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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    I'm in a tough situation here.

    Meta was definitely #1 until Shaul mentioned Zombies. Zombies are pure win in my book.

    We need to have a second competition here.

    Meta Vs Shaul for the snus bag:

    Tell me in your best words how you would help me survive a zombie invasion.



    • ShaulWolf
      • Jan 2009
      • 495

      Well... I can nail a groundhog in the head at 65 yards with an old Ruger10/22 and a slight 5mph crosswind...

      Bugger messed with grandma's garden. So she put a hit on him and his family and contracted me. Grandma's gardens are now secure.

      But asides from guns I'm also half Vietnamese, which is an instant bonus for stealth, dexterity, bladed weapons, and laying traps. Any further arguments can be summed up with these two videos made before I started lifting weight and gaining more strength to do crazy stuff.

      <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed>

      <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed>


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        i can hit a squirrel in the eye with a pump action bb rifle from 70 yards...only did it once then traded that for a real one ...i was 15...zombies dont want to **** with me now escpecially with expert in marksmanship...but i dont want the bag...just to be thrown into the middle of a zombie seige


        • ShaulWolf
          • Jan 2009
          • 495

          Hah, texasmade. We had a third zombie outbreak in the barracks on Devil's Night this year. Ended up having to go out and thin out their ranks as they went from company area to company area infecting others. We weren't allowed to post the footage because the administration didn't want any possible "hazing" charges coming from the vids. I think they were the cause of the outbreak and didn't want any proof of it ever surfacing... <.< >.>


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            i used to think my gunny was a zombie...he'd just stand there...but instead of brains he wanted pain...for us of course...i hated him so much the first couple of days


            • ShaulWolf
              • Jan 2009
              • 495

              Oh man... don't get me started on Gunnery Sgts that you hate... I know a couple who are just plain AWESOME! But then there's Gunny Carmen... Actually, he'll chew you out if he even thinks you've referred to him as "Gunny". I walked into the Navy ROTC Department to get Major Prichard, the XO, or Col. Fredricks, the CO, to sign off on some paperwork. And Gunny Carmen looks up from his stack of papers and sees me looking for the secretary. And he gets this look; you know that look. The look that makes you think, 'damnit... here we go again.'

              He gets up and stalks towards me, hunched forward, jaws set in a perpetual scowl. "Can I help you, son?!" he growls at me while he folds his arms across his chest.

              "Yeah, I'm-"
              "UH?!!!!1 UH?!!!1 UH WHAT?! WHAT?!!"

              You can guess where this went for the next few minutes. Just answering questions with no real right answers. And the he grabs my shirt sleeve and leads me from officer to officer asking if I belong to them like a kindergartner. And I'm looking at him like he's an idiot who's lost his mind while the officers are looking at him with utter annoyance.

              And Maj. Prichard steps out of his office with Col. Fredricks.

              "Mr. Nguyen! What's going on?" he asks me with this amused and confused look.
              "I think I'm having a bad day, sir?" I reply, still looking at the Gunny with the 'you're a retard' look.
              "I noticed! Tell you what, Mr. Nguyen. You stand outside my office. Gunnery Sgt, we need to have a small chat."

              Yelling ensues, with the Gunny being told he ****ed up his paperwork among other things. To which he replied to Maj. Prichard 'I didn't know that was the wrong form'. That didn't fly over well. And he's sent back to his office and I'm welcomed and asked to sit down while we go over the papers. XP


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                lol well i liked my gunny..the talk we had started about school...then ended up about my sex life in was great...later that night all of us went out and he bought me a drink..but after boot when i got to my first duty station i had a SSGT that was a complete dick...we got along but everything was my fault...high scores and everytime somebody ****ed up..."Corporal Simmons WTF!!! WHY IS THIS PAPER HERE...DID I SAY I FELT LIKE READING...DO I LOOK LIKE A ****ING LIBRARIAN!!" lol...


                • ShaulWolf
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 495

                  The last Gunny was pretty damn cool. Gunny Grubs. Again, he didn't let you call him Gunny unless you were really outstanding, but he didn't chew you out to hear his own voice. We were going over disassembling the M9 Beretta and I already knew how. He kept telling me to take it slow and to go by the numbers, then when he noticed I was already ahead of him he told me to help out anyone having trouble. Pretty cool guy. Guess I better get used to Gunny Carmen, though... gonna be plenty like him in OCS.


                  • texasmade
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4159

                    i was gonna go to OCS...wanted to do the whole 20


                    • Huskysibe
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 98

                      I think I should get the bag so I can unstitch Grov and restitch Phantom on it. Phantom Blue FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        Originally posted by Huskysibe
                        I think I should get the bag so I can unstitch Grov and restitch Phantom on it. Phantom Blue FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • ShaulWolf
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 495

                          Chief, with all due respect that's an idea the Gunnery Sgt would have come up with. XP


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159



                            • Kerprodo
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 138

                              I would have wanted it just because buysnus gypped me on it, But damn if the zombies want it give it to them


                              • jamesstew
                                • May 2008
                                • 1440

                                Give it to me because General Zod demands it!!!


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