New Snuser and Introduction

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  • mortigon
    New Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 2

    New Snuser and Introduction

    I wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone here first off.

    Let me start off with a short history of my introduction to snus. Been a 1-2 pack a day smoker for the past 20 years and have tried many times to quit, usually cold turkey. A few weeks ago got a free can of Camel snus with a buy-2-get-1 free pack of smokes. So I decided to try it out and liked it quite a bit. So that day I did some research into snus and came across this forum and did lot of reading and it really peaked my interest in it.

    About a week later went to and got the free can offer of General Wintergreen. I liked it and decided that I would try to switch from smoking to snus. Once I had the real thing I could not go back to the Camel stuff, just was not the same, not even close. So last week I put in my first order of 4 cans of different types, and thus began my journey.

    My first order consisted of:
    General Onyx - great stuff, my fav so far
    General Portion - enjoy it
    General Sterk - haven't opened it yet
    Göteborgs Rapé - tastes like General portion to me, but equally good

    So far my favorite is the Onyx. It has the right amount of nicotine kick that I'm used to (being a long time smoker) and tastes great. The General Portion and Rapé are good too, but I'm unable to tell much of a taste difference. I think this is due to my taste not returning yet from all that smoking. The General Wintergreen that I tried first made my gums sore even though I switched sides whenever I popped a portion in. I took a break from snusing and they got better, then went back.

    In short I'm leaning more towards the higher nicotine portions and trying to determine which I like best, the Regular or the Whites. I will most likely switch between them for different occasions and moods. So far since I've had this Onyx portion in I've had no cravings for a smoke and am enjoying it very much. I think it will be fun trying different ones out and kicking the cig habit once and for all.

    I do have a couple of questions though. From everyone's experience, what goes best with red wine and beer? I drink mostly on the weekend with friends and would like opinions on what goes best with what I drink. The second question is, is it best to keep opened cans in the frig that I'm not going to use that day?

    Anyways I'm pleased that I found this forum and the support that it gives. Everyone seems very knowledgeable and helpful. I welcome anybody's opinion on snuses for a beginner to try. My next order will consist of more of the stronger snuses. I'm not partial to trying the los stuff yet, maybe in the future.
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Re: New Snuser and Introduction

    Originally posted by mortigon
    I do have a couple of questions though. From everyone's experience, what goes best with red wine and beer? I drink mostly on the weekend with friends and would like opinions on what goes best with what I drink. The second question is, is it best to keep opened cans in the frig that I'm not going to use that day?
    Welcome mortigon

    I prefer to use either Knox, General or Skruf Original (all in portions) when I am drinking lighter beers. For the darker beers it remains relatively similar and the General flavour profile of General goes well with ales and darker beers. Ettan is also great for these.

    For red wine I find that I prefer Grov Original portions as the chocolate-y flavour of the tobacco goes well with Shiraz (my favourite).

    The only flavoured snus I've used that goes well with beer is the Skruf Tranbar - and then only with very light beers, especially the Mexican ones.

    I tend to always store my open cans in the fridge and pop them into the office fridge when I get to work. I just don't enjoy the taste of warm snus that much. Although that is a preference it is best to store your snus in the fridge to keep it fresh when you are not carrying it around.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      First, welcome to the forum mortigon, You have begun what I hope is alifetime of adventure and healthy breathing. :wink:

      Can't really answer the red wine and beer question, drink no more than once a quarter. But you can experiment and tell us what you find. Now if you need any advice about what to snus and smoke green stuff, then I am your man. :lol: :lol:

      A couple things to try if you are using the strongs. and btw, as I was transitioning from cigarettes to snus two years ago, I used nothing BUT strong fro 2 -3 months. It was only then that I was able to back down and move mostly to regular strength portions. You might have to go through Buysnus or Northerner to get these.

      Skruff Stark
      Skruf White Stark (amazing snus, jumped to my top 5 right out the gate)
      Nick and Johnny original - classic, the go to snus for many people before the rush of new
      And the new Thunder
      I haven't had the cinnamon strong yet, but here really good things about it

      And been doing this for 2 years, I AM a portions guy. tried los, didn't really like it, LOVE portions. Everyone is a bit different in what they like and don't like with snus. You now have all the time in the world to explore everything snus has to offer and discover what YOU love.

      And again, welcome to Snuson


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440

        Welcome to the forum and good luck kicking the smoking habit. Methinks any snus that is not mint flavored works great with red wine or beer. Also there are many stark brands that will help with cravings so give a few different ones a shot. I've got a portion of Thunder in right now, lots of nicotine but it comes on slowly and steadily.


        • Old Frothingslosh
          • Jan 2009
          • 175

          Welcome Mortigon,

          I'm coming off a long cigarette habit myself, and with these magical little portions of snus I've been successful a month and a half now. I've bought a lot of single cans to see what I like, but my main go to is General Ekstra Sterk.

          I want to try some of the new sterks but right now I have enough in the freezer to last until summer. If I get any more, I'll have to toss out some meat--and I don't think my wife will like that.

          Good luck and enjoy the snus!

