is just SO wrong to me. A forum is about the free flow of information.

    And I have NEVER said their forum is a threat to us. LOL, now THAT is funny. I just disrespect Getnus for doing it the way they have and feel a bit sorry for folks on their forum who don't know how much better they could have it. Have you read their forums?? I have, and it's a bit sad. But again, I can't even suggest folks check out here too,. Cause we are a competing website too. So blind newbies leading other blind newbies. I wish em all luck.

    As for the rest, of course I agree with you. I would be nasty to anyone that suggest that new folks are not welcome here. I literally spent months last year personally welcoming and offering direction to countless folks who found us after Camel introduced their snus. It was the fastest and largest growth spurt Snuson ever experienced. We handles it fine last year and are far richer today with all the cool folks who joined us then and are now experienced Swedish snusers.

    We get another surge, I will just play the same role, and we will be even richer for it next year.

    The motorcycle forum I am a moderator for experienced the same thing last year when gas hit $4.50 a gallon. We doubled in size in a mere few months. We did fine with it too, and now have a whole bunch more very cool folks playing there with us.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      I just don't want a bunch of underage pups trying to "game the system" and ruin it for the rest of us.
      New people are wonderful and the ones who genuinely want info should be welcomed. The trolls need to be dealt with as they are in every other corner of the web.
      A certain forum dealing with tobacco seems to have a bunch of loudmouth teenagers feeling superior for breaking the law. I'd hate to see that happen here.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        We have never had that problem here, why would you expect it now?

        Kids don't care much for nicotine, they care about looking cool. The nicotine needs come later as a cost of that need to look cool. I just don't see snus ever being a big deal here with kids. Completely discreet, where is the cool factor?


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Originally posted by cocsp2002
          I hate to play devils advocate here, and I know I'm probably going to make a few enemies, but I feel like some perspective is in order here. This forum has, as long as I've been a part of it, been very open and inclusive. I feel like the attitude most of you are showing in reaction to this ad is one that borders on the one you might expect from a fraternal organization or Christian Fundamentalists. Who are we to "set people right" or to "keep out the punks" or the "riff raff"? Just because we were here before the getsnus forum does not make us better, or righter, or more authoritative snusers. I think that their forum is not inferior to ours or a threat, just another avenue people who want to find a way to reduce their harm from smoking without giving up their nicotine can find an alternative. I feel that many of us are reacting with a message that if you don't get your snus advice from us, it can't be right, and how much sense does that make? We are just enthusiasts, with our own opinions and different preferences; just because me largely agree on many topics doesn't make these opinions fact. For hundreds of years the common consensus was that the earth was flat, and detractors of that theory were seen as heretics. I don't see our forum as that type of despotic "groupthink" oligarchy, and I think we should be glad someone stateside is trying to get the word out about this new product. Granted, it may become more expensive, but it may also become more available. Other tobacco companies might adopt the ingredient list as an industry standard, and the US government, upon study of snus may institute the Gothiatek standard or something like it as a requirement on more if not all smokeless products. I understand that part of the appeal of snus is its "underground" mystique, and that a change in general is an uncomfortable uncertainty, but isn't the best part about snus its relative health benefits compared to cigarettes? And isn't it selfish of us to want to keep secret that benefit from more people? I thought we wantedore people to find snus so we could live in a society where people didn't have to huddle around an ashtray in winter wind, and where our meetings at work didn't have to he interrupted by en masse smoke breaks. I don't want to offend anyone with my opinion, and I certainly don't want to make anyone feel bad for having an opinion, just put out a different perspective.


          As far as the getsnus thing goes; Good for them! I hope that their add pays off for them in the long run.

          The more customers they have, the more selection they will carry, and the faster they will move product = fresher snus for the user.


          • cocsp2002
            • Jul 2008
            • 509

            I'm sorry xobe, sage; as a fellow paragraph Nazi myself I instantly regretted what I did. I'll go back in the morning and edit in some breaks. I was having some mental diarrhea and wanted to get my thought out and was a little quick on the submit button. I have been posting lately from my iPod touch and it's so draining to type on this thing that by the time I'm done I just want to post it and be done.

            And thanks for not being angry, I was just trying to illustrate the other side of the coin. I don't want to be taxed on my snus like everyone else...although being able to go across the street and pick up my General would be sweet.


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              There...I fixed it. It should now be readable. Also, I didn't know that their forum had rules about not mentioning competing websites and so on. That's pretty crappy. I'm just saying; I think our forum is great, and theirs is still in its infancy, so let's not judge, even if we really really really really want to, because its not the members' faults that their moderators are uptight. Maybe it will cause the forum to fail, maybe it won't, but let's just let them have their fun, huh?


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                They can have any fun they like. But I am talking about it cause if Getsnus is smart, they are watching here to. Maybe they will read what I have said and think again about how they are approaching this. I certainly will NOT go to their home and be an asshole about it.

                And cocsp2002, silly man, of course I wouldn't be angry about what you posted. I knew exactly what you were doing. And it s healthy for us to always be looking at all angles, so thank you for your post.

                At the top of their web forum page....

                Welcome to the forum.

                Use of the forum is open to all GetSnus registered users. The Forum is provided as an opportunity for members to discuss snus and related topics. The basic rule for using the Forum is that you use good judgment and common sense in keeping your comments and messages reasonable. Some examples of unreasonable messages may include the use of profanity, advertising or commercial purposes, competing web sites, or disparaging an individual, a race or religion, a company, or website. In the event that certain Forum postings are questionable, the posting will be taken down, and offenders may have their privileges removed. This message area is monitored by our staff, who reserve the right to remove, edit or close a post or thread at any time. However, it is impossible to review every message, and while we will make every effort to remove objectionable material right away, by using the forum you acknowledge that all posts are the express opinions of the authors only. Therefore, in no way will GetSnus administrators or staff be held liable for any post. The IP address of all posts is recorded to assist in enforcing these terms and conditions.

                By entering you agree to be bound by these conditions.

                Thank you!


                • ShaulWolf
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 495

                  Heh, so I listen to punk rock, wear combat boots, and shave my head. That count enough towards being a punk? Wait, no, the cowboy hat kinda kills it, doesn't it? Ah well, chicks dig the cowboy thing more anyway...

                  On a serious note, I don't think we have to worry much about trolling here on this board. *knock on wood* I've gone through a bunch of posts and haven't seen any snobbishness or attempts at trolling at all. Can't say the same about some cigar forums I've been to, save for one or two where the moderators are very chill and excellent about keeping things relaxed and friendly. I think if we do get a surge of noobs we'll handle it quite well and be better for it. A forum without new blood and fresh ideas stagnates and loses out in the long run.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    The funniest thing is, we almost NEVER see the mods around. We are very self correcting. I think it just has much to do with the base from which we started. Folks, even before I found my way here, set the example and everyone just followed.

                    A very unique thing on the web.

                    And I LOVE the noobs. And you are absolutely right. Many of the folks who I first helped out as noobs are now crusty veteran snusers who do the same for the newest noobs. THAT is how you replicate yourself.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Originally posted by sagedil

                      A very unique thing on the web.
                      So true!

                      As much as we banter back and forth, this place has virtually ZERO drama. Sure there is the occasional disagreement, but I have never seen one in my time here where it hasn't ended in people agreeing to disagree and moving on with more friendly banter.

                      We have an awesome group of people here, and I feel that no matter how many more people join, the mold has already been set.

