cranberry offroad...

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  • Winter Wooskie
    • Aug 2008
    • 78

    cranberry offroad...

    one word...NASTY...of course that is my smells like poo, tastes like poo, and upon cutting open a portion to see what i had on my hands, i found sawdust, it wasnt dry really, just looks like sawdust, not like tobacco at all...i got this can for a dollar...1 dollar! off getsnus, it was free, shipping was a dollar, so i said what the heck ill do it who could turn down a can of snus for a dollar...

    sooooo im wondering who here LIKES cranberry offroad...i know others are fans of offroad...but the cranberry kind?

    also i was curious to see how it compared to skruf cranberry...cause that to me sounded good, but if its anything like this, no way jose!

    well thanks,
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    I actually have a huge pris of it in right now

    The offroad is far better and more natural tasting than the Skruf.


    • Winter Wooskie
      • Aug 2008
      • 78

      hahaha i am giving it another shot as we speak, i got a portion in...but god it smells bad...i know smell and taste are unrelated but man.

      correct me if im worng, but offroad is american? i kinda like the can, nice and simple graphics, red and black, but the warning is in english.

      AND there is no expiration date?! just a getsnus sticker on the bottom.


      • Dunno
        • Feb 2009
        • 94

        Well that's not real reassuring - I just ordered it


        • Winter Wooskie
          • Aug 2008
          • 78

          lol PLEASE dont take any advice from me, i havent been snusing very long...look forward to it dunno, it might just be your new favorite...i just cant for the life of me find an expiration date.


          • Dunno
            • Feb 2009
            • 94

            try peeling of the getsuns sticker, maybe it's under that


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              Offroad is V2 from Denmark.

              And don't worry Dunno, OR Cran is fantastic


              • Winter Wooskie
                • Aug 2008
                • 78

                nope! good thinkin though...i searched ever square millimeter of that can, not a single exp date!

                oh well!


                • Dunno
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 94

                  Originally posted by Xobeloot
                  Offroad is V2 from Denmark.

                  And don't worry Dunno, OR Cran is fantastic
                  Haha - I'm taking everything I read here with a grain of salt after trying out General, which is beginning to grow on me.


                  • Paul Jolley

                    Hey Winter, why don't you try Offroad Wintergreen? It's my favourite snus so far, and in a short space of time (3 weeks) I've tried quite a few. Give it a go.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      I have some OR Cran los in 50g cans that is about a year old in my fridge, never been frozen and it is just fine.


                      • Maximus
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 222

                        I like the OR Cranberry as well. I have never been a huge Cranberry fan but something about the slightly sweet slightly tart taste has been a hit with me. Give it some more time and maybe try some other stuff and comeback to it. I'm finding that sometimes if I'm not sure about something that if I come back to it later in the day or week that I can really taste a difference.


                        • Sal1000us
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 384

                          Winter wooskie, I think yours must be pretty old or something must have gone wrong with the snus. I have pris in right now and it smells and also tastes real good. I just smelled the snus in the can and it smells real sweet & nice. The expiration date is on a big round white label on the bottom of the can and reads: 11.5.2009


                          • cocsp2002
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 509

                            OR cranberry los is fantastic, although it happens to upset my stomach, personally. All of the OR los flavors I've tried, in fact, were excellent. The portions, OTOH, are, to be kind, lackluster. (read that disgusting, BTW)

                            I suggest giving the los a try before you write it off.


                            • Winter Wooskie
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 78

                              yeah in fact i have 9 cans, all different, except 2 cans of granit maxi which i like, gives me just the perfect buzz, i think its got 12mg of nicotine...but ill keep workin on this cranberry...and i think next ill order offroad wintergreen, and luckystrike...i like the sweeter snus', actually i like it when they are really sweet, like camel frost or if you have any suggestions, hit me! i like it SWEET!

                              i still have this cranberry portion in, and its not that terrible i guess, lol but i cant get over the smell

                              thanks guys


                              edit: btw sal100us i dont have any label on the bottom expect for a small getsnus sticker, which i removed, so now its just all black! nothin!

