Grovsnus fans, read this thread

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Grovsnus fans, read this thread

    I have a little grovsnus snus bag that I never use.

    Over the next day or so, I want everybody who would like this item to respond to this thread telling me why they deserve to own this Grovsnus bag.

    The person who tickles me the most, whether it be literary, artistically, comedically or whatever method you choose to use will get this bag.

    I will pay the postage and I will ship to any snuson member no matter where in the world they may be.

    Let the games begin!
  • luckysealy
    • Dec 2008
    • 281

    i can have that bag if i literally tickle you? wow what an offer.


    • Starcadia
      • May 2008
      • 646

      I don't need the bag so much as the one I already have needs a partner.

      Not really.


      • cocsp2002
        • Jul 2008
        • 509

        You should send me that bag because I know that next week V2 is going to custom embroider you a "phantom thunder" bag and ship it to your front door as part of their "we love kevin" policy, and you won't have any use for a mass-produced, non custom POS anyway.

        Or you could just hook up a fellow GA redneck.


        • vodkaniac
          • Dec 2008
          • 68

          I just posted in the square vs. round snus containers thread - basically saying that I don't carry my snus around with me because the circular impression it leaves in your pocket readily indentifies you as a dip user.

          I like this bag because I could now carry my snus around with me and most people would not automatically assume it's dip. And if ever I am questioned about it, I can, either explain the joys of Swedish snus or make up a to-tell-the-truth type story about the bag. Maybe I could say it holds my my grandmother's ashes. We were close. GrovSnus? It's Swedish for grandma.

          The bag is pretty cool. I'd love to have it. And the bag would only have to travel from the coast of GA to the metro Atlanta area...


          • Dead Rabbit
            • Mar 2008
            • 315

            I deserve that bag because I'm Howard Roark.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Dead Rabbit deserves the bag just for posting the Thunder shit thread. A true here lol!


              • Sacrilicious
                • Nov 2007
                • 118

                You should give me that bag because I've been told I don't accessorize good enough. I think it would look real sharp along with my Guatemalan fanny pack and embroidered bell bottoms! ops:


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  Dead Rabbit deserves the bag just for posting the Thunder shit thread. A true here lol!
                  LOL, I have to admit that I am tempted to bump that thread just so I can see it listed in the new topics on the home page.


                  • meta
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 34

                    The Top 10 Reasons Why the Bag Should Go to Meta

                    10. I asked Paris Hilton her thoughts. She answered, "It's Hot."

                    9. The snus stored in said bag will only be used while reading the final, published revision of 'the stimulus package' (which, at last count numbers about 1419 pages) and trying to figure out exactly which parts of me are/should be stimulated.

                    8. When fighting crime at night dressed as a nearly-blind, winged rodent, my left side is just a few ounces light. The lack of balance is racking up one heckuva chiropractic bill.

                    7. When traveling for business I could tell the women I meet at hotel bars, 'This is where I keep my condoms. They're too big to fit in my wallet."

                    6. "GROVSNUS", backwards, is "SUNS VORG". My son's name is "Vorg". Coincidence? You decide.

                    5. In my line of work, assassination attempts are not unheard of. It's bullet-proof, right?

                    4. It could/would serve as a backup scrotum, which is always a good thing to have. And, judging by your hand-size... yeah, that would do.

                    3. I've been told the color compliments my eyes. (What the hell color is that, anyway? Salmon?)

                    2. I was 'voted off' last time just because I didn't have one.

                    And the number one reason the bag should go to Meta:

                    1. My wife said she will consider having sex with me again if I wear it to bed.


                    • Dead Rabbit
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 315

                      Originally posted by Jason
                      Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      Dead Rabbit deserves the bag just for posting the Thunder shit thread. A true here lol!
                      LOL, I have to admit that I am tempted to bump that thread just so I can see it listed in the new topics on the home page.
                      ha ha....i seem to be thinking the opposite...i tried to see if there was a way to delete the entire thread


                      • apocalicious
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 34

                        Re: Grovsnus fans, read this thread

                        hey xobe lemme holla at swank snus bag. Cuz i know u got plenty of dank snus shwag. O and on my pocket indent my friends wont rag. And when i have no belt my pants wont sag. cuz xobe really if you hook a brother up with that bag. Maybe the hipsters wont call me a redneck fag. O xobe dont you see that bag is right for me and if you send it to me ill be rosy with glee. OOOOO XOBE YOU BARELY KNOW ME BUT I NEED THAT BAG. AND IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME YOU WOULD GIVE ME SOME SHWAG. NOT TALKIN BOUT BRICK WEED TALKIN BOUT DAT BAG. AND IF YOU DONT WANNA HEAR ME NAAAAAGGGG. SEND ME THAT BAAAAAG. thanks folks ill be here all week


                        • joshua
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 214

                          I need that bag, because sometimes my balls get cold.


                          • ShaulWolf
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 495

                            -I want the bag because it'd be damned nifty to have on my flak vest after I graduate.

                            -Because it's a pain in the ass to have a loose can of snus in your pocket when fending off zombies around the barracks.

                            -Because it'd push me to get more Grovsnus.

                            -Because I can't think of any more random reasons and would just like it.

                            We could all roll for stats and battle it out with 2d6's too... <.< >.> Shit, I think I just lost my chance now.


                            • TBD
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 817

                              I should win so my wife could re-embroider it to say Phantom. Or I could just isolate the V an S , then alter the S to look like a 2 , then I have a nifty V2 snus bag.
                              Just kidding and being a post whore.


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