Loose vs. Portions

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  • threei
    New Member
    • Apr 2007
    • 4

    Loose vs. Portions

    What do prefer, loose or portion snus?

    I am fairly new to snus. I thought I would prefer the loose over the portion, but it seems to be the other way around. For some reason I can't really taste the loose. Also, after about 20-30 minutes the loose starts to run in to my teeth. I've only tried a few cans of loose, General, Skruf Stark, and Roda Lacket, but I have the same problem with all of them. The General was the only one where I could actually taste something, but still wasn't as good as the portion to me.
  • littlesilverboxfromwales
    • Mar 2007
    • 118

    I am starting favour loose, I find the taste softer and less salty than portion snus. I do find (as you do) once the loose warms up it starts to become a little muddy around the edges, this may be because I enjoy agitating the snus with my tongue to release more nicotine and flavour.
    If you like a little flavouring I would recomend Probe Whiskey.
    As of yet, I am to shy to "come out" as it were, and use loose snus in public. Maybe after our forthcoming trip to Snusville (Sweden) I will have more confidence.


    • Backpacker
      • Feb 2007
      • 22

      Re: Loose vs. Portions

      Originally posted by threei
      What do prefer, loose or portion snus?

      I am fairly new to snus. I thought I would prefer the loose over the portion, but it seems to be the other way around. For some reason I can't really taste the loose. Also, after about 20-30 minutes the loose starts to run in to my teeth. I've only tried a few cans of loose, General, Skruf Stark, and Roda Lacket, but I have the same problem with all of them. The General was the only one where I could actually taste something, but still wasn't as good as the portion to me.
      Have you tried using the icetool? The loose will not run into your teeth nearly as much with the icetool because the icetool will help you pack it tighter and place it further back and up. It works well with Skruf loose.


      • Dave***t
        • Aug 2006
        • 104

        I'd like to like loose, but unfortunately it just ruins my gums. I prefer the taste and the sensation, but I can't use it for long without my gums deciding they don't like it. Spose I must have sensitive skin.

        So in the end it's portions, although not particularly by choice :?


        • phish
          • Jan 2007
          • 265

          I think loose is the ultimate. For me it tastes better, lasts longer and just seems more natural. I guess you could draw a parallel between loose/portions and tobacco/cigarettes. When I smoked I always preferred rolling tobacco over cigarettes. It also seem that a can of loose lasts longer then a can of portions.

          Saying all that I still use portions when I'm out of the house If I'm with friends then I'll just bring my icetool along and use loose but in the company of strangers loose it probably a little too weird for some people.


          • Cap'n SnusBeard
            • Jan 2007
            • 59

            Loose really does have it, for me. The difference beteen loose and portions is like the difference between a draught pint of freshly brewed local ale and a can of lager, really. In both cases, the latter's okay for convenience as a means to an end, but I definitely prefer to relax and enjoy the superior taste and texture the former whenever I get the chance.


            • Cap'n SnusBeard
              • Jan 2007
              • 59

              Loose really does have it, for me. The difference beteen loose and portions is like the difference between a draught pint of freshly brewed ale and a can of lager, really. In both cases, the latter's okay for convenience as a means to an end, but I definitely prefer to relax and enjoy the superior taste and texture the former whenever I get the chance.


              • littlesilverboxfromwales
                • Mar 2007
                • 118

                The Cap'n is right, I tell you :lol:


                • nicotinedream
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 66

                  Portions exclusively.


                  • jkou
                    New Member
                    • May 2007
                    • 4

                    Once or few times tried portion and it's not my thing, I have been using loose for 3 years and it's always such a enjoyment.


                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      packing loose has so far been a massive pain in the ass for me. Maybe it's the brand I'm using. I dunno...but I waste about half of what I take out of the can trying to pack it into a ball (I guess it's referred to as baking) because it won't stick together, falls apart after making a decent lump, and it gets all over my hands and falls off the sides, etc. and I don't feel like paying $40 for a 'tool'...any cheap alternatives that do the same thing?
                      Yes there's more tobacco in a can of loose than there is portions obviously but it's just a pain to deal with. I like popping in a portion and flinging it out when I'm done.
                      With loose it doesn't stay in the front...it starts to form it's way around the sides of my upper jaw, then leak down to my tongue illiciting spit and requiring me to spit quite a bit. Then after I'm done using it I need something to swill it and scrub it out (like a toothbrush) to get it out of the crevices.
                      However, it does seem to feel a little more comfortable to the pit of the gums and it also seems to deliver more nicotine.
                      I guess it depends on your mood and what you feel like putting up with at the time.


                      • Zero
                        • May 2006
                        • 1522

                        It just takes a bit of practice, I think. My first tin of loose was a nightmare - I hated the fuss of the stuff and couldn't get it to do anything useful, but by the end of the tin, and after figuring out how to bake the stuff, I was hooked. I'll maybe make a proper instructional video one of these days and post it up.


                        • chainsnuser
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 1388

                          Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                          ...any cheap alternatives that do the same thing?
                          Don't you know the prismaster?


                          It's not as classy as the icetool, also it gets a bit messy very soon and it gives a prilla shape, which I don't really like. But it works and even the "luxury version", including a case, costs less than 3 US-Dollars.

                          As long as you don't know, if you actually like loose snus, it really wouldn't be wise, to spend too much money for a special tool.

                          Besides of that, finger baking of snus, indeed, is a matter of practice. I, personally, will never become a master in making 'professional' prillas by hand, but they are at least sufficient.



                          • RealmofOpeth
                            • May 2007
                            • 407

                            Originally posted by Zero
                            I'll maybe make a proper instructional video one of these days and post it up.
                            Well apparently there's a couple on Youtube already. However I tried doing exactly what they were and I just screw it up. I can never get it 'round' it just ends up being triangular shaped from my last pinching of it because trying to get it round it just breaks up and I have to start over. So I just pinch it best I can and try to stuff it in trying not to destroy it in the process (still quite a bit gets knocked off and floats around my mouth).


                            • phish
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 265

                              Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                              I can never get it 'round' it just ends up being triangular shaped from my last pinching of it because trying to get it round it just breaks up and I have to start over
                              It just takes practice. It is more of an ability then a skill. Like rolling a cigarette from tobacco just keep at it and you will get there in the end


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