[Review] Marlboro Mild Snus

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  • shortiee4
    • Jun 2008
    • 115

    [Review] Marlboro Mild Snus

    So I was over my friends house about a month ago and his dad, who works for Phillip Morris, gave me a can of Marlboro Snus - the mild variety.

    I must say, the smell of this snus is interesting. It smells, and tastes, like very sweet coffee.

    Its not too bad however the material they use for the pouches is a strong cardboard. It is a bit uncomfortable.

    These are small too! They're about the size of a mini.

    Well, just sharing my experience with this snus with you all. I would not recommend getting any... its pretty bad.
  • MrAbstracto
    • Dec 2008
    • 389

    thanks for the heads up.


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      I have never tried Marlboro Snus before. It seems they are not as eager to market their product as R.J. Reynolds is with Camel Snus. From what I've heard, similar to your review, is that its similar to a piece of cardboard with a Listerine strip stuck on.

      Philip Morris should develop a real snus that tastes similar to Marlboro Reds. However, this will probably never happen.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Why?? :wink:


        • Jason
          • Jan 2008
          • 1370

          PM is probably waiting to see how Camel's version is going to do nationwide....R.J. Reynolds seems to be spending a lot of money on this venture, and if it doesn't take off it would be a considerable failure.


          • mwood72

            Originally posted by snusjus
            Philip Morris should develop a real snus that tastes similar to Marlboro Reds. However, this will probably never happen.
            That I would certainly like to try


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              Originally posted by snusjus
              Philip Morris should develop a real snus that tastes similar to Marlboro Reds. However, this will probably never happen.
              How could snus have the bitter taste of heavily perfumed 2nd or 3rd class tobacco-smoke? (At least in Germany Marlboro cigarettes where partly very good, partly garbage. Not really top-notch manufacturing, I'd say, but that may just be a problem of their German affiliate).

              Besides of that, yeah, I've smoked Marlboro Reds pretty often. It's not a taste I would totally dislike to find in snus.

              I'd prefer though to find the taste of a fine English cigarette. Also some traditional German brands come to my mind.

              I've already found the pleasing reminder of cigarette-taste in Skruf Stark BTW, very faint, but definitely noticeable.



              • DarrylR
                • Jan 2009
                • 29

                My Marlboro Red smoking cousin is convinced that the flavorant responsible for that characteristic earthy flavor is horse manure extract.

                I'm not sure that this will ever find its way into Swedish food purity law.


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